112,878 research outputs found

    SCRAM: Software configuration and management for the LHC Computing Grid project

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    Recently SCRAM (Software Configuration And Management) has been adopted by the applications area of the LHC computing grid project as baseline configuration management and build support infrastructure tool. SCRAM is a software engineering tool, that supports the configuration management and management processes for software development. It resolves the issues of configuration definition, assembly break-down, build, project organization, run-time environment, installation, distribution, deployment, and source code distribution. It was designed with a focus on supporting a distributed, multi-project development work-model. We will describe the underlying technology, and the solutions SCRAM offers to the above software engineering processes, while taking a users view of the system under configuration management.Comment: Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, La Jolla, California, March 24-28, 2003 1 tar fil

    Phase transformations induced by spherical indentation in ion-implanted amorphous silicon

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    The deformation behavior of ion-implanted (unrelaxed) and annealed ion-implanted (relaxed) amorphous silicon(a-Si) under spherical indentation at room temperature has been investigated. It has been found that the mode of deformation depends critically on both the preparation of the amorphous film and the scale of the mechanical deformation.Ex situmeasurements, such as Raman microspectroscopy and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, as well as in situ electrical measurements reveal the occurrence of phase transformations in all relaxed a-Si films. The preferred deformation mode of unrelaxed a-Si is plastic flow, only under certain high load conditions can this state of a-Si be forced to transform. In situ electrical measurements have revealed more detail of the transformation process during both loading and unloading. We have used ELASTICA simulations to obtain estimates of the depth of the metallic phase as a function of load, and good agreement is found with the experiment. On unloading, a clear change in electrical conductivity is observed to correlate with a “pop-out” event on load versus penetration curves

    Nodal Domain Statistics for Quantum Maps, Percolation and SLE

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    We develop a percolation model for nodal domains in the eigenvectors of quantum chaotic torus maps. Our model follows directly from the assumption that the quantum maps are described by random matrix theory. Its accuracy in predicting statistical properties of the nodal domains is demonstrated by numerical computations for perturbed cat maps and supports the use of percolation theory to describe the wave functions of general hamiltonian systems, where the validity of the underlying assumptions is much less clear. We also demonstrate that the nodal domains of the perturbed cat maps obey the Cardy crossing formula and find evidence that the boundaries of the nodal domains are described by SLE with Îș\kappa close to the expected value of 6, suggesting that quantum chaotic wave functions may exhibit conformal invariance in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Deterministic dense coding and entanglement entropy

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    We present an analytical study of the standard two-party deterministic dense-coding protocol, under which communication of perfectly distinguishable messages takes place via a qudit from a pair of non-maximally entangled qudits in pure state |S>. Our results include the following: (i) We prove that it is possible for a state |S> with lower entanglement entropy to support the sending of a greater number of perfectly distinguishable messages than one with higher entanglement entropy, confirming a result suggested via numerical analysis in Mozes et al. [Phys. Rev. A 71 012311 (2005)]. (ii) By explicit construction of families of local unitary operators, we verify, for dimensions d = 3 and d=4, a conjecture of Mozes et al. about the minimum entanglement entropy that supports the sending of d + j messages, j = 2, ..., d-1; moreover, we show that the j=2 and j= d-1 cases of the conjecture are valid in all dimensions. (iii) Given that |S> allows the sending of K messages and has the square roof of c as its largest Schmidt coefficient, we show that the inequality c <= d/K, established by Wu et al. [ Phys. Rev. A 73, 042311 (2006)], must actually take the form c < d/K if K = d+1, while our constructions of local unitaries show that equality can be realized if K = d+2 or K = 2d-1.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    High resolution radio observations of the colliding-wind binary WR140

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    Milli-arcsecond resolution Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the archetype WR+O star colliding-wind binary (CWB) system WR140 are presented for 23 epochs between orbital phases 0.74 and 0.97. At 8.4 GHz, the emission in the wind-collision region (WCR) is clearly resolved as a bow-shaped arc that rotates as the orbit progresses. We interpret this rotation as due to the O star moving from SE to approximately E of the WR star, which leads to solutions for the orbit inclination of 122+/-5 deg, the longitude of the ascending node of 353+/-3 deg, and an orbit semi-major axis of 9.0+/-0.5 mas. The distance to WR140 is determined to be 1.85+/-0.16 kpc, which requires the O star to be a supergiant. The inclination implies the mass of the WR and O star to be 20+/-4 and 54+/-10 solar masses respectively. We determine a wind-momentum ratio of 0.22, with an expected half-opening angle for the WCR of 63 deg, consistent with 65+/-10 deg derived from the VLBA observations. Total flux measurements from Very Large Array (VLA) observations show the radio emission from WR140 is very closely the same from one orbit to the next, pointing strongly toward emission, absorption and cooling mechanism(s) that are controlled largely by the orbital motion. The synchrotron spectra evolve dramatically through the orbital phases observed, exhibiting both optically thin and optically thick emission. We discuss a number of absorption and cooling mechanisms that may determine the evolution of the synchrotron spectrum with orbital phase.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, to appear in v623, April 20, 2005. 14 pages, 13 figs, requires emulateapj.cls. A version with full resolution figs can be obtained from http://www.drao.nrc.ca/~smd/preprint/wr140_data.pd

    PACE and EISCAT radar observations of short-lived flow bursts on the nightside

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    Concurrent observations from two widely spaced radar experiments of quasi periodic flow bursts in the nightside are presented. The flow bursts closely resemble single radar observations reported by Williams et al. By using the Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment (PACE) HF radar array at Halley Bay in conjunction with the EISCAT Common Program (CP) 2-D experiment, the flow bursts are shown to be a global phenomenon and important information as to their development and propagation can be determined

    Loading Bose condensed atoms into the ground state of an optical lattice

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    We optimize the turning on of a one-dimensional optical potential, V_L(x,t) = S(t) V_0 cos^2(kx) to obtain the optimal turn-on function S(t) so as to load a Bose-Einstein condensate into the ground state of the optical lattice of depth V_0. Specifically, we minimize interband excitations at the end of the turn-on of the optical potential at the final ramp time t_r, where S(t_r) = 1, given that S(0) = 0. Detailed numerical calculations confirm that a simple unit cell model is an excellent approximation when the turn-on time t_r is long compared with the inverse of the band excitation frequency and short in comparison with nonlinear time \hbar/\mu where \mu is the chemical potential of the condensate. We demonstrate using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with an optimal turn-on function S(t) that the ground state of the optical lattice can be loaded with very little excitation even for times t_r on the order of the inverse band excitation frequency
