2,633 research outputs found

    Un modo de traducción: Las instalaciones-performance de Joan Jonas

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    This paper considers Joan Jonas’s translations of her works from performance to installation through a focus on one specific but crucial work: her 1976 performance, turned multi-channel video installation, Mirage. Throughout her career Jonas has worked fluidly across media, cultivating transformations among motifs as they traverse two and three dimensions, still and moving images, and return in various works over time. As introduced within the context of Jonas’s 1994 retrospective at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, installation forms a relatively new component in this matrix, but not a fundamentally different approach. This paper argues that to recognize that continuity is to appreciate Jonas’s performances and installations not as dichotomous but rather as integrated within a cohesive practice that encompasses her multifaceted artistic concerns. At the same time, to recognize the new emphasis that Jonas placed on installation at a crucial historical juncture in the 1990s suggests an interpretation of her practice as historiographical, the artist’s active shaping of her work’s legacy in the future. With close attention, Jonas’s actions demonstrate her conceptualization of her performances and their potential relationships to other art forms—information vital to broader histories of performance art and the integration of performance within museum collections.Este artículo revisa las traducciones que Joan Jonas realiza en sus obras desde la performance a la instalación, mediante la focalización en un proyecto concreto que resulta crucial: Mirage, su performance de 1976 que fue convertida en una video-instalación multicanal. A lo largo de su carrera, Jonas desarrolló sus ideas a través de diferentes medios, cultivando transformaciones entre elementos que atravesaban las dos y tres dimensiones, imágenes tanto estáticas como dinámicas, y obras sobre las que volvía pasado el tiempo. Tal y como se introdujeron en el contexto de la retrospectiva de Jonas en el Stedelijk Museum de Amsterdam en 1994, las instalaciones-performance constituyen un componente relativamente novedoso en su matriz artística, pero no plantean una aproximación fundamentalmente diferente. Este artículo argumenta que, para reconocer esa continuidad, hay que apreciar las performances e instalaciones de Jonas no como algo dicotómico, sino más bien como integradas en una práctica coherente que acompasa sus preocupaciones artísticas multifacéticas. Al mismo tiempo, reconocer el nuevo énfasis que Jonas puso en la instalación durante una coyuntura histórica crucial en los años 90, sugiere una interpretación de su práctica como historiográfica, la configuración activa del legado de su obra para el futuro. Una mirada atenta muestra que las acciones de Jonas proponen una conceptualización de sus performances y de su relación potencial con otras formas artísticas —información vital de cara a unas historias ampliadas de la performance y a la integración de esta en las colecciones de museos—.

    Bio-electrospraying and aerodynamically assisted bio-jetting the model eukaryotic Dictyostelium discoideum: assessing stress and developmental competency post treatment

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    Bio-electrospraying (BES) and aerodynamically assisted bio-jetting (AABJ) have recently been established as important novel biospray technologies for directly manipulating living cells. To elucidate their potential in medical and clinical sciences, these bio-aerosol techniques have been subjected to increasingly rigorous investigations. In parallel to these studies, we wish to introduce these unique biotechnologies for use in the basic biological sciences, for handling a wide range of cell types and systems, thus increasing the range and the scope of these techniques for modern research. Here, the authors present the analysis of the new use of these biospray techniques for the direct handling of the simple eukaryotic biomedical model organism Dictyostelium discoideum. These cells are widely used as a model for immune cell chemotaxis and as a simple model for development. We demonstrate that AABJ of these cells did not cause cell stress, as defined by the stress-gene induction, nor affect cell development. Furthermore, although BES induced the increased expression of one stress-related gene (gapA), this was not a generalized stress response nor did it affect cell development. These data suggest that these biospray techniques can be used to directly manipulate single cells of this biomedical model without inducing a generalized stress response or perturbing later development

    Evolutionary engineering improves tolerance for replacement jet fuels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Monoterpenes are liquid hydrocarbons with applications ranging from flavor and fragrance to replacement jet fuel. Their toxicity, however, presents a major challenge for microbial synthesis. Here we evolved limonene-tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains and sequenced six strains across the 200-generation evolutionary time course. Mutations were found in the tricalbin proteins Tcb2p and Tcb3p. Genomic reconstruction in the parent strain showed that truncation of a single protein (tTcb3p(1-989)), but not its complete deletion, was sufficient to recover the evolved phenotype improving limonene fitness 9-fold. tTcb3p(1-989) increased tolerance toward two other monoterpenes (beta-pinene and myrcene) 11- and 8-fold, respectively, and tolerance toward the biojet fuel blend AMJ-700t (10% cymene, 50% limonene, 40% farnesene) 4-fold. tTcb3p(1-989) is the first example of successful engineering of phase tolerance and creates opportunities for production of the highly toxic C-10 alkenes in yeast

    Within- and Between-Home Variability in Indoor-Air Insecticide Levels during Pregnancy among an Inner-City Cohort from New York City

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    BACKGROUND: Residential insecticide use is widespread in the United States, but few data are available on the persistence and variability in levels in the indoor environment. OBJECTIVE: The study aim was to assess within- and between-home variability in indoor-air insecticides over the final 2 months of pregnancy among a cohort of African-American and Dominican women from New York City. METHODS: Women not employed outside the home were enrolled between February 2001 and May 2004 (n = 102); 9 insecticides and an adjuvant were measured in 48-hr personal air samples and 2-week integrated indoor air samples collected sequentially for 7.0 ± 2.3 weeks (n = 337 air samples). RESULTS: Sixty-one percent of the women reported using pest control during the air samplings. Chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and propoxur were detected in 99–100% of personal and indoor samples (range, 0.4–641 ng/m(3)). Piperonyl butoxide (a pyrethroid adjuvant) was detected in 45.5–68.5% (0.2–608 ng/m(3)). There was little within-home variability and no significant difference in air concentrations within homes over time (p ≥ 0.2); between-home variability accounted for 88% of the variance in the indoor air levels of propoxur, 92% in chlorpyrifos, 94% in diazinon, and 62% in piperonyl butoxide (p < 0.001). Indoor and maternal personal air insecticide levels were highly correlated (r = 0.7–0.9, p < 0.001). Diazinon and chlorpyrifos levels declined 5-fold between 2001 and 2004 but were detected in all homes 1.5 and 2.5 years, respectively, after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ban on their residential use. CONCLUSION: Results showed that the insecticides were persistent in the home with little variability in air concentrations over the 2 months and contributed to chronic maternal inhalation exposures during pregnancy

    CO2/pH-responsive particles with built-in fluorescence read-out

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    yesA novel fluorescent monomer was synthesized to probe the state of CO2-responsive cross-linked polymeric particles. The fluorescent emission of this aminobromomaleimide-bearing monomer, being sensitive to protic environments, can provide information on the core hydrophilicity of the particles and therefore indicates the swollen state and size of the particles. The particles’ core, synthesized from DEAEMA (N,N-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate), is responsive to CO2 through protonation of the tertiary amines of DEAEMA. The response is reversible and the fluorescence emission can be recovered by simply bubbling nitrogen into the particle solution. Alternate purges of CO2 and N2 into the particles’ solution allow several ON/OFF fluorescence emission cycles and simultaneous particle swelling/shrinking cycles.British Petroleum Company (BP), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Characterization of Phthalate Exposure among Pregnant Women Assessed by Repeat Air and Urine Samples

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    Background: Although urinary concentrations of phthalate metabolites are frequently used as biomarkers in epidemiologic studies, variability during pregnancy has not been characterized. Methods: We measured phthalate metabolite concentrations in spot urine samples collected from 246 pregnant Dominican and African-American women. Twenty-eight women had repeat urine samples collected over a 6-week period. We also analyzed 48-hr personal air samples (n = 96 women) and repeated indoor air samples (n = 32 homes) for five phthalate diesters. Mixed-effects models were fit to evaluate reproducibility via intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of using a single specimen versus repeat samples to classify a woman’s exposure in the low or high category. Results: Phthalates were detected in 85–100% of air and urine samples. ICCs for the unadjusted urinary metabolite concentrations ranged from 0.30 for mono-ethyl phthalate to 0.66 for monobenzyl phthalate. For indoor air, ICCs ranged from 0.48 [di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)] to 0.83 [butylbenzyl phthalate (BBzP)]. Air levels of phthalate diesters correlated with their respective urinary metabolite concentrations for BBzP (r = 0.71), di-isobutyl phthalate (r = 0.44), and diethyl phthalate (DEP; r = 0.39). In women sampled late in pregnancy, specific gravity appeared to be more effective than creatinine in adjusting for urine dilution. Conclusions: Urinary concentrations of DEP and DEHP metabolites in pregnant women showed lower reproducibility than metabolites for di-n-butyl phthalate and BBzP. A single indoor air sample may be sufficient to characterize phthalate exposure in the home, whereas urinary phthalate biomarkers should be sampled longitudinally during pregnancy to minimize exposure misclassification

    A Potential Supernova Remnant/X-ray Binary Association in M31

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    The well-studied X-ray/Optical/Radio supernova remnant DDB 1-15 (CXOM31 J004327.8+411829; r3-63) in M31 has been investigated with archival XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. The timing data from XMM-Newton reveals a power density spectrum (PDS) characteristic of accreting compact objects in X-ray binaries (XRBs). The PDS shows features typical of Roche lobe overflow accretion, hinting that the XRB is low-mass. The Chandra observations resolve the SNR into a shell and show a variable count rate at the 94% confidence level in the northwest quadrant. Together, these XMM-Newton and Chandra data suggest that there is an XRB in the SNR r3-63 and that the XRB is located in the northwestern portion of the SNR. The currently-available X-ray and optical data show no evidence that the XRB is high-mass. If the XRB is low-mass, r3-63 would be the first SNR found to contain a low-mass X-ray binary.Comment: 30 pages, 3 tables, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap