3,564 research outputs found

    Brain structure in pediatric Tourette syndrome

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    Previous studies of brain structure in Tourette syndrome (TS) have produced mixed results, and most had modest sample sizes. In the present multicenter study, we used structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to compare 103 children and adolescents with TS to a well-matched group of 103 children without tics. We applied voxel-based morphometry methods to test gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) volume differences between diagnostic groups, accounting for MRI scanner and sequence, age, sex and total GM+WM volume. The TS group demonstrated lower WM volume bilaterally in orbital and medial prefrontal cortex, and greater GM volume in posterior thalamus, hypothalamus and midbrain. These results demonstrate evidence for abnormal brain structure in children and youth with TS, consistent with and extending previous findings, and they point to new target regions and avenues of study in TS. For example, as orbital cortex is reciprocally connected with hypothalamus, structural abnormalities in these regions may relate to abnormal decision making, reinforcement learning or somatic processing in TS

    HI Observations of the Stephan's Quintet

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    Using the VLA, we have made spectral-line and continuum observations of the neutral hydrogen in the direction of the compact group of galaxies Stephan's Quintet. The high-velocity clouds between 5600 and 6600 km/s, the disk of the foreground galaxy, NGC 7320, at 800 km/s, the extended continuum ridge near the center of the group, and 3 faint dwarf-like galaxies in the surrounding field were imaged with C, CS, and D arrays. Four of the HI clouds previously detected are confirmed. The two largest HI features are coincident with and concentrated mainly along separate large tidal tails that extend eastward. The most diffuse of the four clouds is resolved into two clumps, one coincide with tidal features south of NGC 7318a and the other devoid of any detectable stellar or Halfa sources. The two compact clouds, along the same line of sight, have peak emission at luminous infrared and bright Halfa sources probably indicative of star-forming activity. The total amount of HI detected at high redshifts is ~ 10**10Msol. As in previous HI studies of the group, no detectable emission was measured at the positions of any high-redshift galaxies so that any HI still bound to their disks must be less than 2.4 x 10**7Msol.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ and tentatively scheduled for the May 2002 issue. High-resolution ps figures are available at: http://www.iaa.es/~lourdes/bw/bw-paper.tar.g

    Theoretical and Experimental (Electron-Impact) Studies of the Low-Lying Rydberg States in O2

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    Theoretical studies of the n=3,4,and 5 Rydberg series in O2, converging to O2+(X 2Πg), are presented and correlated with electron energy-loss spectra of molecular oxygen, in the region from 7.0 to 10.5 eV. The energy-loss spectra have been studied as a function of the scattering angle for a incident electron energy of 45 eV. The angular dependence determined for various features in the energy-loss spectra have been correlated with the known behavior for transitions between electronic states of certain symmetry, and with the theoretical results, to identify the low-lying Rydberg states. Four vibrational levels of the (3s σg) 3Πg Rydberg state have been observed superposed on top of the maximum intensity portion of the Schumann-Range continuum with T00=8.145±0.020 eV. The theoretical results, combined with the energy-loss measurements and the high-resolution photon-absorption work, lead to the assignment of the lowest dipole-allowed 3Σu- and 3Πu Rydberg states at T00≤9.31 eV and T00=9.97 eV, respectively

    Dissecting the structural basis of MEIG1 interaction with PACRG

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    The product of the meiosis-expressed gene 1 (MEIG1) is found in the cell bodies of spermatocytes and recruited to the manchette, a structure unique to elongating spermatids, by Parkin co-regulated gene (PACRG). This complex is essential for targeting cargo to the manchette during sperm flagellum assembly. Here we show that MEIG1 adopts a unique fold that provides a large surface for interacting with other proteins. We mutated 12 exposed and conserved amino acids and show that four of these mutations (W50A, K57E, F66A, Y68A) dramatically reduce binding to PACRG. These four amino acids form a contiguous hydrophobic patch on one end of the protein. Furthermore, each of these four mutations diminishes the ability of MEIG1 to stabilize PACRG when expressed in bacteria. Together these studies establish the unique structure and key interaction surface of MEIG1 and provide a framework to explore how MEIG1 recruits proteins to build the sperm tail

    WFPC2 Observations of Compact Star Cluster Nuclei in Low Luminosity Spiral Galaxies

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    We have used the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope to image the compact star cluster nuclei of the nearby, late-type, low-luminosity spiral galaxies NGC 4395, NGC 4242, and ESO 359-029. We also analyze archival WFPC2 observations of the compact star cluster nucleus of M33. A comparative analysis of the structural and photometric properties of these four nuclei is presented. All of the nuclei are very compact, with luminosity densities increasing at small radii to the resolution limit of our data. NGC 4395 contains a Seyfert 1 nucleus with a distinct bipolar structure and bright associated filaments which are likely due to [OIII] emission. The M33 nucleus has a complex structure, with elongated isophotes and possible signatures of weak activity, including a jet-like component. The other two nuclei are not known to be active, but share similar physical size scales and luminosities to the M33 and NGC 4395 nuclei. The circumnuclear environments of all four of our program galaxies are extremely diffuse, have only low-to-moderate star formation, and appear to be devoid of large quantities of dust. The central gravitational potentials of the galaxies are also quite shallow, making the origin of these types of `naked' nuclei problematic.Comment: to appear in the July 1999 Astronomical Journal; 38 pages (Latex), 5 tables (postscript), 21 figures (gif); postscript versions of the figures may be obtained via anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.cv.nrao.edu/NRAO-staff/lmatthew/lanl-nucle

    Multiple Smaller Missions as a Direct Pathway to Mars Sample Return

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    Recent discoveries by the Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Express, Mars Odyssey, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft include multiple, tantalizing astrobiological targets representing both past and present environments on Mars. The most desirable path to Mars Sample Return (MSR) would be to collect and return samples from that site which provides the clearest examples of the variety of rock types considered a high priority for sample return (pristine igneous, sedimentary, and hydrothermal). Here we propose an MSR architecture in which the next steps (potentially launched in 2018) would entail a series of smaller missions, including caching, to multiple landing sites to verify the presence of high priority sample return targets through in situ analyses. This alternative architecture to one flagship-class sample caching mission to a single site would preserve a direct path to MSR as stipulated by the Planetary Decadal Survey, while permitting investigation of diverse deposit types and providing comparison of the site of returned samples to other aqueous environments on early Mar

    2007 Focused update of the ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 guideline update for percutaneous coronary intervention: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines

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    Selected late-breaking clinical trials presented at the 2005 and 2006 annual scientific meetings of the ACC, AHA, and European Society of Cardiology, as well as selected other data, were reviewed by the standing guideline writing committee along with the parent Task Force and other experts to identify those trials and other key data that might impact guideline recommendations. On the basis of the criteria/considerations noted above, recent trial data and other clinical information were considered important enough to prompt a focused update of the ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 Guideline Update for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention