187 research outputs found

    Comparison of Continuous Records of Near-Bottom Dissolved Oxygen from the Hypoxia Zone along the Louisiana Coast

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    Oxygen depletion is a seasonally dominant feature of the lower water column on the highly-stratified, riverine-influenced continental shelf of Louisiana. The areal extent of hypoxia (bottom waters ≤2 mg l−1 dissolved oxygen) in mid-summer may encompass up to 9,500 km2, from the Mississippi River delta to the upper Texas coast, with the spatial configuration of the zone varying interannually. We placed two continuously recording oxygen meters (Endeco 1184) within 1 m of the seabed in 20-m water depth at two locations 77 km apart where we previously documented midsummer bottom water hypoxia. The oxygen meters recorded considerably different oxygen conditions for a 4-mo deployment from mid-June through mid-October. At the station off Terrebonne Bay (C6A), bottom waters were severely depleted in dissolved oxygen and often anoxic for most of the record from mid-June through mid-August, and there were no strong diurnal or diel patterns. At the station 77 km to the east and closer to the Mississippi River delta (WD32E), hypoxia occurred for only 50% of the record, and there was a strong diurnal pattern in the oxygen time-series data. There was no statistically significant coherence between the oxygen time-series at the two stations. Coherence of the oxygen records with wind records was weak. The dominant coherence identified was between the diurnal peaks in the WD32E oxygen record and the bottom pressure record from a gauge located at the mouth of Terrebonne Bay, suggesting that the dissolved oxygen signal at WD32E was due principally to advection by tidal currents. Although the oxygen time-series were considerably different, they were consistent with the physical and biological processes that affect hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. Differences in the time-series were most intimately tied to the topographic cross-shelf gradients in the two locations, that is, station C6A off Terrebonne Bay was in the middle of a broad, gradually sloping shelf and station WD32E in the Mississippi River Delta Bight was in an area with a steeper cross-shelf depth gradient and likely situated near the edge of a hypoxic water mass that was tidally advected across the study site

    Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf, July, 1987

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    Beginning in 1985, several research cruises were conducted by our research team to assess the spatial and temporal extent, intensity, and potential causes of oxygen depletion in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxic bottom waters were studied along two transects in and near the Mississippi River Delta Bight in 1985 and 1986. In addition, shelf-wide cruises were conducted from the Mississippi River to the Texas border during July of both years. The intent of these cruises was to provide comparative information on the temporal variability of oxygen-depleted bottom waters on the Louisiana shelf. The bi-weekly cruises along the southeastern Louisiana shelf were discontinued in 1987. A shelf-wide cruise, however, was conducted in July, 1987 to continue the studies of temporal variability on the Louisiana shelf. The cruise was conducted on the R/V Pelican from July 1 through July 5

    Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf, July and September, 1985

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    In June 1985, a focused study was initiated to assess the spatial and temporal extent, intensity, and potential causes of oxygen depletion in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Two shelf-wide, quasi-synoptic cruises were conducted from the Mississippi River to the Texas border during mid-July and early September, 1985. Cruises were conducted aboard the R/V Pelican on 15-20 July and 10-13 September. Stations were occupied along ten transects in 5 to 80 m water depth. Stations for Pelican Cruise I extended farther offshore and farther to the west than those for Pelican Cruise II. In addition to these shelf-wide cruises, hypoxic bottom waters were studied more frequently along two transects in the Mississippi River Delta Bight area

    Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf during 1988

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    Since 1985, several research cruises were conducted by our research team to assess the spatial and temporal extent, intensity, and potential causes of oxygen depletion in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxic bottom waters were studied along two transects in and near the Mississippi River Delta Bight in 1985 and 1986. In addition, shelf-wide cruises were conducted from the Mississippi River to the Texas border during July of 1985, 1986, and 1987. These cruises have provided us with exhaustive information concerning the temporal and spatial variability associated with the phenomenon of hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. It was not our intent to continue assessment-type cruises during 1988. Opportunities existed, however, in conjunction with other research cruises and the LUMCON summer program to re-occupy stations along Transect C off Cat Island Pass near Cocodrie. In addition, the drought conditions in the upper Mississippi River basin during the spring and summer of 1988 resulted in a significant reduction in the flow rate of the Mississippi River. We were therefore compelled to conduct a shelf-wide cruise during mid-summer of 1988 to document the hydrographic conditions of the Louisiana shelf under low flow conditions of the Mississippi River and to assess the effects of this low flow on the phenomenon of hypoxia. The cruises along Transect C were conducted on board the R/V Pelican as part of a research effort named LaSER for data in April and as part of the LUMCON summer program for the remainder. The shelf-wide cruise was conducted on board the R/V Acadiana from August 12 through August 16, 1988

    Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column in the Mississippi River Delta Bight, June, 1985 to December, 1985

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    In June 1985, a focused study was initiated to assess the spatial and temporal extent, intensity, and potential causes of oxygen depletion in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxic bottom waters were studied along two transects (one off Cat Island Pass near Cocodrie and one off Belle Pass off Port Fourchon) in the Mississippi River Delta Bight area. Eight 2-day cruises were conducted aboard the R/V R.J. Russell or the R/V Pelican along these two transects between mid-June and mid-October. Sampling was most intense (bi-weekly) from mid-June through early September. A reduced sampling scheme (4 stations along the Cat Island Pass transect) was continued through the end of the year. In addition, two shelf-wide cruises were conducted from the Mississippi River to the Texas border during July and September

    Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the southeastern Louisiana coast, January, 1986 to November, 1986

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    In June 1985, a focused study was initiated to assess the spatial and temporal extent, intensity, and potential causes of oxygen depletion in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxic bottom waters were studied along two transects (one off Cat Island Pass near Cocodrie and one off Belle Pass near Port Fourchon). The number of transects was reduced to one in 1986 (Transect C off Cat Island Pass) and the number of sample periods increased. Sixteen cruises were conducted aboard the R/V Acadiana or the R/V Pelican between late January and mid-November, 1986. Sampling was most intense (bi-weekly) from mid-April through late September. A reduced sampling scheme (four stations) was followed for the first two cruises. In addition a shelf-wide cruise was conducted from the Mississippi River to the Texas border during July, 1986

    Nutrient Changes in the Mississippi River and System Responses on the Adjacent Continental Shelf

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    The Mississippi River system ranks among the world\u27s top 10 rivers in freshwater and sediment inputs to the coastal ocean. The river contributes 90% of the freshwater loading to the Gulf of Mexico, and terminates amidst one of the United States\u27 most productive fisheries regions and the location of the largest zone of hypoxia, in the western Atlantic Ocean. Significant increases in riverine nutrient concentrations and loadings of nitrate and phosphorus and decreases in silicate have occurred this century, and have accelerated since 1950. Consequently, major alterations have occurred in the probable nutrient limitation and overall stoichiometric nutrient balance in the adjacent continental shelf system. Changes in the nutrient balances and reduction in riverine silica loading to, the continental shelf appear to have led to phytoplankton species shifts offshore and to an increase in primary production. The phytoplankton community response, as indicated by long-term changes in biological uptake of silicate and accumulation of biologically bound silica in sediments, has shown how the system has responded to changes in riverine nutrient loadings. Indeed, the accumulation of biologically bound silica in sediments beneath the Mississippi River plume increased during the past two decades, presumably in response to, increased nitrogen loading. The duration, size, and severity of hypoxia has probably increased as a consequence of the increased primary production. Management alternatives directed at water pollution issues within the Mississippi River watershed may have unintended and contrasting impacts on the coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico

    A Preliminary Mass Balance Model of Primary Productivity and Dissolved Oxygen in the Mississippi River Plume/Inner Gulf Shelf Region

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    A deterministic, mass balance model for phytoplankton, nutrients, and dissolved oxygen was applied to the Mississippi River Plume/Inner Gulf Shelf (MRP/IGS) region. The model was calibrated to a comprehensive set of field data collected during July 1990 at over 200 sampling stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The spatial domain of the model is represented by a three-dimensional, 21-segment water-column .grid extending from the Mississippi River Delta west to the Louisiana-Texas border, and from the shoreline seaward to the 30-60 m bathymetric contours. Diagnostic analyses and numerical experiments were conducted with the calibrated model to better understand the environmental processes controlling primary productivity and dissolved oxygen dynamics in the MRP/IGS region. Underwater light attenuation appears relatively more important than nutrient limitation in controlling rates of primary productivity. Chemical-biological processes appear relatively more important than advective-dispersive transport processes in controlling bottom-water dissolved oxygen dynamics. Oxidation of carbonaceous material in the water column, phytoplankton respiration, and sediment oxygen demand all appear to contribute significantly to total oxygen depletion rates in bottom waters. The estimated contribution of sediment oxygen demand to total oxygen-depletion rates in bottom waters ranges from 22% to 30%. Primary productivity appears to he an important source of dissolved oxygen to bottom waters in the region of the Atchafalaya River discharge and further west along the Louisiana Inner Shelf. Dissolved oxygen concentrations appear very sensitive to changes in underwater light attenuation due to strong coupling between dissolved oxygen and primary productivity in bottom waters. The Louisiana Inner Shelf in the area of the Atchafalaya River discharge and further west to the Texas border appears to be characterized by significantly different light attent, ation-depth-primary productivity relationships than the area immediately west of the Mississippi Delta. Nutrient remineralization in the water column appears to contribute significantly to maintaining chlorophyll concentrations on the Louisiana Inner Shelf

    Characterization of Hypoxia: Topic I Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Nutrient overenrichment from human activities is one of the major stresses affecting coastal ecosystems. There is increasing concern in many areas around the world that an oversupply of nutrients from multiple sources is having pervasive ecological effects on shallow coastal and estuarine areas. These effects include reduced light penetration, loss of aquatic habitat, harmfid algal blooms, a decrease in dissolved oxygen (or hypoxia), and impacts on living resources. The largest zone of oxygen-depleted coastal waters in the United States, and the entire western Atlantic Ocean, is found in the northern Gulf of Mexico on the Louisiana-Texas continental shelf. This zone is influenced by the freshwater discharge and nutrient flux of the Mississippi River system. This report describes the seasonal, interannual, and long-term variability in hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its relationship to nutrient loading. It also documents the relative roles of natural and human-induced factors in determining the size and duration of the hypoxic zone
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