847 research outputs found

    Resilience of the oral microbiome.

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    The human mouth harbors a complex microbiota, the composition of which is potentially influenced by a wide range of factors, including the intake of food and drink, the availability of endogenous nutrients, the host immune system, drug treatments, and systemic diseases. Despite these possible influences, the oral microbiota is remarkably resilient, particularly in comparison with the microbiota of the large intestine. Diet, with the exception of excessive and/or frequent consumption of fermentable carbohydrate or supplementation with nitrate, has minimal impact on the composition of the oral bacterial community. The common oral diseases dental caries and the periodontal diseases is associated with modification of the oral microbiota primarily as a result of the ecological changes induced by excessive acid production and inflammation, respectively. Systemically-administered antimicrobials have only a small effect on the composition of the oral bacterial community, and while locally delivered antimicrobials can have some clinical benefits, the biofilm lifestyle of oral bacteria lends them substantial resistance to the agents used. Saliva plays an important role in oral microbial ecology, by supplying nutrients and providing protection against colonization by nonoral organisms. Dry mouth is one condition that has a major effect on the microbiota, resulting in increased colonization by opportunistic pathogens. Some systemic diseases do affect the oral microbiome, notably diabetes, in which raised levels of glucose in saliva and tissue impact on bacterial nutrition

    Sediment Management for Southern California Mountians, Coastal Plains and Shoreline. Part D: Special Inland Studies

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    In southern California the natural environmental system involves the continual relocation of sedimentary materials. Particles are eroded from inland areas where there is sufficient relief and, precipitation. Then, with reductions in hydraulic gradient along the stream course and at the shoreline, the velocity of surface runoff is reduced and there is deposition. Generally, coarse sand, gravel and larger particles are deposited near the base of the eroding surfaces (mountains and hills) and the finer sediments are deposited on floodplains, in bays or lagoons, and at the shoreline as delta deposits. Very fine silt and clay particles, which make up a significant part of the eroded material, are carried offshore where they eventually deposit in deeper areas. Sand deposited at the shoreline is gradually moved along the coast by waves and currents, and provides nourishment for local beaches. However, eventually much of this littoral material is also lost to offshore areas. Human developments in the coastal region have substantially altered the natural sedimentary processes, through changes in land use, the harvesting of natural resources (logging, grazing, and sand and gravel mining); the construction and operation of water conservation facilities and flood control structures; and coastal developments. In almost all cases these developments have grown out of recognized needs and have well served their primary purpose. At the time possible deleterious effects on the local or regional sediment balance were generally unforeseen or were felt to be of secondary importance. In 1975 a large-scale study of inland and coastal sedimentation processes in southern California was initiated by the Environmental Quality Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology and the Center for Coastal Studies at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This volume is one of a series of reports from this study. Using existing data bases, this series attempts to define quantitatively inland and coastal sedimentation processes and identify the effects man has had on these processes. To resolve some issues related to long-term sediment management, additional research and data will be needed. In the series there are four Caltech reports that provide supporting studies for the summary report (EQL Report No. 17). These reports include: EQL Report 17-A Regional Geological History EQL Report 17-B Inland Sediment Movements by Natural Processes EQL Report 17-C Coastal Sediment Delivery by Major Rivers in Southern California EQL Report 17-D -- Special Inland Studies Additional supporting reports on coastal studies (shoreline sedimentation processes, control structures, dredging, etc.) are being published by the Center for Coastal Studies at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California

    Ultrafast Spectroscopy of [Mn(CO)3] Complexes: Tuning the Kinetics of Light-Driven CO Release and Solvent Binding

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Inorganic Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b02758.Manganese tricarbonyl complexes are promising catalysts for CO2 reduction, but complexes in this family are often photo-sensitive and decompose rapidly upon exposure to visible light. In this report, synthetic and photochemical studies probe the initial steps of light-driven speciation for Mn(CO)3(Rbpy)Br complexes bearing a range of 4,4′-disubstituted-2,2′-bipyridyl ligands (Rbpy, R = tBu, H, CF3, NO2). Transient absorption spectroscopy measurements for the Mn(CO)3(Rbpy)Br coordination compounds with R = tBu, H, and CF3 in acetonitrile reveal ultrafast loss of a CO ligand on the femtosecond timescale, followed by solvent coordination on the picosecond timescale. The Mn(CO)3(NO2bpy)Br complex is unique among the four compounds in having a longer-lived excited state that does not undergo CO release or the subsequent solvent coordination. The kinetics of photolysis and solvent coordination for the light-sensitive complexes depend on the electronic properties of the di-substituted bipyridyl ligand. The results implicate roles for both metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) and dissociative ligand field (dd) excited states in the ultrafast photochemistry. Taken together, the findings suggest that more robust catalysts could be prepared with appropriately designed complexes that avoid crossing between the excited states that drive photochemical CO loss.Hall Chemical Research Fund at the University of KansasU.S. National Science Foundation (CHE-1151555)NIH T32 GM008545-2

    Single-Electron Redox Chemistry on the [Cp*Rh] Platform Enabled by a Nitrated Bipyridyl Ligand

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.[Cp*Rh] complexes (Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) are attracting renewed interest in coordination chemistry and catalysis, but these useful compounds often undergo net two-electron redox cycling that precludes observation of individual one-electron reduction events. Here, we show that a [Cp*Rh] complex bearing the 4,4′-dinitro-2,2′-bipyridyl ligand (dnbpy) (3) can access a distinctive manifold of five oxidation states in organic electrolytes, contrasting with prior work that found no accessible reductions in aqueous electrolyte. These states are readily generated from a newly isolated and fully characterized rhodium(III) precursor complex 3, formulated as [Cp*Rh(dnbpy)Cl]PF6. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) data, previously unavailable for the dnbpy ligand bound to the [Cp*Rh] platform, confirm the presence of both [η5-Cp*] and [κ2-dnbpy]. Four individual one-electron reductions of 3 are observed, contrasting sharply with the single two-electron reductions of other [Cp*Rh] complexes. Chemical preparation and the study of the singly reduced species with electronic absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies indicate that the first reduction is predominantly centered on the dnbpy ligand. Comparative cyclic voltammetry studies with [NBu4][PF6] and [NBu4][Cl] as supporting electrolytes indicate that the chloride ligand can be lost from 3 by ligand exchange upon reduction. Spectroelectrochemical studies with ultraviolet (UV)-visible detection reveal isosbestic behavior, confirming the clean interconversion of the reduced forms of 3 inferred from the voltammetry with [NBu4][PF6] as supporting electrolyte. Electrochemical reduction in the presence of triethylammonium results in an irreversible response, but does not give rise to catalytic H2 evolution, contrasting with the reactivity patterns observed in [Cp*Rh] complexes bearing bipyridyl ligands with less electron-withdrawing substituents.US National Science Foundation award OIA-1833087KU Hall Chemical Research FundCenter for Undergraduate Research at the University of KansasNIH S10OD016360NIH S10RR024664NSF MRI funding (CHE-1625923

    Effects of light and temperature on germination of Pyxidanthera brevifolia Wells (Diapensiaceae)

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    Pyxidanthera brevifolia is an evergreen semiwoody cushion plant endemic to the Sandhills of North and South Carolina, with the majority of populations occurring on Fort Bragg Military Reservation in North Carolina. Currently the species is listed as Endangered in North Carolina and is designated as a Species at Risk (SAR) by the US Department of Defense. Previous studies have suggested that seeds may not be viable because they failed to germinate under controlled conditions. Our objectives in this study were to attempt germination of Pyxidanthera brevifolia seeds, determine the best temperature conditions for germination, and understand more about germination requirements to aid in future restoration efforts. Using seeds that had been stored at room temperature for six months, we performed a germination experiment at the NCSU Phytotron with six treatments, all combinations of three temperature regimes (low (18 uC day / 14 uC night), medium (22/18 uC), and high (26/ 22 uC)) and two light conditions (light and dark). We monitored the experiment for 13 weeks, recording the number of seeds germinating per dish and the number of days to germination for seeds in each treatment. We found that Pxyidanthera brevifolia produces germinable seeds and that there are significant effects of light and temperature on germination. Highest germination occurred under low temperature and high light conditions (78%); the combination of high temperature and no light produced the lowest germination (6%). Seeds exposed to light germinated significantly earlier at the coolest temperature, compared to medium and high temperatures. These results indicate that it is possible to germinate seeds of this rare plant and suggest that germination of Pyxidanthera brevifolia likely occurs in late fall and is dependent on adequate light availability

    Demographic Patterns and Limitation of Grey Wolves, Canis lupus, in and Near Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario

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    In response to concern regarding the growth and long-term viability of the wolf population in and near Pukaskwa National Park, a study of demographic patterns and limitation of radio-collared wolves (Canis lupus) was completed between 1994 and 1998. The mean annual finite rate of increase (0.96) suggested that population growth of wolves was limited and declining slightly. Small pack sizes, high cumulative mortality, and low reproductive success also suggested a declining population. Two limiting factors, ungulate biomass and human-caused mortality, were examined to determine the importance of each in limiting the population growth of wolves. Ungulate biomass was involved because occurrence of natural-caused mortality was high (9 of 17 wolves) compared with other studies. In addition, consumption rates were low and similar to other studies where starvation and other signs of malnutrition were noted. Further, Moose densities in the study area were low to moderate and below thresholds indicating nutritional stress for wolves. Occurrence of human-caused mortality was high (8 of 17 wolves) suggesting that it was also an important limiting factor, particularly given the low availability of ungulate biomass and reproduction noted in this study. Based on present demographic patterns, ungulate biomass, and human-caused mortality, the wolf population likely will remain at present low densities or continue to decline

    Dental periodontal procedures: a systematic review of contamination (splatter, droplets and aerosol) in relation to COVID-19

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    Introduction The emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and subsequent COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on the delivery of routine dentistry; and in particular, periodontal care across the world. This systematic review examines the literature relating to splatter, droplet settle and aerosol for periodontal procedures and forms part of a wider body of research to understand the risk of contamination in relation to periodontal care procedures relevant to COVID-19. Methods A search of the literature was carried out using key terms and MeSH words relating to the review questions. Sources included Medline (OVID), Embase (OVID), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Scopus, Web of Science and LILACS, ClinicalTrials.Gov. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were screened in duplicate and data extraction was carried out using a template. All studies were assessed for methodological quality and sensitivity. Narrative synthesis was undertaken. Results Fifty studies were included in the review with procedures including ultrasonic scaling (n = 44), air polishing (n = 4), prophylaxis (n = 2) and hand scaling (n = 3). Outcomes included bacterial (colony-forming units e.g. on settle plates) or blood contamination (e.g. visible splatter) and non bacterial, non blood (e.g. chemiluminescence or coloured dyes) contamination. All studies found contamination at all sites although the contamination associated with hand scaling was very low. Contamination was identified in all of the studies even where suction was used at baseline. Higher power settings created greater contamination. Distribution of contamination varied in relation to operator position and was found on the operator, patient and assistant with higher levels around the head of the operator and the mouth and chest of the patient. Settle was identified 30 min after treatments had finished but returned to background levels when measured at or after an hour. The evidence was generally low to medium quality and likely to underestimate contamination. Conclusion Ultrasonic scaling, air polishing and prophylaxis procedures produce contamination (splatter, droplets and aerosol) in the presence of suction, with a small amount of evidence showing droplets taking between 30 min and 1 h to settle. Consideration should be given to infection control, areas of cleaning particularly around the patient and appropriate personal protective equipment, with particular attention to respiratory, facial and body protection for these procedures. In addition, the use of lower power settings should be considered to reduce the amount and spread of contamination

    Tomographic Separation of Composite Spectra. VIII. The Physical Properties of the Massive Compact Binary in the Triple Star System HD 36486 (delta Orionis A)

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    Double-lined spectroscopic orbital elements have recently been found for the central binary in the massive triple, delta Orionis A based on radial velocities from cross-correlation techniques applied to IUE high dispersion spectra and He I 6678 spectra obtained at Kitt Peak. The primary and secondary velocity amplitudes were found to be 94.9 +/- 0.6 km/s and 186 +/- 9 km/s respectively. Tomographic reconstructions of the primary and secondary stars' spectra confirm the O9.5 II classification of the primary and indicate a B0.5 III type for the secondary. The widths of the UV cross-correlation functions are used to estimate the projected rotational velocities, Vsin i = 157 +/- 6 km/s and 138 +/- 16 km/s for the primary and secondary, respectively implying that both stars rotate faster than their orbital motion. We used the spectroscopic results to make a constrained fit of the Hipparcos light curve of this eclipsing binary, and the model fits limit the inclination to the range between 67 and 77 degrees. The i = 67 degrees solution, which corresponds to a near Roche-filling configuration, results in a primary mass of 11.2 solar masses and a secondary mass of 5.6 solar masses, both of which are substantially below the expected masses for stars of their luminosity. This binary may have experienced a mass ratio reversal caused by Case A Roche lobe overflow, or the system may have suffered extensive mass loss through a binary interaction, perhaps during a common envelope phase, in which most of the primary's mass was lost from the system rather than transferred to the secondary.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures in press, the Astrophysical Journal, February 1, 200

    Aerosol and splatter generation with rotary handpieces used in restorative and orthodontic dentistry:a systematic review

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    Abstract: Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions in dental care globally, in part due to the potential for contaminated aerosol to be generated by dental activities. This systematic review assesses the literature for changes in aerosol-contamination levels when rotary instruments are used, (1) as distance increases from patient’s mouth; (2) as time passes after the procedure; and (3) when using different types of handpieces. Methods: The review methods and reporting are in line with PRISMA statements. A structured search was conducted over five platforms (September 2021). Studies were assessed independently by two reviewers. To be eligible studies had to assess changes in levels of aerosol contamination over different distances, and time points, with rotary hand instruments. Studies’ methodologies and the sensitivity of the contamination-measurement approaches were evaluated. Results are presented descriptively. Results: From 422 papers identified, 23 studies were eligible. All investigated restorative procedures using rotary instruments and one study additionally looked at orthodontic bracket adhesive material removal. The results suggest contamination is significantly reduced over time and distance. However, for almost all studies that investigated these two factors, the sizes of the contaminated particles were not considered, and there were inconclusive findings regarding whether electric-driven handpieces generate lower levels of contaminated particles. Conclusion: Aerosol contamination levels reduce as distances, and post-procedure times increase. However, there was sparce and inconsistent evidence on the clearing time and no conclusions could be drawn. High-speed handpieces produce significantly higher levels of contamination than slow-speed ones, and to a lesser extent, micro-motor handpieces. However, when micro-motor handpieces were used with water, the contamination levels rose and were similar to high-speed handpiece contamination levels
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