113,046 research outputs found

    Seasonal and Vertical Distributions of Planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) Within a Black Walnut Plantation

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    Information on the seasonal and vertical distributions of 34 species (eight families) of planthoppers was obtained from window trap collections in a North Carolina black walnut plantation in 15 and 1978. The most commonly collected species were Acanalonia conica (Acanaloniidael. Liburniella ornata (Delphacidae), Oliarus ecologus (Cixiidae), and O. quinquelineatus

    Research instrumentation for tornado electromagnetics emissions detection

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    Instrumentation for receiving, processing, and recording HF/VHF electromagnetic emissions from severe weather activity is described. Both airborne and ground-based instrumentation units are described on system and subsystem levels. Design considerations, design decisions, and the rationale behind the decisions are given. Performance characteristics are summarized and recommendations for improvements are given. The objectives, procedures, and test results of the following are presented: (1) airborne flight test in the Midwest U.S.A. (Spring 1975) and at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida (Summer 1975); (2) ground-based data collected in North Georgia (Summer/Fall 1975); and (3) airborne flight test in the Midwest (late Spring 1976) and at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida (Summer 1976). The Midwest tests concentrated on severe weather with tornadic activity; the Florida and Georgia tests monitored air mass convective thunderstorm characteristics. Supporting ground truth data from weather radars and sferics DF nets are described

    The micrometeoroid experiment on the OGO 2 satellite

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    Micrometeoroids in earths dust cloud obtained from OGO-B satellit

    Gravity-driven draining of a thin rivulet with constant width down a slowly varying substrate

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    The locally unidirectional gravity-driven draining of a thin rivulet with constant width but slowly varying contact angle down a slowly varying substrate is considered. Specifically, the flow of a rivulet in the azimuthal direction from the top to the bottom of a large horizontal cylinder is investigated. In particular, it is shown that, despite behaving the same locally, this flow has qualitatively different global behaviour from that of a rivulet with constant contact angle but slowly varying width. For example, whereas in the case of constant contact angle there is always a rivulet that runs all the way from the top to the bottom of the cylinder, in the case of constant width this is possible only for sufficiently narrow rivulets. Wider rivulets with constant width are possible only between the top of the cylinder and a critical azimuthal angle on the lower half of the cylinder. Assuming that the contact lines de-pin at this critical angle (where the contact angle is zero) the rivulet runs from the critical angle to the bottom of the cylinder with zero contact angle, monotonically decreasing width and monotonically increasing maximum thickness. The total mass of fluid on the cylinder is found to be a monotonically increasing function of the value of the constant width

    Performance characteristics of a thermionic converter with a /110/ tungsten emitter and a collector of niobium with trace amounts of tungsten and niobium carbide on the surface

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    Comparison of thermionic tungsten /110/ converter performances with niobium collectors and nickel collectors at various emitter, collector and cesium reservoir temperature

    Characteristics of a thermionic converter with a chloride vapor deposited tungsten emitter /110/ and a collector of molybdenum deposited on niobium

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    Performance characteristics of parallel plane, variable spaced thermionic converter with tungsten emitter and molybdenum-niobium collecto

    The Stokes boundary layer for a thixotropic or antithixotropic fluid

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    We present a mathematical investigation of the oscillatory boundary layer (‘Stokes layer’) in a semi-infinite fluid bounded by an oscillating wall (the socalled ‘Stokes problem’), when the fluid has a thixotropic or antithixotropic rheology. We obtain asymptotic solutions in the limit of small-amplitude oscillations, and we use numerical integration to validate the asymptotic solutions and to explore the behaviour of the system for larger-amplitude oscillations. The solutions that we obtain differ significantly from the classical solution for a Newtonian fluid. In particular, for antithixotropic fluids the velocity reaches zero at a finite distance from the wall, in contrast to the exponential decay for a thixotropic or a Newtonian fluid. For small amplitudes of oscillation, three regimes of behaviour are possible: the structure parameter may take values defined instantaneously by the shear rate, or by a long-term average; or it may behave hysteretically. The regime boundaries depend on the precise specification of structure build-up and breakdown rates in the rheological model, illustrating the subtleties of complex fluid models in non-rheometric settings. For larger amplitudes of oscillation the dominant behaviour is hysteretic. We discuss in particular the relationship between the shear stress and the shear rate at the oscillating wall

    Characteristics of a thermionic converter with a chloride vapor deposited tungsten emitter /110/ and a nickel collector

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    Thermionic coverter with chloride vapor deposited tungsten emitter and nickel collecto

    SWKB Quantization Rules for Bound States in Quantum Wells

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    In a recent paper by Gomes and Adhikari (J.Phys B30 5987(1997)) a matrix formulation of the Bohr-Sommerfield quantization rule has been applied to the study of bound states in one dimension quantum wells. Here we study these potentials in the frame work of supersymmetric WKB (SWKB) quantization approximation and find that SWKB quantization rule is superior to the modified Bohr-Sommerfield or WKB rules as it exactly reproduces the eigenenergies.Comment: 8 page
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