2,362 research outputs found

    Structural studies of a fucogalactoxyloglucan from pinus radiata primary cell walls : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry at Massey University

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    1. The changes in carbohydrate composition of elongating Pinus radiata primary cell walls were investigated. In the hemicellulose B extracts, a large increase in the percentage of non-starch, non-cellulosic, glucose was found to occur on cessation of cell-wall elongation. 2. By fractionation of the hemicellulose B extracts, with a variety of methods involving precipitation from an aqueous solution, a xyloglucan was purified. This xyloglucan was the major hemicellulose of the Pinus radiata hypocotyl cell wall. 3. Characterisation studies on the xyloglucan involved: quantitative analysis of the monosaccharides derived by nitric acid/urea hydrolysis; identification of the partial hydrolysis products derived by trifluoroacetic acid hydrolysis; quantitation of the sugar linkages using methylation by the Hakomori method; and analysis of the anomeric configuration of component sugars using chromium trioxide oxidation. 4. From the results a tentative structure has been suggested for the xyloglucan, consisting of a backbone of B-D-gluco-pyranose residues linked together by 1-4 glycosidic bonds, and with sidechains of single xylose residues linked through C-6 of the glucose units. Galacto and fuco-1,2- galacto sidechains are attached to some of the xylose residues, probably through the C-2 of the xylose

    Putting the harm back into harmony: Aikido, violence and 'truth in the Martial Arts'

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    This paper will address the theme of ‘truth in the martial arts’, a phrase from Mitsugi Saotome’s recent reflection on his relationship as Uchi Deshi to Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. I will frame this theme sociologically, exploring it as an aspect of the martial arts as contemporary practices of the self. What is distinct about the practice of the martial arts in this context is their sustained reflection on violence, not simply as violent contest, but as a condition of irreducible insecurity per se. I would like to propose that Aikido (not unlike other martial arts) offers a response to violence by articulating a form-of-life – ‘a life that can never be separated from its form’ (Giorgio Agamben) – that is centred on the understanding that complete martial fluidity is immanent to life. The martial arts are therefore very interesting contemporary practices of the self because their paths to knowledge address key biopolitical issues of life and power through a freeing relation to violence. I would also like to propose that the framework of transcendental empiricism, which Gilles Deleuze develops to describe the dynamics of affectual as opposed to representational (i.e. mediated) experience, is both promising to characterize the experience of martial fluidity and to expand the self-understanding martial artists themselves. Martial artists are uniquely positioned to decipher Agamben’s and Deleuze’s theoretical texts because of the deep, embodied knowledge that emerges through practice

    Synthesis of FMSP Experience and Lessons Learned for Fisheries Co-Management, Final Technical Report

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    In November 2012, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) set the terms of reference for a commissioned assessment of fisheries and aquaculture science. The task was to complete a "scoping review", consisting of an in-depth assessment of the existing evidence related to fisheries and aquaculture activities in developing countries and their contribution to economic growth, food security and nutrition. For this the assessment was expected to identify the existing evidence and 'evidence in the pipeline' (i.e. to be published imminently) from the existing literature, compile it, and provide an assessment of the strength (in the sense, scientific rigor) of that evidence, and identify knowledge or evidence gaps. In addition the assessment was to be complemented by a mapping of existing relevant interventions in fisheries and aquaculture. In order to conduct this assessment, the team of consultants adopted a six step methodological protocol that allowed them to assess in a consistent manner the scientific quality of the documents included in the assessment, based on quality, size and consistency of the evidence. After scanning, 202 documents were retained. The main evidences from these 202 documents were organised under two main threads: (i) Developmental outcomes, including food security; nutrition; health; economic growth and (ii) Mediating factors focusing on governance; and gender

    The Role of the Regional Director in NLRA Representation Cases

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    Uncharted Terrain: Maps Created For Military Purposes Also Possess Historical, \u27Sthetic Richness

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    During the Civil War, a map of good quality had the potential to make the difference between victory and defeat on the battlefield. Earl B. McElfresh\u27s Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War brings together the War\u27s most notable, interesting, and beautiful maps, some of which have never before ...

    An economic analysis of alternative dairy herd replacement policies on Grade A dairy farms in the Knoxville milkshed

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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine and describe present methods used by Grade A dairy farmers in the Knoxville milkshed in procuring dairy herd replacements; (2) to determine attitudes and factors affecting the dairy farmers\u27 decisions in obtaining herd replacements; and (3) to estimate actual and opportunity cost of obtaining replacements by various methods