3,974 research outputs found

    COMPTEL observations of the quasar PKS 0528+134 during the first 3.5 years of the CGRO mission

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    The COMPTEL observations of the blazar-type quasar PKS 0528+134 in the energy range 0.75 MeV to 30 MeV carried out between April 1991 and September 1994 have been analyzed. During the first two years PKS 0528+134 was most significantly detected at energies above 3 MeV. During the last year there is only evidence for the quasar at energies below 3 MeV indicating a spectral change. The time-averaged COMPTEL energy spectrum between 0.75 MeV and 30 MeV is well represented by a power-law shape. Spectra collected from different observational periods reveal different power-law shapes: a hard state during flaring observations reported by EGRET, and a soft state otherwise. The combined simultaneous EGRET and COMPTEL spectra indicate these two spectral states as well. During low intensisty gamma-ray phases no spectral break is obvious from the combined COMPTEL and EGRET measurements. For the gamma-ray flaring phases however, the combined COMPTEL and EGRET data require a spectral bending at MeV-energies. By fitting broken power-law functions the best-fit values for the break in photon index range between 0.6 and 1.7, and for the break energy between ~5 MeV and ~20 MeV. Because the flux values measured by COMPTEL below 3 MeV in both states are roughly equal, the observations would be consistent with an additional spectral component showing up during gamma-ray flaring phases of PKS 0528+134. Such a component could be introduced by e.g. a high-energy electron-positron population with a low-energy cutoff in their bulk Lorentz factor distribution. The multiwavelength spectrum of PKS 0528+134 for gamma-ray flaring phases shows that the major energy release across the entire electro-magnetic spectrum is measured at MeV-energies.Comment: 10 pages, 8 postscript figures, latex, to appear in: A&A 328, 33 (1997

    COMPTEL Observations of AGN at MeV-Energies

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    The COMPTEL experiment aboard CGRO, exploring the previously unknown sky at MeV-energies, has so far detected 10 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN): 9 blazars and the radio galaxy Centaurus A. No Seyfert galaxy has been found yet. With these results COMPTEL has opened the field of extragalactic Gamma-ray astronomy in the MeV-band.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures including 1 color plot, to appear in the Proceedings of the 3rd INTEGRAL Workshop "The Extreme Universe", held in Taormina, Italy, 14-18 September 199

    X- and gamma-ray observations of the 15 November 1991 Solar Flare

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    This work expands the current understanding of the 15 November 1991 Solar Flare. The flare was a well observed event in radio to gamma-rays and is the first flare to be extensively studied with the benefit of detailed soft and hard X-ray images. In this work, we add data from all four instruments on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Using these data we determined that the accelerated electron spectrum above 170 keV is best fit with a power law with a spectral index of −4.6, while the accelerated proton spectrum above 0.6 MeV is fit with a power law of spectral index −4.5. From this we computed lower limits for the energy content of these particles of∼1023 ergs (electrons) and ∼1027 ergs (ions above 0.6 MeV). These particles do not have enough energy to produce the white-light emission observed from this event. We computed a time constant of 26+20−15 s for the 2.223 MeV neutron capture line, which is consistent at the 2σ level with the lowest values of ∼70 s found for other flares. The mechanism for this short capture time may be better understood after analyses of high energy EGRET data that show potential evidence for pion emission near ∼100 MeV

    MeV measurements of γ-ray bursts by CGRO-COMPTEL: Revised catalog

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    The imaging COMPTEL telescope has accumulated 0.1–30 MeV spectra, time-histories, and positions of more than forty γ-ray bursts within its ∼3 sr field of view in the eight years since its launch. CGRO-COMPTEL measures in both imaging “telescope” and single detector “burst spectroscopy” mode. In an ongoing collaboration with BACODINE/GCN, bursts are imaged automatically, with localizations relayed to a global network of multiwavelength observers in near real time (∼10 minutes). We have updated our burst search procedure in two ways: 1) using more sensitive search algorithms; and 2) using data from more detectors. The first are double change-point algorithms. With these we can find regions of significant excess flux with no assumptions on the wide range of burst time-scales (e.g., rise-times or decay-times) or intensities, and only one adjustable parameter (the time-averaged count-rate of the detectors). This makes it simpler to combine information on burst time-histories from the larger effective area (but cruder time bins) burst spectroscopy detectors, and hence better pinpoint the best times for imaging each burst. We report the eight bursts detected during 1998–1999

    Spectra of a recent bright burst measured by CGRO-COMPTEL: GRB 990123

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    CGRO-COMPTEL measures gamma-ray burst positions, time-histories and spectra in the 0.1–30 MeV energy range, in both imaging “telescope” and single detector “burst spectroscopy” mode. GRB 990123, one of the most recent bright bursts seen by COMPTEL, was caught in the optical while the gamma-ray emission was ongoing. The burst spectral shape can be characterized by a peak in ν−Fν just below 1 MeV and a power-law tail above(photon index∼−2.4,) and flattening below. There is also spectral evolution by downward movement of the peak and/or softening of the power laws. We present light-curves, time resolved spectra and an image map for this burst

    A common and unstable copy number variant is associated with differences in Glo1 expression and anxiety-like behavior

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    Glyoxalase 1 (Glo1) has been implicated in anxiety-like behavior in mice and in multiple psychiatric diseases in humans. We used mouse Affymetrix exon arrays to detect copy number variants (CNV) among inbred mouse strains and thereby identified a approximately 475 kb tandem duplication on chromosome 17 that includes Glo1 (30,174,390-30,651,226 Mb; mouse genome build 36). We developed a PCR-based strategy and used it to detect this duplication in 23 of 71 inbred strains tested, and in various outbred and wild-caught mice. Presence of the duplication is associated with a cis-acting expression QTL for Glo1 (LOD>30) in BXD recombinant inbred strains. However, evidence for an eQTL for Glo1 was not obtained when we analyzed single SNPs or 3-SNP haplotypes in a panel of 27 inbred strains. We conclude that association analysis in the inbred strain panel failed to detect an eQTL because the duplication was present on multiple highly divergent haplotypes. Furthermore, we suggest that non-allelic homologous recombination has led to multiple reversions to the non-duplicated state among inbred strains. We show associations between multiple duplication-containing haplotypes, Glo1 expression and anxiety-like behavior in both inbred strain panels and outbred CD-1 mice. Our findings provide a molecular basis for differential expression of Glo1 and further implicate Glo1 in anxiety-like behavior. More broadly, these results identify problems with commonly employed tests for association in inbred strains when CNVs are present. Finally, these data provide an example of biologically significant phenotypic variability in model organisms that can be attributed to CNVs.These studies were funded by MH070933, MH79103 and MH020065