7,703 research outputs found

    mSpace Mobile: Exploring Support for Mobile Tasks

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    In the following paper we compare two Web application interfaces, mSpace Mobile and Google Local in supporting location discovery tasks on mobile devices while stationary and while on the move. While mSpace Mobile performed well in both stationary and mobile conditions, performance in Google Local dropped significantly. We postulate that mSpace Mobile performed so well because it breaks the paradigm of the page for delivering Web content, thereby enabling new and more powerful interfaces to be used to support mobility

    mSpace: improving information access to multimedia domains with multimodal exploratory search

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    Overview of mSpace interaction approach for presenting exploratory search particularly in the audio domain by using slices, preview cues, and user-determined organization of information from high-dimensional space

    mSpace Mobile: a UI Gestalt to Support On-the-Go Info-Interaction

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    mSpace Mobile Interaction presents a UI gestalt of 7 techniques for mobile/on-the-move information retrieval and assessment that enables multiple views of the information within a persistent focus+context viewer. It uses the web but breaks the web page paradigm to support effective rapid triage

    Spatial Consistency and Contextual Cues for Incidental Learning in Browser Design

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    This paper introduces the Backward Highlighting technique for mitigating an identified flaw in directional column-faceted browsers like iTunes. Further, the technique significantly enhances the information that can be learned from the columns and encourages further interaction with facet items that were previously restricted from use. After giving a detailed overview of faceted browsing approaches, the Backward Highlighting technique is described along with possible implementations. Two of these possible implementations are compared to a control condition to statistically prove the value of Backward Highlighting. The analysis produces design recommendations for implementing the Backward Highlighting technique within faceted browsers that choose the directional column approach. The paper concludes with future work on how to further improve on the statistically proven advantages provided by the Backward Highlighting technique

    The Metadata is the Message

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    The question "What is Web Science" is still frequently asked - even by authors of papers about Web Science. In this position paper we consider what part of the Web Science cycle makes this cycle emblematically "Web Science" rather than another form of either Law and Technology or Sociology and Technology or Computer Science and HCI. Based on our research developing and evaluating Semantic Web / Web 2.0 applications, and observations of current practice, we suggest that the particularity of Web Science is strongly correlated to a focus on human repurposing of particular Web technologies to support ever more rapid types of increased social contact. Based on this analysis, we ask how Web Science may help understand and shape this phenomenon, and what the implications may be for embracing this focus as a necessary criteria for assessing Web Science relevance of research work

    Apple-Polishers, Ass-Kissers and Suck-Ups: Towards a Sociology of Ingratiation

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    In this paper we use one form of communicative action, “brownnosing”, as a social lens for understanding power relations in both formal, organizational contexts and interpersonal relationships. We investigate this phenomenon by assessing processes of ingratiation at school and work settings. We do so using data collected from over one hundred student respondents to ascertain the meanings, uses, and outcomes of brownnosing. The study finds that members of the “millennial generation” develop skills in both the act of brownnosing and the detection of this form of communication as they participate in a variety of contexts, including family, school, work, and interpersonal relationships. Utilizing power-dependence models for analysis, our data suggest that brownnosing, as an organizational resource, commonly reflects the structural arrangements of both school and the workplace. We draw upon organizational and exchange theories in the interpretation of the data

    Continuum: designing timelines for hierarchies, relationships and scale

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    Temporal events, while often discrete, also have interesting relationships within and across times: larger events are often collections of smaller more discrete events (battles within wars; artists' works within a form); events at one point also have correlations with events at other points (a play written in one period is related to its performance, or lack of performance, over a period of time). Most temporal visualisations, however, only represent discrete data points or single data types along a single timeline: this event started here and ended there; this work was published at this time; this tag was popular for this period. In order to represent richer, faceted attributes of temporal events, we present Continuum. Continuum enables hierarchical relationships in temporal data to be represented and explored; it enables relationships between events across periods to be expressed, and in particular it enables user-determined control over the level of detail of any facet of interest so that the person using the system can determine a focus point, no matter the level of zoom over the temporal space. We present the factors motivating our approach, our evaluation and implementation of this new visualisation which makes it easy for anyone to apply this interface to rich, large-scale datasets with temporal data

    A Tool in the Kit: Uses of Bullshitting among Millennial Workers

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    This study explores the nature, use, and social organization of one form of communicative action that is common in everyday life -- bullshitting. We use this form of communication to assess the ways in which dimensions of community, power and status are created in interaction. Abiding by the canons of ethnographic content analysis, we gathered data from over one hundred student respondents to ascertain the behaviors, utterances, and stories that people define as bullshitting. The study finds that members of the millennial generation hone skills both in the telling and detection of this form of communication as they participate in a variety of contexts, including school, work, and interpersonal relationships. Special attention is given to the ways in which bullshitting is used as a cultural resource for agentive action. Dramaturgical and organizational theories are drawn upon in theorizing the data

    Ribosome Rescue, Nearing the End

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    In eukaryotes, Dom34 is involved in the rescue of ribosomes that stall on mRNAs during protein synthesis. Using ribosome profiling, Guydosh and Green reveal that, in addition to rescue of ribosomes stalled on truncated mRNAs, Dom34 also recycles ribosomes that are unexpectedly found in the 3â€Č untranslated regions of many cellular mRNAs

    Educating Staff on Ethics and Professionalism

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    Students who are reinstated to an institution after being dismissed for poor academic performance need a program to assist them in overcoming the problems that contributed to their poor performance. One college at a mid-sized public university provides a holistic reinstatement program (Excel) that addresses the many needs of these students. The purpose of this article is to describe the Excel program, which is designed to contribute to the success of reinstated students and consequently improve the university’s retention rate
