17 research outputs found

    Transformation and fate of nitrate and atrazine in freshwater wetlands

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    Agricultural chemical contamination of surface and groundwater is a special concern in the Midwest. Nutrient loads to surface waters in this region are among the highest in the country, and contamination of surface and groundwater occurs from a variety of pesticides. In addition to improved farming systems that incorporate Best Management Practices and reduced inputs of nutrients and pesticides, the creation of buffer strips and other off-field sinks for chemical contaminants near their origin offers great promise for minimizing surface and groundwater contamination. In the Corn Belt, one of the most promising off-field strategies for reducing contamination of surface and groundwater is the restoration of wetlands in agricultural watersheds, specifically as sinks for agricultural chemical contaminants

    Potential Benefits of Wetland Filters for Tile Drainage Systems: Impact on Nitrate Loads to Mississippi River Subbasins

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    The primary objective of this project was to estimate the nitrate reduction that could be achieved using restored wetlands as nitrogen sinks in tile-drained regions of the upper Mississippi River (UMR) and Ohio River basins. This report provides an assessment of nitrate concentrations and loads across the UMR and Ohio River basins and the mass reduction of nitrate loading that could be achieved using wetlands to intercept nonpoint source nitrate loads. Nitrate concentration and stream discharge data were used to calculate stream nitrate loading and annual flow-weighted average (FWA) nitrate concentrations and to develop a model of FWA nitrate concentration based on land use. Land use accounts for 90% of the variation among stations in long term FWA nitrate concentrations and was used to estimate FWA nitrate concentrations for a 100 ha grid across the UMR and Ohio River basins. Annual water yield for grid cells was estimated by interpolating over selected USGS monitoring station water yields across the UMR and Ohio River basins. For 1990 to 1999, mass nitrate export from each grid area was estimated as the product of the FWA nitrate concentration, water yield and grid area. To estimate potential nitrate removal by wetlands across the same grid area, mass balance simulations were used to estimate percent nitrate reduction for hypothetical wetland sites distributed across the UMR and Ohio River basins. Nitrate reduction was estimated using a temperature dependent, area-based, firstorder model. Model inputs included local temperature from the National Climatic Data Center and water yield estimated from USGS stream flow data. Results were used to develop a nonlinear model for percent nitrate removal as a function of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and temperature. Mass nitrate removal for potential wetland restorations distributed across the UMR and Ohio River basin was estimated based on the expected mass load and the predicted percent removal. Similar functions explained most of the variability in per cent and mass removal reported for field scale experimental wetlands in the UMR and Ohio River basins. Results suggest that a 30% reduction in nitrate load from the UMR and Ohio River basins could be achieved using 210,000-450,000 ha of wetlands targeted on the highest nitrate contributing areas

    Distribution and Environmental Fate of Pesticides in Prairie Wetlands

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    There is abundant, albeit fragmentary, evidence that prairie wetlands are being contaminated extensively by agricultural pesticides (primarily herbicides and insecticides) and other anthropogenic contaminants. Such inputs can affect fundamental ecosystem properties such as primary production which, in turn, affects habitat and resource supply for wetland fauna. We review data on the use of pesticides, off-site transport of residues from treated land, and the frequency with which these residues are subsequently detected in receiving streams and wetlands on the prairies. As the environmental distribution of a pesticide is affected by its chemical and physical properties, and the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the receiving wetland, greater insight into its ecological impacts will be obtained from considering the underlying partitioning and degradative processes that determine distribution rather than from case-by-case studies of persistence. Future research on chemical contamination of prairie wetlands should include the development and testing of dissipation and fate models under conditions typical of prairie wetlands using a process-oriented approach, emphasizing the roles of adsorption and photolysis in a shallow, high area to volume environment. Output from a computer model based on the fugacity concept (QWASFI: Quantitative Water, Air, Soil, Film Interactions) indicates the potential to predict the environmental behavior of specific chemicals in wetlands

    Nitrogen Transformation and Fate in Prairie Wetlands

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    Agricultural applications of fertilizers and pesticides have increased dramatically in the prairie pothole region since the middle 1960s, and agrochemical contamination of surface and groundwater has become a serious environmental concern. There is growing interest in the potential of prairie wetlands as sinks for excess nutrients in this agricultural landscape. As much as 50% of the fertilizer nitrogen applied to cultivated crops may be lost as nitrate in agricultural drainage water, and prairie wetlands may be especially effective as nitrate sinks. The effectiveness of prairie wetlands as sinks for nonpoint source nitrogen loads is likely to depend on the magnitude of nitrate loads and the capacity of the wetlands to remove nitrate by dissimilatory processes. Performance forecast models are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of prairie wetlands as nitrogen sinks from a watershed scale framework. This will be made significantly more difficult by the spatial and temporal complexity of prairie pothole wetlands and by their hydrologic diversity. Future research should focus on identifying the principal factors controlling nitrogen transformation in prairie wetlands and on developing general predictive tools for modeling nitrogen fate in these systems

    Cerebral Blood Flow in Coarctation of the Aorta

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    The hemodynamics of coarctation of the aorta have been extensively investigated. These studies have shown that the renal blood flow is within normal limits (1), as in flow to the extremities (2-4), even though the circulation time to the lower parts of the body has a tendency to be prolonged (5). Although coronary blood flow has been reported to be increased (6), the data are quite scattered, and if the two youngest subjects (12 and 15 years old) were excluded, the results would be within normal limits. Left ventricular oxygen consumption was increased in all subjects in the series regardless of age or rate of coronary flow (6). Cardiac output is reported as increased (7) or normal (6) by both the Fick principle an

    Cerebral Blood Flow in Coarctation of the Aorta

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    Poorly drained depressions can be hotspots of nutrient leaching from agricultural soils

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    Much of the US Corn Belt has been drained with subsurface tile to improve crop production, yet poorly drained depressions often still flood intermittently, suppressing crop growth. Impacts of depressions on field-scale nutrient leaching are unclear. Poor drainage might promote denitrification and physicochemical retention of P, but ample availability of water and nutrients might exacerbate nutrient leaching from cropped depressions. We monitored nitrate, ammonium, and reactive P leaching across multiple depression-to-upland transects in north-central Iowa, USA, using resin lysimeters buried and retrieved on an annual basis. Crops included conventional corn/soybean (Zea mays/Glycine max) rotations measured at fields with and without a winter rye (Secale cereale) cover crop, as well as juvenile miscanthus (Miscanthus X giganteus), a perennial grass. Leaching of N and P was greater in depressions than in uplands for most transects and years. The median difference in nutrient leaching between paired depressions and uplands was 56 kg N ha-1 y-1 for nitrate (P = 0.0008), 0.6 kg N ha-1 y-1 for ammonium (P = 0.03), and 2.4 kg P ha-1 y-1 for reactive P (P = 0.006). Transects managed with a cover crop or miscanthus tended to have a smaller median difference in nitrate (but not ammonium or P) leaching between depressions and uplands. Cropped depressions may be disproportionate sources of N and P to downstream waters despite their generally poor drainage characteristics, and targeted management with cover crops or perennials might partially mitigate these impacts for N, but not necessarily for P.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Hall, Steven J., Carlos G. Tenesaca, Nathaniel C. Lawrence, David IS Green, Matthew J. Helmers, William G. Crumpton, Emily A. Heaton, and Andy VanLoocke. Poorly drained depressions can be hotspots of nutrient leaching from agricultural soils (2023), which has been published in final form at doi:10.1002/jeq2.20461. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited