8,935 research outputs found

    Some Pattern Recognition Challenges in Data-Intensive Astronomy

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    We review some of the recent developments and challenges posed by the data analysis in modern digital sky surveys, which are representative of the information-rich astronomy in the context of Virtual Observatory. Illustrative examples include the problems of an automated star-galaxy classification in complex and heterogeneous panoramic imaging data sets, and an automated, iterative, dynamical classification of transient events detected in synoptic sky surveys. These problems offer good opportunities for productive collaborations between astronomers and applied computer scientists and statisticians, and are representative of the kind of challenges now present in all data-intensive fields. We discuss briefly some emergent types of scalable scientific data analysis systems with a broad applicability.Comment: 8 pages, compressed pdf file, figures downgraded in quality in order to match the arXiv size limi

    Probing the Structure of the Pomeron

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    We suggest that the pseudo-rapidity cut dependence of diffractive deep-inelastic scattering events at HERA may provide a sensitive test of models of diffraction. A comparison with the experimental cross section shows that the Donnachie-Landshoff model and a simple two-gluon exchange model of the pomeron model are disfavoured. However a model with a direct coupling of the pomeron to quarks is viable for a harder quark--pomeron form factor, as is a model based on the leading-twist operator contribution. We also consider a direct-coupling scalar pomeron model. We comment on the implications of these results for the determination of the partonic structure of the pomeron.We suggest that the pseudo-rapidity cut dependence of diffractive deep-inelastic scattering events at HERA may provide a sensitive test of models of diffraction. A comparison with the experimental cross section shows that the Donnachie-Landshoff model and a simple two-gluon exchange model of the pomeron model are disfavoured. However a model with a direct coupling of the pomeron to quarks is viable for a harder quark--pomeron form factor, as is a model based on the leading-twist operator contribution. We also consider a direct-coupling scalar pomeron model. We comment on the implications of these results for the determination of the partonic structure of the pomeron

    Exploring the Time Domain With Synoptic Sky Surveys

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    Synoptic sky surveys are becoming the largest data generators in astronomy, and they are opening a new research frontier, that touches essentially every field of astronomy. Opening of the time domain to a systematic exploration will strengthen our understanding of a number of interesting known phenomena, and may lead to the discoveries of as yet unknown ones. We describe some lessons learned over the past decade, and offer some ideas that may guide strategic considerations in planning and execution of the future synoptic sky surveys.Comment: Invited talk, to appear in proc. IAU SYmp. 285, "New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy", eds. E. Griffin et al., Cambridge Univ. Press (2012). Latex file, 6 pages, style files include

    Mapping the sensitivity of split ring resonators using a localized analyte

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    Split ring resonator (SRR) based metamaterials have frequently been demonstrated for use as optical sensors of organic materials. This is made possible by matching the wavelength of the SRR plasmonic resonance with a molecular resonance of a specific analyte, which is usually placed on top of the metal structure. However, systematic studies of SRRs that identify the regions that exhibit a high electric field strength are commonly performed using simulations. In this paper we demonstrate that areas of high electric field strength, termed “hot-spots,” can be found by localizing a small quantity of organic analyte at various positions on or near the structure. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the SRR to the localized analyte can be quantified to determine, experimentally, suitable regions for optical sensing

    New approaches to object classification in synoptic sky surveys

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    Digital synoptic sky surveys pose several new object classification challenges. In surveys where real-time detection and classification of transient events is a science driver, there is a need for an effective elimination of instrument-related artifacts which can masquerade as transient sources in the detection pipeline, e.g., unremoved large cosmic rays, saturation trails, reflections, crosstalk artifacts, etc. We have implemented such an Artifact Filter, using a supervised neural network, for the real-time processing pipeline in the Palomar-Quest (PQ) survey. After the training phase, for each object it takes as input a set of measured morphological parameters and returns the probability of it being a real object. Despite the relatively low number of training cases for many kinds of artifacts, the overall artifact classification rate is around 90%, with no genuine transients misclassified during our real-time scans. Another question is how to assign an optimal star-galaxy classification in a multi-pass survey, where seeing and other conditions change between different epochs, potentially producing inconsistent classifications for the same object. We have implemented a star/galaxy multipass classifier that makes use of external and a priori knowledge to find the optimal classification from the individually derived ones. Both these techniques can be applied to other, similar surveys and data sets

    The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey

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    The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) currently covers 33,000 deg^2 of the sky in search of transient astrophysical events, with time baselines ranging from 10 minutes to ~7 years. Data provided by the Catalina Sky Survey provides an unequaled baseline against which >4,000 unique optical transient events have been discovered and openly published in real-time. Here we highlight some of the discoveries of CRTS.Comment: To appear in proc. IAU Symp. 285, "New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy", eds. E. Griffin et al., Cambridge Univ. Press (2012), 3 page
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