Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf, July and September, 1985


In June 1985, a focused study was initiated to assess the spatial and temporal extent, intensity, and potential causes of oxygen depletion in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Two shelf-wide, quasi-synoptic cruises were conducted from the Mississippi River to the Texas border during mid-July and early September, 1985. Cruises were conducted aboard the R/V Pelican on 15-20 July and 10-13 September. Stations were occupied along ten transects in 5 to 80 m water depth. Stations for Pelican Cruise I extended farther offshore and farther to the west than those for Pelican Cruise II. In addition to these shelf-wide cruises, hypoxic bottom waters were studied more frequently along two transects in the Mississippi River Delta Bight area

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