546 research outputs found

    Daya Saing Ekspor Komoditi Minyak Kelapa Sulawesi Utara

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    Ekspor merupakan kegiatan utama dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi. Khusus pada sub-sektor perkebunan, Sulawesi Utara memiliki andalan ekspor yaitu minyak kelapa. Namun daya saing minyak kelapa di Indonesia belum bisa bersaing dengan minyak sawit. Padahal dari segi potensi lahan dan kualitas, Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan luas lahan terbesar di dunia dan khasiat minyak kelapa yang telah terbukti lebih menyehatkan. Maka perlu adanya perhatian khusus bagi komoditi minyak kelapa sebagai komoditi unggulan ekspor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan daya saing ekspor komoditi minyak kelapa Sulawesi Utara. Metode analisis penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis komparatif RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) dan metode analisis kompetitif Porter Diamond. Hasil dari analisis daya saing komparatif RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) menggambarkan daya saing ekspor minyak kelapa Sulawesi Utara memiliki daya saing yang kuat pada lima tahun terakhir. Untuk hasil dari analisis daya saing kompetitif Porter Diamond menunjukkan bahwa masing – masing komponen yaitu kondisi faktor sumberdaya, kondisi permintaan, industri terkait dan industri pendukung, serta struktur, persaingan dan strategi Perusahaan ditambah dengan dua komponen pendukung yaitu komponen peran pemerintah dan faktor kesempatan saling berkaitan dan saling mendukung kecuali antara industri terkait dan industri pendukung dengan faktor persaingan, struktur dan strategi Perusahaan dinilai saling berkaitan namun tidak saling mendukung. Kata kunci: ekspor, daya saing, non-migas

    Efektifitas Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang) Tingkat Kelurahan Di Kota Manado (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Malalayang I Kecamatan Malalayang).

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness and quality of implementation of district level planning meetings in the city of Manado, and to identify factors that support the effective implementation of development planning meetings in villages has a city of Manado to do a case study in the Malalayang I Village. District Malalayang. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. Primary data obtained through open-ended interviews and observations. Secondary data was taken from the documentation. Determination of the samples was done by using purposive sampling. The number of informants followed the principle of a snowball (snowball sampling) of 15 informants consisting of village officials in charge of organizing musrenbang Malalayang I village, as well as the community and other parties directly involved in the implementation process musrenbang. Data were analyzed descriptively using the interactive model is then presented in a narrative. The results showed that the Regional Planning Council at the village level conducted as required in the legislation that applies specifically to meet the stage of national development planning system in accordance with Undang-undang Nomor 25 tahun 2004 about SPPN. In this case, the stages of strategic planning as well as the substance meets the specified requirements. But in the process of implementation, musrenbang still has some weaknesses in carrying out its function as an agency planner. Implementation process in the Malalayang I Village musrenbang have not been effective, while the quality of musrenbang still needs to be improved. It is suggested that the effectiveness and quality of implementation in the Malalayang I Village Musrenbang one needs to be improved continuously in accordance with the expected needs of Manado City Government and the community by increasing skills Musrenbang Implementation Team, in the form of increased experience, creativity, and work capability. This needs to be done so that more optimal Musrenbang Organizing Team carry out regional development planning to achieve the target set

    Perlindungan Keselamatan Kerja terhadap Pekerja Teknisi di PT. Zi Vision Pangkalan Kerinci

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    Health and Safety (K3) is a program created for the workers / laborers and businessmen as prevention (preventive) if onset occupational accidents and diseases caused by working relationships within the work environment by identifying them on things that berpontensi cause of occupational accidents and diseases as a result of the relationship employment and anticipatory measures in case of such. It should be noted that the idea of the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) has existed since 20 years ago, but until now there are workers / laborers and companies who do not understand the correlation Occupational Health and Safety (K3) with an increase in the company\u27s performance, do not even know the rules The.The purpose of this study to find out why the technician in PT. Zi Vision does not use personal protective equipment in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia Number per.08 / Men / VII / 2010. And to identify barriers and what is being done PT. Zi Vision in implementing the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) against workers technicians.In this study, the authors use the method of sociological approach is done by conducting research directly in the field with the aim of collecting data that an interviews and a literature review were then referred to as primary data. Then analyzed and compared with the existing regulations.Based on the results of the study can be drawn a conclusion that the technicians who do not use personal protective equipment in because of the discomfort of workers while using personal protective equipment when working, is clear that the workforce has violated the rules - the rules that exist, such as the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No. 8 / MEN / VII / 2010 and Law No. 1 of 1970 About Safety

    Use of Bee Honey as Alternative Medicine in Protein Energy Deficiency

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    The protein energy deficiency cause intestinal villus atrophy and epithel mucous damage. The effect of bee honey on histostructure of intestine was studied in the experimental mice as model of proteinenergy deficiency. The use bee honey in protein-energy deficiency shown to improve intestinal villus atrophy and epithel damage. In conclusion that bee honey can use as alternative medicine in protein energydeficienc

    Implementasi Algoritma Twofish Dani Least Significant Bit (Lsb) Untuk Penyembunyian File Text Pada Citra Digital

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    Security and confidentiality of information are considered a requirement in today\u27s communication media. Many people have used Internet to share and distribute confidential information. On the other hand, many Malicious activities attempts to steal those information by irresponsible parties. Therefore, information must be secured and converted into another form before it is sent to the destination by the use of cryptography and steganography. We developed a program to secure this information, by using Twofish and Least Significant Bit algorithm to encrypt secret messages and then insert it into an image file. By combining these two methods, we can achieve higher levet of information security.The information encoded with twofish algorithm will change the fite size stightly. This changes are caused by the use of padding. In addition, both of the output image are not resistant by some manipulation operations. The output of the system in BMP format does not change the file size after insertion process, while PNG format will have a stightty dffirence infile size due to processing in bitmap mode

    Evaluasi Harmonisa Dan Perencanaan Filter Pasif Pada Sisi Tegangan 20 KV Akibat Penambahan Beban Pada Sistem Kelistrikan Pabrik Semen Tuban

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    Pabrik Semen Tuban merupakan Perusahaan industri yang bergerak dibidang produksi semen. Pada tugas akhir ini dianalisis aliran daya dari sistem kelistrikan Pabrik Semen Tuban. Kemudian akan dilakukan juga analisis harmonisa untuk mengetahui besar distorsi harmonisa yang terjadi. Sistem yang dianalisa adalah sistem kelistrikan Pabrik Semen Tuban setelah dilakukan penambahan beban. Dari hasil simulasi aliran daya permasalahan terjadi pada bus LVS 11.1 dan LVS 11.2 mengalami kondisi undervoltage, sedangkan pada bus Main Substation 3 akan dilakukan perbaikan faktor daya. Dari hasil analisis harmonisanya didapatkan sistem masih dalam keadaan safe. Kemudian dari simulasi akan dilakukan desain untuk pemasangan capacitor bank maupun filter harmonisa. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalah yang terjadi didalam kedua bus yang bermasalah. Setelah itu dilakukan analisis kembali terhadap sistem kelistrikan pada kondisi penambahan capacitor bank dan kondisi penambahan filter harmonisa. Akan dilakukan perbandingan dari hasil pemasangan capacitor bank dan pemasangan filter harmonisa. Hasil perbandingan tadi akan dijadikan acuan untuk pemilihan peralatan yang tepat untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dalam sistem

    Penentuan Kadmium Dalam Produk Perikanan Dengan Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

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    Penentuan kadmium dalam produk perikanan telah dilakukan menggunakan Graphite Furnace AtomicAbsorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS) dengan magnesium nitrat sebagai matrix modifier, platform atomizationtype A dengan sensitifitas yang tinggi untuk pengukuran kadmium, dan koreksi latar belakang Zeeman. Metodeanalisis telah divalidasi berdasarkan parameter-parameter kimia analitik. Sebanyak 0,5 g sampel produkperikanan didestruksi menggunakan microwave digestion systems dengan menambahkan 5 mL asam nitrat pekatdan 2 mL hidrogen peroksida 30%, kemudian larutan hasil destruksi diencerkan hingga 25 g. Dari larutan inidibuat sederet larutan untuk pengukuran secara adisi standar, dan diukur dengan GF-AAS. Akurasi metodedilakukan dengan menganalisis bahan acuan bersertifikat DORM 3 Fish Protein Certified Reference Materialfor Trace Metals dari National Research Council Canada dengan nilai recovery sebesar 99,9 ± 0,8%. Dari hasilpenelitian ini diperoleh kadar kadmium dan ketidakpastiannya sebesar 0,273 ± 0,025 mg kg-1berdasarkan beratkering

    Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Rambu Lalu Lintas Menggunakan Flash

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    Traffic signs are important parts of street equipments which consist of attributes, letters, numbers, sentences and can be the combinations of all in order to help street users. But in the reality there are still a lot of traffic accidents happen because of the lack of understanding about the traffic signs by the vehicles drivers and pedestrians.There are so many informations about traffic signs from media, such as books, advertising and seminars from the police department, but those media are considered ineffective, not interesting and less interactive.Consequently, a learning media application is made by using Adobe Flash so it can help other people to be more attracted to learn about traffic signs. This application have informations about the meaning of the traffic, theoretics questions that has been used to get a driving license, pratice test to get a driving license and driving game simulation.From the result of the experiment, this application can help users in understanding the traffic signs and can convince them to reuse this application. At the process of friendly use to apply this application, not all users directly understand on how to use it

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Dengan Pemberian Pupuk Hayati Pada Berbagai Media Tanam

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    Growth and Production of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) to the Application of Biofertilizer in theVariety of Plants Media. The objective of this research was to know growth and production ofshallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) to the application of biofertilizer in the variety of plants media, itwas conducted at Tanjung Selamat, Sunggal, Medan with altitude ± 25 meter above the surface ofsea, began January until April 2012, by using a Randomized Block Design with two factors. Firstfactor was plants media consist of four level : M1 (Ultisol : Sand (2:1)), M2 (Vermicompost : Sand(2:1)), M3 (Ultisol : Vermicompost : Sand (2:1:1)), M4 (Ultisol : Vermicompost : Sand (2:2:1))and the second factor is biofertilizer consist of three level, K1 (100 KG/HA), K2 (200 KG/ha), K3(300 kg/ha). The parameter observed were plant height, tiller number, leaf number, fresh weightbulb per sample, fresh weight bulb per plot, dry weight bulb per sample, dry weight bulb perplot,and clove number per sample. The result showed that plants media treatments influentialsignificantly to parameters : plant height 4-7 week after plant,tiller number 6-7 week after plant,leaf number 3-7 week after plant, fresh weight bulb per sample, fresh weight bulb per plot, and wasnot significantly to parameter plant height 2-3 week after plant, tiller number 2-5 week after plant,leaf number 2 week after plant and clove number per sample. The aplication of biofertilizer andinteraction of plant media and biofertilizer was not significantly to all parameter
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