882 research outputs found

    Holiday Card from William S. Day and Family

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    Holiday Card from William S. Day and family, with envelope addressed to Sonora Dodd.https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/fathers-day-correspondence/1176/thumbnail.jp

    Consumer Research and the Evaluation of Information Disclosure Requirements: The Case of Truth in Lending

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    This article evaluates the impact of Truth in Lending (TIL) disclosures on consumer search and credit usage behavior, and how the effects vary by market segment. Consumer behavior concepts were used to guide the development of a comprehensive model of the consumer credit decision process, which specified the intervening effects of TIL and the situational constraints which tended to limit the use of TIL information

    The Effect of Disclosure on Consumer Knowledge of Credit Terms: A Longitudinal Study

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    Early evaluations of Truth‐in‐Lending have observed impressive gains in consumer knowledge about interest rates. Contrary to original goals, consumers with more education, income, and debt experience have benefited far more than low‐income and minority consumers. How will these results change over time as consumers gain credit experience with the aid of disclosure? Has disclosure improved consumer understanding about finance charges, and what factors beyond socio‐economic status might have enhanced consumer knowledge of credit terms? These questions are addressed in this report of a large sample of California households surveyed at two points in time. The longitudinal analysis shows individual changes in knowledge, the effects of credit experience on learning, and a projection of future levels of credit knowledge

    Modifications to the University of Michigan 83‐Inch Cyclotron to Improve Beam Quality

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    Recent studies of the internal and extracted beams at the higher energies (up to 40‐MeV deuterons and 80‐MeV α‐particles) led us to convert the dee system of the 83‐inch cyclotron from two 150° dees to one 180° dee. The primary purpose was to remove from the deflector channel the rf dee voltage, which because of its phase opposes the dc deflector voltage and in addition introduces an energy spread in the extracted beam. The one‐dee system offers further advantages. The equivalent first harmonic due to a gap‐crossing driving force which is a function of the dee geometry and dee voltage balance in the two‐dee system, is essentially eliminated, and control of the central orbits, in particular the selection of phase width, is facilitated. The measured values of the beam quality and energy spread are in good agreement with calculations. These results, together with the diagnostic instrumentation used in obtaining them, are described.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87291/2/366_1.pd

    Scholars@TAMU Texas A&M University Libraries’

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    Texas A&M University Libraries has been using VIVO in production since 2015. In that time, we have come up with many creative solutions to meet the needs of our users. In early 2019, we began developing a replacement front end for the VIVO interface to formally address campus demands here at Texas A&M University. Initial requirements: * Align the technology stack as much as possible with the existing VIVO stack to assist with implementation by others if they choose especially smaller libraries. * The majority of the front end is customizable by others. * Read only UI. No updating back to the triple store. * All data is retrieved via a REST API endpoint using Spring Data for Apache Solr. * 100% Search Engine Optimization. IE: A person / crawler can disable JavaScript and still have the same experience. Server side, and Client side rendering if needed

    Water Level Observations in Mangrove Swamps During Two Hurricanes in Florida

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    Little is known about the effectiveness of mangroves in suppressing water level heights during landfall of tropical storms and hurricanes. Recent hurricane strikes along the Gulf Coast of the United States have impacted wetland integrity in some areas and hastened the need to understand how and to what degree coastal forested wetlands confer protection by reducing the height of peak water level. In recent years, U.S. Geological Survey Gulf Coast research projects in Florida have instrumented mangrove sites with continuous water level recorders. Our ad hoc network of water level recorders documented the rise, peak, and fall of water levels (6 0.5 hr) from two hurricane events in 2004 and 2005. Reduction of peak water level heights from relatively in-line gages associated with one storm surge event indicated that mangrove wetlands can reduce water level height by as much as 9.4 cm/km inland over intact, relatively unchannelized expanses. During the other event, reductions were slightly less for mangroves along a river corridor. Estimates of water level attenuation were within the range reported in the literature but erred on the conservative side. These synoptic data from single storm events indicate that intact mangroves may support a protective role in reducing maximum water level height associated with surge

    Long-term Success of Stump Sprouts in High-graded Baldcypress-water Tupelo Swamps in the Mississippi Delta

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    Regeneration of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) and water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica L.) in swamps of the deltaic plain of the Mississippi River are of major importance for ecosystem sustainability and forest management in the context of regional hydrological changes. Water tupelo often forms prolific sprouts from cut stumps, and baldcypress is one of few conifers to produce stump sprouts capable of becoming full-grown trees. Previous studies have addressed early survival of baldcypress stump sprouts, but have not addressed the likelihood of sprouts becoming an important component of mature stands. We surveyed stands in southeastern Louisiana that were partially logged 10–41 years ago to determine if stump sprouts are an important mechanism of regeneration. At each site we inventoried stumps and measured stump height and diameter, presence and number of sprouts, sprout height, and water depth.We determined age and diameter growth rate for the largest sprout fromeach stump from increment cores. The majority of stumps did not have surviving sprouts. Baldcypress sprout survival was about the same (median 10%) as previously found for stumps up to 7 years old, so it appears that, although mortality is high soon after sprouting, it is low after age 10.Water tupelo sprouting was rare at our sites but it was not clear whether this may have been because trees were not cut at our sample locations. Baldcypress stump sprouts were more likely to survive on shorter, smaller-diameter stumps, and baldcypress sprout growth was greatest on drier sites with less competition from overstory trees. Surviving baldcypress stump sprouts had high growth rates, but were not regularly spatially distributed within stands and many had advancing decay from stumps into sprouts

    When benefit eligibility and patient-led care intersect. Living in the UK with chronic illness:Experiences of the work capability assessment

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    Individuals living with chronic physical health conditions are more likely to be out-of-work than other groups. Often framed as a 'response' to these statistics, many countries have introduced policy instruments for promoting the employment of individuals with chronic conditions. This qualitative study sought to explore the impact of welfare reforms on UK individuals. Employing a phenomenological approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five participants living with chronic conditions. Three themes were generated using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: 'intersubjective sense making of the condition'; 'battles for control' and 'the fluidity and strengthening of identity'. Implications for further, holistic, policy reform are explored
