37 research outputs found

    Inmunohistochemical Profile of Solid Cell Nest of Thyroid Gland

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    It is widely held that solid cell nests (SCN) of the thyroid are ultimobranchial body remnants. SCNs are composed of main cells and C cells. It has been suggested that main cells might be pluripotent cells contributing to the histogenesis of C cells and follicular cells, as well as to the formation of certain thyroid tumors. The present study sought to analyze the immunohistochemical profile of SCN and to investigate the potential stem cell role of SCN main cells. Tissue sections from ten cases of nodular hyperplasia (non-tumor goiter) with SCNs were retrieved from the files of the Hospital Infanta Luisa (Seville, Spain). Parathormone (PTH), calcitonin (CT), thyroglobulin (TG), thyroid transcription factor (TTF-1), galectin 3 (GAL3), cytokeratin 19 (CK 19), p63, bcl-2, OCT4, and SALL4 expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Patient clinical data were collected, and tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin–eosin for histological examination. Most cells stained negative for PTH, CT, TG, and TTF-1. Some cells staining positive for TTF-1 and CT required discussion. However, bcl-2, p63, GAL3, and CK 19 protein expression was detected in main cells. OCT4 protein expression was detected in only two cases, and SALL4 expression in none. Positive staining for bcl-2 and p63, and negative staining for PTH, CT, and TG in SCN main cells are both consistent with the widely accepted minimalist definition of stem cells, thus supporting the hypothesis that they may play a stem cell role in the thyroid gland, although further research will be required into stem cell markers. Furthermore, p63 and GAL-3 staining provides a much more sensitive means of detecting SCNs than staining for carcinoembryonic antigen, calcitonin, or other markers; this may help to distinguish SCNs from their mimics

    Gene rearrangement and Chernobyl related thyroid cancers

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    The increase in thyroid carcinoma post-Chernobyl has been largely confined to a specific subtype of papillary carcinoma (solid/follicular). This subtype is observed predominantly in children under 10 in unirradiated populations, but maintains a high frequency in those aged 10–15 from those areas exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl accident. The aim of this study was to link morphology with molecular biology. We examined 106 papillary carcinomas from children under the age of 15 at operation. All were examined for rearrangements of the RET oncogene by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR); a subset of these cases were also examined for mutations of the three ras oncogenes, exon 10 of the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor, associated more usually with a follicular rather than papillary morphology, and exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the p53 gene, commonly involved in undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma. Rearrangements of the RET oncogene were found in 44% of papillary carcinomas in which we studied fresh material; none of the tumours examined showed mutation in any of the other genes. The two rearrangements resulting from inversion of part of chromosome 10 (PTC1 and PTC3) accounted for the majority of RET rearrangements identified, with PTC1 being associated with papillary carcinomas of the classic and diffuse sclerosing variants and PTC3 with the solid/follicular variant. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Histological validation of diagnoses of thyroid cancer among adults in the registries of Belarus and the Ukraine

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    In order to evaluate the diagnostic reliability of the thyroid cancers listed in adult registries from the Ukraine and Belarus, a histological review was organised of 327 randomly selected thyroid carcinoma cases diagnosed between 1960 and 1999. A final diagnosis was reached at a 5-day consensus conference by six pathologists who met around a multiheaded microscope. The study concluded with a comparison between the final diagnosis and the initial diagnosis. The pathologists agreed with the initial diagnosis of malignancy in 286 cases (88%). A final diagnosis of papillary, follicular or medullary thyroid carcinoma was reached in 86, 4, and 6% of the cases respectively. In 2.8% of the cases reviewed, diagnostic discrepancies persisted. The percentage of agreement between the final diagnosis and the initial diagnosis was 93%, with a weighted κ-statistic of 0.61 (confidence interval 95% (CI 95%): [0.45-0.77]). In all, 89% of the 286 confirmed cancer cases were in agreement for the type of cancer, with a κ-statistic of 0.56 (CI95%: [0.43-0.69]). The level of agreement differed according to cancer categories, with concordance rates of 94, 40 and 33% for papillary, follicular and medullary thyroid carcinomas respectively. The low prevalence of follicular thyroid carcinomas in the adult population studied calls for further exploration. The discrepancies and classification difficulties encountered were analysed. © 2003 Cancer Research UK

    BMI, Diet and Female Reproductive Factors as Risks for Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Thyroid cancer incidence rates have been increasing worldwide but the reason behind this is unclear. Both the increasing use of diagnostic technologies allowing the detection of thyroid cancer and a true increase in thyroid cancer incidence have been proposed. This review assesses the role of body mass index (BMI), diet, and reproductive factors on the thyroid cancer trend. Methods: Epidemiologic studies of the selected risk factors up to June 2010 were reviewed and critically assessed. Results: Among the thirty-seven studies reviewed and despite variation in the risk estimates, most papers supported a small but positive association for BMI (risk estimate range: 1.1–2.3 in males and 1.0–7.4 in females.). Among specific dietary components, there was no consistent association of thyroid cancer risk with iodine intake through fortification (risk estimate range: 0.49–1.6) or fish consumption (risk estimate range 0.6–2.2), nor with diets high in cruciferous vegetables (risk estimate range 0.6–1.9). A small number of studies showed a consistent protective effect of diets high in non-cruciferous vegetable (risk estimate range: 0.71–0.92). Among reproductive factors (pregnancy, parity, number of live births, use of prescription hormones, menstrual cycle regularity, and menopausal status), none were consistently associated with higher thyroid cancer risk. Conclusions: BMI had the strongest link to thyroid cancer risk among those examined. Detailed examinations of populationleve