258 research outputs found

    Farmer’s observation on climate change impacts on maize (Zea mays) production in a selected agro-ecological zone in Ghana

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    Although maize farmers may not have a clear understanding of climate change, they live close to natural resources and are among the first in perceiving and reacting to environmental changes. They have observed and felt the effects of decreasing rainfall, emphasizing changes in the regularity, length, intensity and timing of rainfall; increasing air temperature, increasing sunshine intensity and seasonal changes in rainfall pattern which is affecting their farming practices. Moreover, farmers are also aware of the interacting effect between bad management practices and changes in climate. For instance, deforestation and clearing of riparian vegetation is considered a major factor increasing soil erosion; the use of agricultural chemicals close to the rivers and streams create hazards for the environment. The study indicates that changes in the onset and cessation of rain have negative impact on maize production and this pose a serious threat to household food security since maize is the staple food of most Ghanaians. Consequently, effective and efficient adaptation and mitigation measures should be promoted to prepare stakeholders in maize production systems to enhance their resilience and flexibility

    The Positive Dimension of Informal Relations on Organizations’ Performance: The Case of KNUST Banks

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    This study examined the impact of informal relations on banks (Eco bank, Stanchart, United Bank for Africa, Barclays, Ghana Commercial Bank, and Cal Bank) at KNUST campus. Social survey was the design used for this study. The population of study was all workers of all banks on KNUST Campus. The sample size for the study was fifty-four (54) consisting of six (6) managers and forty-eight (48) working staff from the various banks. The simple random sampling technique was employed to select the sample. Additionally, purposive sampling technique, which is a non-probability sampling method, was used to select the various managers who participated in the study. The data used for this study included both primary and secondary. Closed ended questions were used to collect the primary data. In analysing the data collected from the field, both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis were employed. From the study, it was evident that employees who interacted informally and participated in informal groups increased their capacity to be creative and express new ideas, which positively reflected in their performance. Again, it became known that informal relations complemented the formal structure by safeguarding the organization from self-destruction that would result from literal obedience to the formal policies, rules, regulations, and procedures. It was recommended that managers should critically look at informal relations and explore means that encourage employees to relate informally in relation to the objectives of the organization. In addition, managers should make efforts to check rumours since untrue information perpetuated by dissatisfied employees can affect the morale of other employees. It must be emphasized that informal relations is a natural, social and psychological need of employees and therefore managers need to study the informal group to discover ways in which the interests of informal groups can combine with the interest of the formal organization for higher productivity Keywords: Positive, Productive, Organization, Informal Relations, Performance, Networ

    Effects of Large-Scale Land Acquisition on Livelihood Assets in the Pru East District of Ghana

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    The activities of multi-national companies have affected the livelihood of smallholder farmer in the Pru East, though a lot of research work has been done on large scale land acquisition but this study focus on how it affects livelihood asset of smallholder farmers in the Pru East District. Over the past ten years, the Government of Ghana have leased out large tracts of land for investors, mainly foreign investors. Survey research approach was used for the study. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed and a sample size of 332 households was used for the study. The study used five indicators of the Livelihood Effect Index (LEI) espoused by Downing et al., (2001) to determine the effects of large-scale land acquisition on the livelihood of smallholder farming households. Large scale land acquisition has a significant positive moderate effect on the employment, healthcare and food security but, has a significant negative high effect on income levels of smallholder farming households. However, large scale land acquisition has no significant effect on the nutritional status of farming households in the Pru East district of the Bono East region. Kobre and Kadue communities with an LEI of 0.53 suggests that livelihoods of farming households in these two communities are the most effected with large scale land acquisition. The study also recommends that MMDAs must formulate by-laws to ensure that large scale land investors employ people from the host communities of the projects. Keywords: livelihood asset, large scale land acquisition, smallholder farmer, human capital asset, natural capital asset, financial capital asset, social capital asset. DOI: 10.7176/JEES/10-2-08 Publication date: February 29th 202

    International joint ventures research on Africa : A systematic literature review, propositions, and contextualization

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    This study reviewed the research on international joint ventures (IJVs) in Africa up to 2017. The authors performed a systematic search of peer-reviewed good quality research using the 6W procedure and ensuring the quality of the review by using the 5Cs quality criteria. The content analysis was focused on four research questions. A total of 22 relevant studies were found. Overall, only about one-third of the lead authors were affiliated with African universities. A majority of the studies were quantitative, and 78% of the studies were done for three countries: Ghana, Morocco, and Nigeria. There was either just one or no study on trust and conflict, partner selection, and human resource management (HRM). At the contextual level, it seems that the most important factor influencing IJV strategy and success is institutions. We therefore suggest a greater use of institutional theory. Finally, we present a summary conceptual framework and four propositions to guide future research.©2021 Wiley. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Oguji, N., Degbey, W. Y. & Owusu, R. A. (2021). International joint ventures research on Africa: A systematic literature review, propositions, and contextualization, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/tie.21993. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Version of Record online: 04 June 2018fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Association between Anthropometry and Blood Pressure among Female Teachers of Child-Bearing Age in Ghana.

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    The prevalence of hypertension is high among women due to the high prevalence of obesity observed among them. This study determines the relationship between anthropometry and blood pressure among women of child-bearing age. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a total of 400 female teachers between the ages of 18-49 years from the Accra District of Ghana. A structured questionnaire was used to gather information on the socioeconomic status, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, physical activity, alcohol and nutrient intakes. Appropriate statistical methods were used to determine the association between variables. In this study, anthropometric measurements such as body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio and waist circumference indicated a strong positive relation with blood pressure. The prevalence of hypertension among the female teachers was found to be 11.5%.  About 35% of the women were overweight while 27% were found to be obese. Parity, income level and beer intake showed significant association with high blood pressure. Consumption of fruits and vegetables was observed to be low. Waist-to-hip ratio and age of the female teachers appeared to be the greatest predictors of high blood pressure. Women with central obesity were 2 times at risk of developing hypertension than those who were not [2.12 (0.99-4.51)]. Female teachers who knew their hypertension status were 6 times more likely to be detected as hypertensive by this study [6.11 (2.37-15.78)] and participants who were above 35 years were 5.7 times at risk of developing hypertension [5.68 (2.10-15.38)] than those below 35 years. Measures such as healthy eating guidelines supported with vigorous physical activities must be put in place in the various schools to help teachers maintain healthy body weights. Keywords: Anthropometry, Blood pressure, Female Teachers, Childbearing ag

    Coconut oil and palm oil’s role in nutrition, health and national development: A review

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    Coconut and palm oils which were the major sources of dietary fats for centuries in most of West Africa have been branded as unhealthy highly saturated fats. Their consumption has been peddled to supposedly raise the level of blood cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. This adverse view has led to a reduction in their consumption in West Africa and they have been substituted for imported vegetable oils. Recent information however, indicates some beneficial effects of these oils particularly their roles in nutrition, health and national development. There is the need for a better understanding of their effects on health, nutritional status and national development. This paper therefore attempts to review the roles which coconut and palm oils play in these respects in developing countries, as a means of advocating for a return to their use in local diets.Funding: None declaredKeywords: Palm oil, coconut oil, nutrition, health, national developmen

    Examining the Relationship between Leadership Style and Organisational Strategy

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    The existence of effective leadership in a contemporary organisation is critical for corporate development. It is expected of a leader to be visionary and be able to give direction to the organisation by way of determining goals and thence influence his / her subordinates to do what he / she wants them to do. Once goals are determined, leaders ought to find ways to create the conditions that will cause or allow subordinates to work hard and to direct the tasks they perform towards organisational ends. This study examined the relationship between leadership style and organisational strategy of GNLS. Choosing the right organizational strategy for a destination inspection company (DIC) such as Ghana Link Network Services (GLNS) has become a critical success factor. In order to have the right organizational strategy in such a competitive arena the company will require efficient and effective leadership to get its work done for corporate objectives to be achieved. Most companies in the sector do not even know the type of leadership style that they operate and the consequences it has on its ability to achieve its corporate objectives. Since organizational strategies are embarked upon to achieve organizational objectives, the study sought to examine the relationship between leadership style and organizational strategy. All the 110 employees of the Accra-branch of GLNS were interviewed as organizational strategies affected every employee of the organization. The study found that there is a direct relationship between leadership style and organizational strategy. This means that choosing the right leadership style will influence the organizational strategy of GLNS positively. The company should therefore dedicate energies and resources into identifying the right leadership style that would be beneficial to the company. Keywords: leadership style, organizational strateg

    Examining the Leadership Styles within Ghana Link Network Services

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    Leadership is one, if not the single most important, factor determining the success or progress of any human endeavour or organisation. It in the case of an organisation not progressing or succeeding in its bid to achieve a set goal, leadership tends to be the first to be held responsible. Ghanaian organisations seem to have a difficulty with leadership playing a vital role in their development, resulting in a high rate of organisational failures. Leadership challenges constitute one of the crucial problems confronting organisations. There is a myriad of problems which underlie leadership effectiveness in organisations and which have both short and long term effects on productivity within the organisation. A destination inspection company (DIC) such as Ghana Link Network Services (GLNS) will require efficient and effective leadership to get its work done for corporate objectives to be achieved. The study investigated the leadership styles within Ghana Link Network Services. Employees of GLNS are the target population for this research. Relevant information will be solicited from all categories (management and employees alike) of staff. The sample to be surveyed for the study will be limited to the Accra office of GLNS which has a population of one hundred and ten (110); made up of ten (10)  top management staff, twenty (20) lower management/ sectional heads, thirty (30) senior staff and fifty (50) junior staff. The selected sample fraction is thirty-six percent (36 %) which constitutes a sample size of forty (40) respondents selected to be interviewed for the study. The study will be conducted using probability sampling in which all staff members have an equal chance of being selected as a sample unit. The researcher will sample forty (40) respondents representing thirty-six percent of the staff in the Accra office. This sample size has been selected as a result of budgetary and time constraints taking into consideration the need to have a high level of confidence in the representativeness of the sample selected and the reliability of the data generated from the sample. The study found that majority of both management and employees of the GLNS prefer the democratic style of leadership, which is the dominant or prevalent leadership style over all the other styles. Keywords: leadership style, organizational strateg


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    The study assessed strategies teachers used to enhance social interaction skills of autistic pupils in some selected special schools for the intellectually disabled in the Northern part of Ghana. Descriptive research design was adopted and a total sample of 50 respondents were involved. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the schools and the respondents for the study. Questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. Data was analysed using tables, frequencies and percentages. The findings showed that the teachers used modeling, physical prompts, visual cues, reinforcement, social stories, direct instruction skills and social skills training in groups and peer support as strategies to enhance social interaction skills of autistic pupils in the school. The strategies used by the teachers were also proven to be effective in enhancing social interaction skills of autistic pupils in the school. It was established that even though some support services were available to help enhance the social interaction skills of the autistic pupils, professionals like occupational therapists, physical therapists and the multi-disciplinary team were absent in the three special schools selected for the study. It was recommended that the requisite support services should be provided in the selected special schools which have autistic pupils in order to help enhance the social interaction skills. In addition, periodic workshops, symposia as well as refresher courses should be organized for special teachers and their aides to update their knowledge and skills in the strategies used to enhance social interaction skills of these pupils with autism.  Article visualizations
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