598 research outputs found

    Globalization and local response to epidemiological overlap in 21st century Ecuador

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    BACKGROUND: Third World countries are confronted by a complex overlay of two sets of health problems. Traditional maladies, including communicable diseases, malnutrition, and environmental health hazards coexist with emerging health challenges, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and increasing levels of obesity. Using Ecuador as an example, this paper proposes a conceptual framework for linking epidemiologic overlap to emerging social structures and processes at the national and global levels. DISCUSSION: Epidemiologic trends can be seen as part of broader processes related to globalization, but this does not imply that globalization is a monolithic force that inevitably and uniformly affects nations, communities, and households in the same manner. Rather, characteristics and forms of social organization at the subnational level can shape the way that globalization takes place. Thus, globalization has affected Ecuador in specific ways and is, at the same time, intimately related to the form in which the epidemiologic transition has transpired in that country. SUMMARY: Ecuador is among neither the poorest nor the wealthiest countries and its situation may illuminate trends in other parts of the world. As in other countries, insertion into the global economy has not taken place in a vacuum; rather, Ecuador has experienced unprecedented social and demographic change in the past several decades, producing profound transformation in its social structure. Examples of local represent alternatives to centralized health systems that do not effectively address the complex overlay of traditional and emerging health problems

    Rural poverty in Ecuador : a qualitative assessment

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    A complement to recent in-depth quantitative analyses of rural poverty in Ecuador, this is a report on the results of the Rural Qualitative Assessment in living conditions in rural communities in all three Ecuador's diverse regions. Using a variety of qualitative techniques, the research aimed to assess what poverty means to marginalized rural families, what kind of survival strategies families use in times of hardship, and what these families believe is needed to alleviate poverty. Several key messages emerge: 1) rural communities with the same characteristics (such as area, soil quality, and ethnic background) are actually very heterogeneous in their command of land resources, definition of well-being, range of economic activities, and recommendations for what is needed to overcome poverty; 2) in times of hardship, families have complemented income for traditional sources with earnings from new activities. In addition to migration, which plays a pivotal role in all communities, piecework and weaving are important to income generation in the Sierra, small businesses are important in the Costa, and increased production of cash crops is important in the Oriente. Families have also reduced expenditures on clothing, fiestas, and food. Spending less on food is alarming as malnutrition rates in rural Ecuador are already very high; and 3) poor rural families express very practical solutions to overcoming poverty. They don't demand sweeping changes. Overwhelmingly, they suggest measures that will make available land and human resources more productive. Almost half the suggestions from poor rural families have to do with infrastructure. Many families also want training courses (both agricultural and nonagricultural).Public Health Promotion,Environmental Economics&Policies,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Water Conservation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Housing&Human Habitats


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    Esta revista pretende ser un foro abierto a investigadores y a profesionales para el debate en el campo de las políticas públicas, así como para la difusión y discusión de las ideas y prácticas de acciónpública que privilegian la participación y la deliberación como instrumentos de construcción de una sociedad democrática, respetuosa de los derechos del hombre y la naturaleza, que apela a principios de justicia

    Desigualdades sociales y en salud en adultos mayores ecuatorianos

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    Mientras aumenta el número y la proporción de adultos mayores como producto de la transición demográfica y epidemiológica, es cada vez más importante reconocer la heterogeneidad de este grupo. Los determinantes socioeconómicos de salud afectan a los adultos mayores de varias maneras, generando desigualdades socioeconómicas y de salud. Este estudio analiza el estado de salud, acceso a servicios, grupo de edad, sexo, raza/etnia y nivel educativo para comprender las desigualdades en salud en este grupo de población en Ecuador. Se concluye que las condiciones de salud y los factores socioeconómicos reflejan desigualdades entre los ecuatorianos mayores

    Cambio de identidad y uso de Facebook en adolescentes y jóvenes indígenas de la Sierra central ecuatoriana

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    El uso de las redes sociales brinda nuevas oportunidades para expresar nuestra identidad al mundo. La presentación de las personas en las plataformas de internet está extendida incluso entre los adolescentes y jóvenes indígenas que viven en comunidades rurales de la Sierra ecuatoriana. Sus representaciones informan no solo sobre su autodefinición, sino también sobre las aspiraciones futuras. Para las comunidades caracterizadas por la pobreza y la agricultura de pequeña escala, el acceso a internet les permite aprovechar las redes sociales y así mostrar su propia identidad al mundo a través de imágenes fotográficas en Facebook. A través de un análisis de contenido de las imágenes de los perfiles de Facebook y entrevistas cara a cara se realizó un estudio de cómo las representaciones de identidad reveladas en las fotografías de perfil de dicha red social se relacionan con la educación, la ocupación actual y las proyecciones para el futuro de adolescentes y jóvenes indígenas de la parroquia de Guangaje, Ecuador. Se encontró que si bien las representaciones de la identidad difieren según el género, reflejan aspiraciones de educación superior y ocupaciones profesionales o técnicas no agrícolas, lo cual representa un desafío para la política pública

    A Mid-Infrared Imaging Survey of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates

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    We present the data from a mid-infrared imaging survey of 66 proto-planetary nebula candidates using two mid-IR cameras (MIRAC2 and Berkcam) at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. The goal of this survey is to determine the size, flux, and morphology of the mid-IR emission regions, which sample the inner regions of the circumstellar dust shells of proto-planetary nebulae. We imaged these proto-planetary nebulae with narrow-band filters (Δλ/λ10\Delta\lambda / \lambda \sim 10%) at wavelengths of notable dust features. With our typical angular resolution of 1\arcsec, we resolve 17 sources, find 48 objects unresolved, and do not detect 1 source. For several sources, we checked optical and infrared associations and positions of the sources. In table format, we list the size and flux measurements for all the detected objects and show figures of all the resolved sources. Images for all the detected objects are available on line in FITS format from the Astronomy Digital Image Library at the National Center for Supercomputing Application. The proto-planetary nebula candidate sample includes, in addition to the predominant proto-planetary nebulae, extreme asymptotic giant branch stars, young planetary nebulae, a supergiant, and a luminous blue variable. We find that dust shells which are cooler (T150\rm T \sim 150 K) and brighter in the infrared are more easily resolved. Eleven of the seventeen resolved sources are extended and fall into one of two types of mid-IR morphological classes: core/elliptical or toroidal. Core/elliptical structures show unresolved cores with lower surface brightness elliptical nebulae. Toroidal structures show limb-brightened peaks suggesting equatorial density enhancements. We argue that core/ellipticals have denser dust shells than toroidals.Comment: 32 pages, 5 tables, 2 e/ps figures (fig3 is available through ADIL [see text]), to be published in ApJS May 1999 issu