2,650 research outputs found

    Variation of malaria transmission and morbidity with altitude in Tanzania and with introduction of alphacypermethrin treated nets

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    BACKGROUND: Highland areas with naturally less intense malaria transmission may provide models of how lowland areas might become if transmission was permanently reduced by sustained vector control. It has been argued that vector control should not be attempted in areas of intense transmission. METHODS: Mosquitoes were sampled with light traps, pyrethrum spray and window exit traps. They were tested by ELISA for sporozoites. Incidence of malaria infection was measured by clearing existing infections from children with chlorproguanil-dapsone and then taking weekly blood samples. Prevalence of malaria infection and fever, anaemia and splenomegaly were measured in children of different age groups. All these measurements were made in highland and lowland areas of Tanzania before and after provision of bednets treated with alphacypermethrin. RESULTS: Entomological inoculation rates (EIR) were about 17 times greater in a lowland than a highland area, but incidence of infection only differed by about 2.5 times. Malaria morbidity was significantly less prevalent in the highlands than the lowlands. Treated nets in the highlands and lowlands led to 69–75% reduction in EIR. Malaria morbidity showed significant decline in younger children at both altitudes after introduction of treated nets. In children aged 6–12 the decline was only significant in the highlands CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence that the health benefits to young children due to the nets in the lowlands were "paid for" by poorer health later in life. Our data support the idea of universal provision of treated nets, not a focus on areas of natural hypo-endemicity

    The interaction between typically developing students and peers with autism spectrum disorder in regular schools in Ghana : an exploration using the theory of planned behaviour

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the intention of typically developing peers towards learning in the classroom with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In developing countries, such as Ghana, the body of literature on the relationship between students with disabilities and typically developing peers has been sparsely studied. Using Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical framework for this study, 516 typically developing students completed four scales representing belief constructs, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural controls (self-efficacy), hypothesised to predict behavioural intention. The data were subjected to a t-test, analysis of variance, and structural equation modelling. The modelling confirmed the combining ability of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural controls to predict intention. We conclude by revealing the need for policymakers to consider designing programmes aimed towards promoting social relationships between students with ASD and typically developing peers

    Emergence of distinct and heterogeneous strains of amyloid beta with advanced Alzheimer's disease pathology in Down syndrome

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    Amyloid beta (Aβ) is thought to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Prion-like Aβ polymorphs, or “strains”, can have varying pathogenicity and may underlie the phenotypic heterogeneity of the disease. In order to develop effective AD therapies, it is critical to identify the strains of Aβ that might arise prior to the onset of clinical symptoms and understand how they may change with progressing disease. Down syndrome (DS), as the most common genetic cause of AD, presents promising opportunities to compare such features between early and advanced AD. In this work, we evaluate the neuropathology and Aβ strain profile in the post-mortem brain tissues of 210 DS, AD, and control individuals. We assayed the levels of various Aβ and tau species and used conformation-sensitive fluorescent probes to detect differences in Aβ strains among individuals and populations. We found that these cohorts have some common but also some distinct strains from one another, with the most heterogeneous populations of Aβ emerging in subjects with high levels of AD pathology. The emergence of distinct strains in DS at these later stages of disease suggests that the confluence of aging, pathology, and other DS-linked factors may favor conditions that generate strains that are unique from sporadic AD. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40478-021-01298-0

    The fundamental pro-groupoid of an affine 2-scheme

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    A natural question in the theory of Tannakian categories is: What if you don't remember \Forget? Working over an arbitrary commutative ring RR, we prove that an answer to this question is given by the functor represented by the \'etale fundamental groupoid \pi_1(\spec(R)), i.e.\ the separable absolute Galois group of RR when it is a field. This gives a new definition for \'etale \pi_1(\spec(R)) in terms of the category of RR-modules rather than the category of \'etale covers. More generally, we introduce a new notion of "commutative 2-ring" that includes both Grothendieck topoi and symmetric monoidal categories of modules, and define a notion of π1\pi_1 for the corresponding "affine 2-schemes." These results help to simplify and clarify some of the peculiarities of the \'etale fundamental group. For example, \'etale fundamental groups are not "true" groups but only profinite groups, and one cannot hope to recover more: the "Tannakian" functor represented by the \'etale fundamental group of a scheme preserves finite products but not all products.Comment: 46 pages + bibliography. Diagrams drawn in Tik

    A novel decatenation assay for DNA topoisomerases using a singly-linked catenated substrate

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    Decatenation is a crucial in vivo reaction of DNA topoisomerases in DNA replication and is frequently used in in vitro drug screening. Usually this reaction is monitored using kinetoplast DNA as a substrate, although this assay has several limitations. Here we have engineered a substrate for Tn3 resolvase that generates a singly-linked catenane that can readily be purified from the DNA substrate after restriction enzyme digestion and centrifugation. We show that this catenated substrate can be used with high sensitivity in topoisomerase assays and drug-inhibition assays

    Proceedings - U.S.A Agroecology Summit 2023

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    This docket is a memory of the meeting held in Kansas City from May 22-25 called the 2023 USA Agroecology Summit and contains all the documents generated before, during, and after the meeting

    Refi nancing Risk and Cash Holdings.

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    Abstract: Although a firm's use of shorter-term debt can potentially help it to reduce agency costs of debt and align managers' interests with those of shareholders, the use of this type of debt increases the firm's refinancing risk. We hypothesize that firms with debt that has a shorter maturity hold larger cash reserves to reduce important costs they could incur if they have difficulty refinancing their debt. Using a simultaneous equations framework that accounts for the joint determination of cash holdings and debt maturity, we find that firms that shorten (lengthen) the maturity of their debt increase (decrease) their cash holdings. Additionally, we document that U.S. firms have markedly shortened the maturity of their debt over the 1980-2008 period and that this can explain a large fraction of the increase in the cash holdings of these firms over this period. We also show that the market value of a dollar of cash holdings is higher for firms whose debt has a shorter maturity. Further, the inverse associations between the maturity of a firm's debt with the level and market value of its cash holdings are more pronounced during periods when credit market conditions are tighter and refinancing risk is consequently higher. Finally, we show that larger cash holdings help to mitigate underinvestment problems resulting from refinancing risk. Overall, our findings suggest that refinancing risk is a key determinant of corporate cash holdings