26 research outputs found

    Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia dalam Wacana Merebut Tafsir Gender Pasca Reformasi: Sebuah Tinjauan Genealogi

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    Tahun 2017, Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia (KUPI) Pertama kali terselenggara di Pondok Pesantren Kebon Jambu al-Islamy, Cirebon. Kehadiran KUPI merepresentasi ulama perempuan dalam wacana produksi pengetahuan berbasis gender di pesantren. Tulisan ini menganalisis preseden awal KUPI tentang jaringan produksi pengetahuan isu gender di pesantren. Genealogi Michel Foucault adalah pisau analisis akademis pada wacana gender di pesantren dalam pembahasan ini. Wacana ini tersebar dalam diskursus ruang publik yang berserakan tapi belum pada lingkungan pesantren terutama pada pengetahuan tentang ulama perempuan. Agensi Pengetahuan tentang perempuan ulama membentuk cara pandang baru tentang etika personal, modal perumusan kaidah Fiqih, dan arah pengetahuan berbasis gender. KUPI adalah salah satu  ruang publik pada konsepsi pengetahuan gender di pesantren yang dikuasai oleh dominasi patriarkis. KUPI mewakili suara gender pesantren baik secara digital ataupun public terbuka pasca reformasi dengan berbagai kemunculan para aktivis gender pesantren. [In 2017, the Indonesian Women's Ulama Congress (KUPI) was first held at the Pesantren Kebon Jambu al-Islamy Islamic, Cirebon. KUPI represents female ulama in the discourse of gender-based knowledge of pesantren decision in Islamic living production. This paper Talks KUPI's initial presentation on the network of gender knowledge in pesantren. Michel Foucault's genealogy is the academic analysis on gender discourse in pesantren living law in Fiqih Process discussion. This issue is spread in the scattered public space discourse, but not yet in the pesantren environment, especially in the knowledge of female clerics. The Agencies on women ulama forms a new perspective on personal ethics, the formula new Fiqh rules, and the direction of gender-based knowledge. KUPI is one of the spaces in the conception of gender knowledge in pesantren which is dominated by patriarchal domination. KUPI represents the gender voice of pesantren both digitally and publicly after the reformation with the pesantren gender activists.

    Internalisasi Nilai Musyawarah/Mufakat Melalui Pembelajaran Sosiologi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Duduk Adoik

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    This study aims to describe the internalization of the value of deliberation/consensus through Sociology learning based on the local wisdom of Duduk Adoik at SMA Negeri 5 Sungai Penuh. This study involved a qualitative approach with a case study method. The selection of informants was made by using the purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques observed a series of learning activities conducted by the teacher in the classroom. The interviews were conducted by asking structured and open questions to the informants, and the last technique was the study of documentation. The data analysis was carried out through data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. This study also used data triangulation techniques to test the data's validity: observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The result of the research showed that the value of deliberation/consensus through Sociology learning based on the local wisdom of Duduk Adoik had been internalized in SMA Negeri 5 Sungai Penuh City by using a role-playing learning model. Students play the role of Duduk Adoik in class through role-playing. They animate the roles in Duduk Adoik and the procedure for implementing deliberation in making decisions so that the value of Duduk Adoik can be internalized within students

    Penggunaan Instagram dalam Pembelajaran: Apa Pengaruhnya terhadap Kreativitas Siswa?

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    Abstract: The development of social media including Instagram today provides many variations and benefits. Creativity applied by teachers in producing learning content can be used as an interesting and innovative learning reference during hybrid learning (a combination of online and offline). This study aims to analyze the Instagram features that encourage students to create a personal work that enhances student creativity. The method used in this study is a mixed method of explanatory sequential type. The population used as the object of this research is active high school students amount 300 samples obtained through purposive sampling technique. The instruments used in collecting data are quetionare and interview. The data from the quantitative questionnaire results and the qualitative results from the interviews were accumulated and interpreted to produce a more specific description of the discussion. The findings in this study, namely that there is an influence from the existence of a learning evaluation that utilizes Instagram’s post and story features on the creative thinking ability of high school students. Abstrak: Perkembangan media sosial termasuk Instagram saat ini memberikan banyak variasi dan manfaat. Kreativitas yang diterapkan oleh guru dalam menghasilkan konten pembelajaran bisa dijadikan referensi pembelajaran yang menarik dan inovatif selama pembelajaran hybrid (gabungan daring dan luring). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fitur Instagram yang mendorong siswa untuk menciptakan sebuah karya pribadi yang meningkatkan kreativitas siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu mixed method jenis sequensial eksplanatoris. Populasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian ini adalah siswa aktif SMA sebanyak 300 sampel yang diperoleh melalui teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah angkat dan wawancara. Data hasil kuantitatif angket dan hasil kualitatif wawancara diakumulasi dan diinterpretasi untuk menghasilkan penjabaran pembahasan yang lebih spesifik. Temuan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu terdapat pengaruh dari adanya evaluasi pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan fitur postingan dan cerita Instagram terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa SMA

    Pengaruh Perilaku Active Defending pada Bystander terhadap Pencegahan Bullying (Studi Kasus Siswa SMA di Kota Medan)

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    The issue of bullying has become a serious problem in the world of education. Whereas schools should be places of learning that are safe for students to improve their academic knowledge and social life. There are three central roles involved in bullying events, namely: perpetrator, victim, and eye witness or bystander. Active defending behavior is a type of bystander (witnesses) who takes the role of the victim to help when bullying occurs. The purpose of this study was to measure and determine the effect of active defending behavior on bystanders in preventing bullying among high school students. Explanative quantitative type approach with survey method will be used in this study. The results of this study show that the value of F = 0.730 and the value of Sig 0.849 > 0.05. Then, the results of the data analysis of the value of the coefficient of determination of the independent variable active defending is 0.64 so that it can be stated that active defending has an effect on preventing bullying in students by 6.4% while there are several other things that also affect prevention of bullying in students by 93.6% but not mentioned in the this research. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference to reduce the problem of bullying in schools by intensifying preventive measure

    Strategi Pengembangan Kemampuan Resolusi Konflik Melalui Pembelajaran Sosiologi bagi Peserta Didik Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    This study aims to describe strategies for developing conflict resolution skills through sociology learning for high school students. This research method used case studies with a qualitative approach. The informants in this study were sociology teachers, students, and school principals. Informants were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection in this study was carried out by observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique of this research used interactive analysis, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Testing the validity of the data in this study used a triangulation technique. The results of this study found that the development of conflict resolution skills through sociology learning for students at SMA Negeri 7 Makassar used the case study method. Students analyzed the cases presented by the teacher to find solutions to the problems of these cases. Through the case study method, students practiced dealing with conflict situations and encouraged them to analyze how to deal with conflicts appropriately to develop conflict resolution abilities


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    Disertasi ini bertajuk “Praktik Pola Asuh Ayah dalam Membina Karakter Anak di Lingkungan Keluarga Tenaga Kerja Wanita” (Studi kasus pada Keluarga TKW di Desa Sindangmulya Kecamatan Kutawaluya Kabupaten Karawang). Masalah pokok penelitian ini adalah, ”Bagaimana praktik pola asuh ayah dalam membina karakter anak di lingkungan keluarga TKW tersebut ?”. Pola asuh di lingkungan keluarga yang antara lain bertujuan membina karakter anak, seharusnya dilakukan bersama-sama oleh ayah dan ibu. Namun, ketika ibu tidak di rumah, otomatis tanggung jawab pengasuhan anak beralih sepenuhnya kepada ayah, yang juga berstatus sebagai pencari nafkah bagi keluarganya. Karena bertujuan mengungkapkan secara mendalam gambaran praktik pola asuh ayah dalam membina karakter anak di lingkungan keluarga TKW tersebut, maka dipilih pendekatan kualitatif. Responden penelitian ini adalah para ayah yang istrinya bekerja sebagai TKW di Saudi Arabia; beserta anak-anak mereka. Teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi; wawancara mendalam; dan studi literatur. Teknik analisis data, diawali dengan reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Bersamaan dengan itu, dilakukan triangulasi sumber data, sebagai salah satu komponen uji kredibilitas data dalam penelitian kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tampak, tipologi pola asuh dominan yang dilakukan ayah, yaitu autoritatif, dengan karakteristik sikap pengasuhan penuh kasih sayang dan kehangatan, pemberian kebebasan disertai batasan tertentu terhadap anak, komunikasi harmonis antara ayah dan anak, pengembangkan kemandirian anak; serta menghormati pendapat dan keputusan anak, sebagai penghargaan terhadap keberadaan mereka; nilai-nilai karakter yang dibinakan meliputi religius, jujur, tanggung jawab, toleransi, rasa ingin tahu, peduli lingkungan, bersahabat/komunikatif, peduli sosial, kreatif, demokratis, disiplin, kerja keras, dan mandiri; perbedaan tipologi pola asuh ayah, menghasilkan karakter anak yang berbeda juga; intensitas interaksi antara ayah dengan anak; anak dengan anak dipengaruhi tipe pola asuh ayah; peran keluarga luas cukup penting dalam pengasuhan dan pembinaan karakter anak di lingkungan keluarga TKW tersebut.; Dissertation entitled “Father Parenting Practice in Building Children Character in Family Life of Women Labor” was a case study in women labor family at Sindangmulya the district of Kutawaluya, Karawang. The significance of the study was “How fathers led their parenting way in building children character in particular family scope ?”. One of the goals of raising children in the family was to build character ideally conducted by both mother and father. However, in the case of mother’s absentee, the responsibility to raise children automatically fulfill solely by the father who still has to fulfill the role as the breadwinner in the family. To deeply describe the way father parenting practice in building character in the related field, qualitative research was chosen. The respondents of the research were the fathers and children in which the mothers had to work as labor in Arabia. The data collected through observation, interview, and literature study. The analysis of the data was compiled by data reduction, data display, and summarization. Along the way, triangulation was also completed as the component of data credibility test in qualitative research. The findings showed parenting typology directed by fathers was authoritative, typically characterized by warm and affective raising, respective independency given, noble communication between children and fathers, children independency development, respects towards children’s viewpoint and decision, and the appreciation of their existence. Character values nurtured covering religiosity, honesty, responsibility, tolerance, curiosity, environment awareness, communicative competence, social awareness, creativity, democracy, discipline, hard work, and independency. Different father’s typology of parenting resulted in different children’s character. The intensity of interaction between children and fathers and among the children themselves was also affected. Likewise, the role of extended family was also crucial in raising children and building their character in women labor family

    Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Keindonesiaan bagi Peserta Didik Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    This study aims to describe the knowledge and understanding of teachers of multicultural education in improving the Indonesian character of students at SMAN 3 Tualang. This study employed a case study research design and a qualitative approach. The study used a purposive sample strategy to choose the interviewees, divided into 13 key informants: teachers from SMAN 3 Tualang, two supporting informants, the Principal of SMAN 3 Tualang, and the Head of the Tualang Education Area. Data reduction, data display, and  conclusion drawing were all used in the data analysis process. By using data triangulation techniques, the accuracy of the data used in this study was further examined. According to research employing the social learning theory, teachers still do not understand and master with multicultural education, so its implementation is not optimal, resulting in the low Indonesian character of students at SMAN 3 Tualang