2,620 research outputs found

    Helping first year engineering students Get Set for success in their studies

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    The increasing diversity of the student population in higher education gives rise to issues relating to the ability to engage all students in productive and fulfilling learning experiences. With diversity comes an acknowledgement of the variety of learning spaces occupied by incoming students, and the need to ensure that those spaces become places of learning. The strategy proposed in this study to transform space into place is an online pre-test of first year engineering students, the Get Set quiz. This quiz enables commencing engineering students to self-test their readiness to study their chosen courses by measuring and providing individualised feedback on a number of cognitive and non-cognitive factors shown to be significant predictors of academic success. The best time for such self-assessment is prior to the commencement of their studies. Get Set helps set the scene for establishing place, by giving students the confidence that they have made an informed career choice, and/or by linking them with appropriate support mechanisms if necessary. Students are directed to support both on campus and online to help develop an individual study plan to address any knowledge and skills gaps. This proactive approach to independent learning improves students' self-awareness and helps them self-reflect on their approaches to learning, better preparing them for their studies

    Lymphatic filariasis in mainland South-East Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence and disease burden

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    Accurate prevalence data are essential for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) as a public health problem. Despite it bearing one of the highest burdens of disease globally, there remains limited reliable information on the current epidemiology of filariasis in mainland Southeast Asia. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of available literature to assess the recent and current prevalence of infection and morbidity in the region. Fifty-seven journal articles and reports containing original prevalence data were identified, including over 512,010 participants. Data were summarised using percentage prevalence estimates and a subset combined using a random effects meta-analysis by country and year. Pooled estimates for microfilaraemia, immunochromatographic card positivity and combined morbidity were 2.64%, 4.48% and 1.34% respectively. Taking into account pooled country estimates, grey literature and the quality of available data, we conclude that Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR), Myanmar and Northeast India demonstrate ongoing evidence of LF transmission that will require multiple further rounds of mass drug administration. Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam appear close to having eliminated LF, whilst Cambodia has already achieved elimination status. We estimate that the burden of morbidity is likely high in Thailand; moderate in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Northeast India; and low in Bangladesh. There was insufficient evidence to accurately estimate the disease burden in Lao PDR, Malaysia or Vietnam. The results of this study indicate that whilst considerable progress toward LF elimination has been made, there remains a significant filariasis burden in the region. The results of this study will assist policy makers to advocate and budget for future control programs

    Profits, Costs, and the Changing Structure of Dairy Farming

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    U.S. dairy production is consolidating into fewer but larger farms. This report uses data from several USDA surveys to detail that consolidation and to analyze the financial drivers of consolidation. Specifically, larger farms realize lower production costs. Although small dairy farms realize higher revenue per hundredweight of milk sold, the cost advantages of larger size allow large farms to be profitable, on average, even while most small farms are unable to earn enough to replace their capital. Further survey evidence, as well as the financial data, suggest that consolidation is likely to continue.Dairy farming, economies of scale, economies of size, dairy farm structure, milk costs, Farm Management, Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,

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    Role of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens in mediating reward

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the involvement of D1 and D2 receptors within the nucleus accumbens (ACB) in mediating reinforcement. The intracranial self-administration (ICSA) of D1 and D2 agonists was used to determine whether activating D1 and/or D2 receptors within the ACB of Wistar rats is reinforcing. At concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mM (25, 50, and 100 pmol/100 nl of infusion), neither the D1 agonist R(+)-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine-7,8-diol [SKF 38393 (SKF)] hydrochloride nor the D2 agonist (-)-quinpirole (Quin) hydrochloride was self-administered into the shell region of the ACB. On the other hand, equimolar mixtures of SKF and Quin (SKF+Quin), at concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mM each, were significantly self-infused into the ACB shell. The core region of the ACB did not support the ICSA of SKF+Quin at any of these concentrations. Rats increased lever pressing when the response requirement was increased from a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) to FR3, and they responded significantly more on the infusion lever than they did on the control lever. Coadministration of either 0.50 mM R(+)-7-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4, 5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine (SCH 23390) hydrochloride, a D1 antagonist, or 0.50 mM S(-)-sulpiride, a D2 antagonist, completely abolished the ICSA of the mixture of SKF+Quin (each at 0.50 mM) into the ACB shell. The present results suggest that concurrent activation of D1- and D2-type receptors in the shell of the ACB had a cooperative effect on DA-mediated reward processes

    Ethanol increases glutamate neurotransmission in the posterior ventral tegmental area of female Wistar rats

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    Background— The posterior ventral tegmental area (pVTA) mediates the reinforcing and stimulating effects of ethanol (EtOH). Electrophysiological studies indicated that exposure to EtOH increased glutamate synaptic function in the VTA. The current study determined the neurochemical effects of both acute and repeated EtOH exposure on glutamate neurotransmission in the pVTA. Methods— Adult female Wistar rats were implanted with microdialysis probes in the pVTA. During microdialysis, rats received acute i.p. injection of saline or EtOH (0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg) and extracellular glutamate levels were measured in the pVTA. The effects of repeated daily injections of EtOH (0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 g/kg) on basal extracellular glutamate concentrations in the pVTA and on glutamate response to a subsequent EtOH challenge were also examined. Results— The injection of 0.5 g/kg EtOH significantly increased (120–125 % of baseline), whereas injection of 2.0 g/kg EtOH significantly decreased (80% of baseline) extracellular glutamate levels in the pVTA. The dose of 1.0 g/kg EtOH did not alter extracellular glutamate levels. Seven repeated daily injections of each dose of EtOH increased basal extracellular glutamate concentrations (from 4.1 ± 0.5 to 9.2 ± 0.5 μM) and reduced glutamate clearance in the pVTA (from 30 ± 2% to 17 ± 2%), but failed to alter glutamate response to a 2.0 g/kg EtOH challenge. Conclusion— The results suggest that the low dose of EtOH can stimulate the release of glutamate in the pVTA, and repeated EtOH administration increased basal glutamate transmission in the pVTA, as a result of reduced glutamate clearance

    The reinforcing effects of ethanol within the posterior ventral tegmental area depend on dopamine neurotransmission to forebrain cortico-limbic systems

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    Ethanol can be self-infused directly into the posterior ventral tegmental area (pVTA) and these effects involve activation of local dopamine neurons. However, the neuro-circuitry beyond the pVTA involved in these reinforcing effects has not been explored. Intra-pVTA microinjection of ethanol increases dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAC), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and ventral pallidum (VP). The present study tested the hypothesis that the reinforcing effects of ethanol within the pVTA involve the activation of dopamine projections from the pVTA to the NAC, VP and mPFC. Following the acquisition of self-infusions of 200 mg% ethanol into the pVTA, either the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride (0, 10 or 100 μM) or the D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 (0, 10 or 100 μM) was microinjected into the ipsilateral NAC shell (NACsh), NAC core (NACcr), VP or mPFC immediately prior to the self-infusion sessions to assess the involvement of the different dopamine projections in the reinforcing effects of ethanol. Microinjection of each compound at higher concentration into the NACsh, VP or mPFC, but not the NACcr, significantly reduced the responses on the active lever (from 40-50 to approximately 20 responses). These results indicate that activation of dopamine receptors in the NACsh, VP or mPFC, but not the NACcr, is involved in mediating the reinforcing effects of ethanol in the pVTA, suggesting that the 'alcohol reward' neuro-circuitry consist of, at least in part, activation of the dopamine projections from the pVTA to the NACsh, VP and mPFC

    The reinforcing effects of ethanol within the nucleus accumbens shell involve activation of local GABA and serotonin receptors

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    Ethanol is reinforcing within the nucleus accumbens shell (NACsh), but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Ethanol can potentiate the function of the GABAA, GABAB, and serotonin-3 (5-HT3) receptors. Therefore, the current study tested the hypothesis that activation of these receptors would be involved in the reinforcing effects of ethanol in the NACsh. An intracranial self-administration (ICSA) procedure was used to assess the reinforcing effects of ethanol in the NACsh of alcohol preferring (P) rats. The ICSA consisted of seven sessions: four sessions to establish 150 mg% ethanol self-infusion into the NACsh; sessions 5 and 6 with co-infusion of ethanol plus one concentration of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline (10 or 100 µM), the GABAB antagonist SCH 50911 (50, 75 or 100 µM), or the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist zacopride (10 or 100 µM); and session 7 with 150 mg% ethanol alone. All groups self-infused ethanol into the NACsh and readily discriminated the active from inactive lever during the acquisition sessions. Co-infusion of 100 µM, but not 10 µM, bicuculline or zacopride significantly decreased active responses during sessions 5 and 6. Co-infusion of 75 µM, but not 50 or 100 µM, SCH 50911 significantly attenuated responses for ethanol. Overall, the results suggest that the reinforcing effects of ethanol in the NACsh may be modulated by activation of local GABAA, GABAB and 5-HT3 receptors

    Alcohol drinking increases the dopamine-stimulating effects of ethanol and reduces D2 auto-receptor and group II metabotropic glutamate receptor function within the posterior ventral tegmental area of alcohol preferring (P) rats

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    Repeated local administration of ethanol (EtOH) sensitized the posterior ventral tegmental area (pVTA) to the local dopamine (DA)-stimulating effects of EtOH. Chronic alcohol drinking increased nucleus accumbens (NAC) DA transmission and pVTA glutamate transmission in alcohol-preferring (P) rats. The objectives of the present study were to determine the effects of chronic alcohol drinking by P rats on the (a) sensitivity and response of the pVTA DA neurons to the DA-stimulating actions of EtOH, and (b) negative feedback control of DA (via D2 auto-receptors) and glutamate (via group II mGlu auto-receptors) release in the pVTA. EtOH (50 or 150 mg%) or the D2/3 receptor antagonist sulpiride (100 or 200 μM) was microinjected into the pVTA while DA was sampled with microdialysis in the NAC shell (NACsh). The mGluR2/3 antagonist LY341495 (1 or 10 μM) was perfused through the pVTA via reverse microdialysis and local extracellular glutamate and DA levels were measured. EtOH produced a more robust increase of NACsh DA in the ‘EtOH’ than ‘Water’ groups (e.g., 150 mg% EtOH: to ~ 210 vs 150% of baseline). In contrast, sulpiride increased DA release in the NACsh more in the ‘Water’ than ‘EtOH’ groups (e.g., 200 μM sulpiride: to ~ 190–240 vs 150–160% of baseline). LY341495 (at 10 μM) increased extracellular glutamate and DA levels in the ‘Water’ (to ~ 150–180% and 180–230% of baseline, respectively) but not the ‘EtOH’ groups. These results indicate that alcohol drinking enhanced the DA-stimulating effects of EtOH, and attenuated the functional activities of D2 auto-receptors and group II mGluRs within the pVTA

    The alcohol-preferring (P) and high-alcohol-drinking (HAD) rats – Animal Models of Alcoholism

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    The objective of this article is to review the literature on the utility of using the selectively bred alcohol-preferring (P) and high-alcohol-drinking (HAD) lines of rats in studies examining high alcohol drinking in adults and adolescents, craving-like behavior, and the co-abuse of alcohol with other drugs. The P line of rats meets all of the originally proposed criteria for a suitable animal model of alcoholism. In addition, the P rat exhibits high alcohol-seeking behavior, demonstrates an alcohol deprivation effect (ADE) under relapse drinking conditions, consumes amounts of ethanol during adolescence equivalent to those consumed in adulthood, and co-abuses ethanol and nicotine. The P line also exhibits excessive binge-like alcohol drinking, attaining blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of 200 mg% on a daily basis. The HAD replicate lines of rats have not been as extensively studied as the P rats. The HAD1,2 rats satisfy several of the criteria for an animal model of alcoholism, e.g., these rats will voluntarily consume ethanol in a free-choice situation to produce BACs between 50–200 mg%. The HAD1,2 rats also exhibit an ADE under repeated relapse conditions, and will demonstrate similar levels of ethanol intake during adolescence as seen in adults. Overall, the P and HAD1,2 rats have characteristics attributed to an early onset alcoholic, and can be used to study various aspects of alcohol use disorders