241 research outputs found

    Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 outbreaks in England and Wales, 1995: phenotypic methods and genotypic subtyping.

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    Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 belonging to four phage types (PTs) caused 11 outbreaks of infection in England and Wales in 1995. Outbreak strains of different PTs were distinguishable by DNA-based methods. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis best discriminated among strains belonging to the same PT, distinguishing six of the seven PT2 outbreak strains and both PT49 outbreak strains

    Elastic net model of ocular dominance - overall stripe pattern and monocular deprivation

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    The elastic net (Durbin and Willshaw 1987) can account for the development of both topography and ocular dominance in the mapping from the lateral geniculate nucleus to primary visual cortex (Goodhill and Willshaw 1990). Here it is further shown for this model that (1) the overall pattern of stripes produced is strongly influenced by the shape of the cortex: in particular, stripes with a global order similar to that seen biologically can be produced under appropriate conditions, and (2) the observed changes in stripe width associated with monocular deprivation are reproduced in the model

    The surveillance of vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 in Wales, 1990 to 1998.

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    Population-based surveillance for Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) O157 has been carried out in Wales since 1990. The annual incidence has remained stable during the 9-year period (mean: 1.6 cases per 100,000 population); the rate is highest in children younger than 5 years of age. Blood in the stool is reported in fewer than half the cases, indicating the importance of screening all fecal specimens for VTEC O157

    Analysis of Oscillator Neural Networks for Sparsely Coded Phase Patterns

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    We study a simple extended model of oscillator neural networks capable of storing sparsely coded phase patterns, in which information is encoded both in the mean firing rate and in the timing of spikes. Applying the methods of statistical neurodynamics to our model, we theoretically investigate the model's associative memory capability by evaluating its maximum storage capacities and deriving its basins of attraction. It is shown that, as in the Hopfield model, the storage capacity diverges as the activity level decreases. We consider various practically and theoretically important cases. For example, it is revealed that a dynamically adjusted threshold mechanism enhances the retrieval ability of the associative memory. It is also found that, under suitable conditions, the network can recall patterns even in the case that patterns with different activity levels are stored at the same time. In addition, we examine the robustness with respect to damage of the synaptic connections. The validity of these theoretical results is confirmed by reasonable agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    An associative memory of Hodgkin-Huxley neuron networks with Willshaw-type synaptic couplings

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    An associative memory has been discussed of neural networks consisting of spiking N (=100) Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons with time-delayed couplings, which memorize P patterns in their synaptic weights. In addition to excitatory synapses whose strengths are modified after the Willshaw-type learning rule with the 0/1 code for quiescent/active states, the network includes uniform inhibitory synapses which are introduced to reduce cross-talk noises. Our simulations of the HH neuron network for the noise-free state have shown to yield a fairly good performance with the storage capacity of αc=Pmax/N∼0.4−2.4\alpha_c = P_{\rm max}/N \sim 0.4 - 2.4 for the low neuron activity of f∼0.04−0.10f \sim 0.04-0.10. This storage capacity of our temporal-code network is comparable to that of the rate-code model with the Willshaw-type synapses. Our HH neuron network is realized not to be vulnerable to the distribution of time delays in couplings. The variability of interspace interval (ISI) of output spike trains in the process of retrieving stored patterns is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, changed Titl

    Nonspecific synaptic plasticity improves the recognition of sparse patterns degraded by local noise

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    Safaryan, K. et al. Nonspecific synaptic plasticity improves the recognition of sparse patterns degraded by local noise. Sci. Rep. 7, 46550; doi: 10.1038/srep46550 (2017). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ © The Author(s) 2017.Many forms of synaptic plasticity require the local production of volatile or rapidly diffusing substances such as nitric oxide. The nonspecific plasticity these neuromodulators may induce at neighboring non-active synapses is thought to be detrimental for the specificity of memory storage. We show here that memory retrieval may benefit from this non-specific plasticity when the applied sparse binary input patterns are degraded by local noise. Simulations of a biophysically realistic model of a cerebellar Purkinje cell in a pattern recognition task show that, in the absence of noise, leakage of plasticity to adjacent synapses degrades the recognition of sparse static patterns. However, above a local noise level of 20 %, the model with nonspecific plasticity outperforms the standard, specific model. The gain in performance is greatest when the spatial distribution of noise in the input matches the range of diffusion-induced plasticity. Hence non-specific plasticity may offer a benefit in noisy environments or when the pressure to generalize is strong.Peer reviewe

    Binary Willshaw learning yields high synaptic capacity for long-term familiarity memory

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    We investigate from a computational perspective the efficiency of the Willshaw synaptic update rule in the context of familiarity discrimination, a binary-answer, memory-related task that has been linked through psychophysical experiments with modified neural activity patterns in the prefrontal and perirhinal cortex regions. Our motivation for recovering this well-known learning prescription is two-fold: first, the switch-like nature of the induced synaptic bonds, as there is evidence that biological synaptic transitions might occur in a discrete stepwise fashion. Second, the possibility that in the mammalian brain, unused, silent synapses might be pruned in the long-term. Besides the usual pattern and network capacities, we calculate the synaptic capacity of the model, a recently proposed measure where only the functional subset of synapses is taken into account. We find that in terms of network capacity, Willshaw learning is strongly affected by the pattern coding rates, which have to be kept fixed and very low at any time to achieve a non-zero capacity in the large network limit. The information carried per functional synapse, however, diverges and is comparable to that of the pattern association case, even for more realistic moderately low activity levels that are a function of network size.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    A Multi-Component Model of the Developing Retinocollicular Pathway Incorporating Axonal and Synaptic Growth

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    During development, neurons extend axons to different brain areas and produce stereotypical patterns of connections. The mechanisms underlying this process have been intensively studied in the visual system, where retinal neurons form retinotopic maps in the thalamus and superior colliculus. The mechanisms active in map formation include molecular guidance cues, trophic factor release, spontaneous neural activity, spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), synapse creation and retraction, and axon growth, branching and retraction. To investigate how these mechanisms interact, a multi-component model of the developing retinocollicular pathway was produced based on phenomenological approximations of each of these mechanisms. Core assumptions of the model were that the probabilities of axonal branching and synaptic growth are highest where the combined influences of chemoaffinity and trophic factor cues are highest, and that activity-dependent release of trophic factors acts to stabilize synapses. Based on these behaviors, model axons produced morphologically realistic growth patterns and projected to retinotopically correct locations in the colliculus. Findings of the model include that STDP, gradient detection by axonal growth cones and lateral connectivity among collicular neurons were not necessary for refinement, and that the instructive cues for axonal growth appear to be mediated first by molecular guidance and then by neural activity. Although complex, the model appears to be insensitive to variations in how the component developmental mechanisms are implemented. Activity, molecular guidance and the growth and retraction of axons and synapses are common features of neural development, and the findings of this study may have relevance beyond organization in the retinocollicular pathway

    Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the morphological development of neurons

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    BACKGROUND: The morphological development of neurons is a very complex process involving both genetic and environmental components. Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation are valuable tools in helping us unravel particular aspects of how individual neurons grow their characteristic morphologies and eventually form appropriate networks with each other. METHODS: A variety of mathematical models that consider (1) neurite initiation (2) neurite elongation (3) axon pathfinding, and (4) neurite branching and dendritic shape formation are reviewed. The different mathematical techniques employed are also described. RESULTS: Some comparison of modelling results with experimental data is made. A critique of different modelling techniques is given, leading to a proposal for a unified modelling environment for models of neuronal development. CONCLUSION: A unified mathematical and numerical simulation framework should lead to an expansion of work on models of neuronal development, as has occurred with compartmental models of neuronal electrical activity
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