152 research outputs found

    Les tours des Cigognes ou Ribeauvillé (Haut-Rhin) face à la menace bourguignonne (vers 1475)

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    L’étude archéologique des deux tours des Cigognes à Ribeauvillé a été conçue comme une opportunité d’accroître nos connaissances sur l’une des dernières campagnes de renforcement du système défensif médiéval de cette ville et de résoudre la question de sa datation. L’analyse des murs, des planchers et de la charpente d’une des deux tours a ainsi permis de mieux appréhender ses caractéristiques architecturales (plan et structure, matériaux et techniques de construction) et son mode de fonctionnement initial (accès, distribution verticale, usage des espaces et des postes de tir). Par ailleurs, les indices de datation fournis par l’expertise dendrochronologique des bois d’œuvre suggèrent que le contexte historique régional de la construction des tours est celui de la guerre de Bourgogne (automne 1474-janvier 1477). Les données archéologiques et chronologiques ouvrent in fine la voie à une réflexion sur l’usage défensif et sur la valeur militaire des tours, par une restitution du plan de tir de l’ouvrage et par un essai d’identification des armes à feu correspondant aux types de meurtrières mises en œuvre.The purpose of the archaeological study of the two Tours des Cigognes in Ribeauvillé was to further our knowledge about one of the last projects to strengthen the medieval defences of the town and to decide on its dating. Analysis of the walls, floors and roof structure of one of the towers provided an opportunity for a better understanding of its architecture (plan and structure, building materials and techniques) and how it was initially used (access, vertical distribution, use of spaces and firing placements). Dendrochronology of the structure suggests that the towers were constructed around the time of Burgundian Wars (autumn 1474–January 1477). Archaeological and chronological data offer an understanding of the field of fire and help to identify the weapons that corresponded to the types of embrasures and loopholes built.Die archäologische Studie von zwei Türmen, den Tours des Cigognes in Ribeauvillé, bot Gelegenheit, unsere Kenntnis einer der letzten Phasen der Verstärkung des mittelalterlichen Verteidigungssystems dieser Stadt zu bereichern und die Frage nach deren Datierung zu beantworten. Die Analyse der Mauern, der Holzfußböden und des Tragwerkes eines der beiden Türme hat es ermöglicht, seine Architektur (Grundriss und Struktur, Materialien und Bautechniken) sowie seine ursprüngliche Funktionsweise (Zugang, vertikale Raumaufteilung, Nutzung der Räume und der Schützenstände) besser zu erfassen. Im Übrigen legen die dendrochronologischen Daten der Bauholzanalysen nahe, dass der Bau der Türme mit den Burgundischen Kriegen (Herbst 1474 - Januar 1477) in Zusammenhang steht. Durch die Rekonstruktion des Schießplans des Bauwerks und den Versuch die dem Typ der Schießscharten entsprechenden Feuerwaffen zu identifizieren, öffnen die archäologischen und chronologischen Daten schlussendlich den Weg zur einer Reflexion über die defensive Rolle der Türme und ihre militärische Bedeutung

    Les tours des Cigognes ou Ribeauvillé (Haut-Rhin) face à la menace bourguignonne (vers 1475)

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    L’étude archéologique des deux tours des Cigognes à Ribeauvillé a été conçue comme une opportunité d’accroître nos connaissances sur l’une des dernières campagnes de renforcement du système défensif médiéval de cette ville et de résoudre la question de sa datation. L’analyse des murs, des planchers et de la charpente d’une des deux tours a ainsi permis de mieux appréhender ses caractéristiques architecturales (plan et structure, matériaux et techniques de construction) et son mode de fonctionnement initial (accès, distribution verticale, usage des espaces et des postes de tir). Par ailleurs, les indices de datation fournis par l’expertise dendrochronologique des bois d’œuvre suggèrent que le contexte historique régional de la construction des tours est celui de la guerre de Bourgogne (automne 1474-janvier 1477). Les données archéologiques et chronologiques ouvrent in fine la voie à une réflexion sur l’usage défensif et sur la valeur militaire des tours, par une restitution du plan de tir de l’ouvrage et par un essai d’identification des armes à feu correspondant aux types de meurtrières mises en œuvre.The purpose of the archaeological study of the two Tours des Cigognes in Ribeauvillé was to further our knowledge about one of the last projects to strengthen the medieval defences of the town and to decide on its dating. Analysis of the walls, floors and roof structure of one of the towers provided an opportunity for a better understanding of its architecture (plan and structure, building materials and techniques) and how it was initially used (access, vertical distribution, use of spaces and firing placements). Dendrochronology of the structure suggests that the towers were constructed around the time of Burgundian Wars (autumn 1474–January 1477). Archaeological and chronological data offer an understanding of the field of fire and help to identify the weapons that corresponded to the types of embrasures and loopholes built.Die archäologische Studie von zwei Türmen, den Tours des Cigognes in Ribeauvillé, bot Gelegenheit, unsere Kenntnis einer der letzten Phasen der Verstärkung des mittelalterlichen Verteidigungssystems dieser Stadt zu bereichern und die Frage nach deren Datierung zu beantworten. Die Analyse der Mauern, der Holzfußböden und des Tragwerkes eines der beiden Türme hat es ermöglicht, seine Architektur (Grundriss und Struktur, Materialien und Bautechniken) sowie seine ursprüngliche Funktionsweise (Zugang, vertikale Raumaufteilung, Nutzung der Räume und der Schützenstände) besser zu erfassen. Im Übrigen legen die dendrochronologischen Daten der Bauholzanalysen nahe, dass der Bau der Türme mit den Burgundischen Kriegen (Herbst 1474 - Januar 1477) in Zusammenhang steht. Durch die Rekonstruktion des Schießplans des Bauwerks und den Versuch die dem Typ der Schießscharten entsprechenden Feuerwaffen zu identifizieren, öffnen die archäologischen und chronologischen Daten schlussendlich den Weg zur einer Reflexion über die defensive Rolle der Türme und ihre militärische Bedeutung

    Predicted climate change will increase the truffle cultivation potential in central Europe.

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    Climate change affects the distribution of many species, including Burgundy and Périgord truffles in central and southern Europe, respectively. The cultivation potential of these high-prized cash crops under future warming, however, remains highly uncertain. Here we perform a literature review to define the ecological requirements for the growth of both truffle species. This information is used to develop niche models, and to estimate their cultivation potential in the Czech Republic under current (2020) and future (2050) climate conditions. The Burgundy truffle is already highly suitable for cultivation on ~ 14% of agricultural land in the Czech Republic (8486 km2), whereas only ~ 8% of the warmest part of southern Moravia are currently characterised by a low suitability for Périgord truffles (6418 km2). Though rising temperatures under RCP8.5 will reduce the highly suitable cultivation areas by 7%, the 250 km2 (3%) expansion under low-emission scenarios will stimulate Burgundy truffles to benefit from future warming. Doubling the moderate and expanding the highly suitable land by 352 km2 in 2050, the overall cultivation potential for Périgord truffles will rise substantially. Our findings suggest that Burgundy and Périgord truffles could become important high-value crops for many regions in central Europe with alkaline soils. Although associated with uncertainty, long-term investments in truffle cultivation could generate a wide range of ecological and economic benefits

    Radiocarbon offsets and old world chronology as relevant to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia and Thera (Santorini)

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    The new IntCal20 radiocarbon record continues decades of successful practice by employing one calibration curve as an approximation for different regions across the hemisphere. Here we investigate three radiocarbon time-series of archaeological and historical importance from the Mediterranean-Anatolian region, which indicate, or may include, offsets from IntCal20 (~0–22 14C years). While modest, these differences are critical for our precise understanding of historical and environmental events across the Mediterranean Basin and Near East. Offsets towards older radiocarbon ages in Mediterranean-Anatolian wood can be explained by a divergence between high-resolution radiocarbon dates from the recent generation of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) versus dates from previous technologies, such as low-level gas proportional counting (LLGPC) and liquid scintillation spectrometry (LSS). However, another reason is likely differing growing season lengths and timings, which would affect the seasonal cycle of atmospheric radiocarbon concentrations recorded in different geographic zones. Understanding and correcting these offsets is key to the well-defined calendar placement of a Middle Bronze Age tree-ring chronology. This in turn resolves long-standing debate over Mesopotamian chronology in the earlier second millennium BCE. Last but not least, accurate dating is needed for any further assessment of the societal and environmental impact of the Thera/Santorini volcanic eruption.</p

    Radiocarbon offsets and old world chronology as relevant to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia and Thera (Santorini)

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    The new IntCal20 radiocarbon record continues decades of successful practice by employing one calibration curve as an approximation for different regions across the hemisphere. Here we investigate three radiocarbon time-series of archaeological and historical importance from the Mediterranean-Anatolian region, which indicate, or may include, offsets from IntCal20 (~0–22 14C years). While modest, these differences are critical for our precise understanding of historical and environmental events across the Mediterranean Basin and Near East. Offsets towards older radiocarbon ages in Mediterranean-Anatolian wood can be explained by a divergence between high-resolution radiocarbon dates from the recent generation of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) versus dates from previous technologies, such as low-level gas proportional counting (LLGPC) and liquid scintillation spectrometry (LSS). However, another reason is likely differing growing season lengths and timings, which would affect the seasonal cycle of atmospheric radiocarbon concentrations recorded in different geographic zones. Understanding and correcting these offsets is key to the well-defined calendar placement of a Middle Bronze Age tree-ring chronology. This in turn resolves long-standing debate over Mesopotamian chronology in the earlier second millennium BCE. Last but not least, accurate dating is needed for any further assessment of the societal and environmental impact of the Thera/Santorini volcanic eruption.ISSN:2045-232
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