725 research outputs found

    Testing the Unitarity of the CKM Matrix with a Space-Based Neutron Decay Experiment

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    If the Standard Model is correct, and fundamental fermions exist only in the three generations, then the CKM matrix should be unitary. However, there remains a question over a deviation from unitarity from the value of the neutron lifetime. We discuss a simple space-based experiment that, at an orbit height of 500 km above Earth, would measure the kinetic-energy, solid-angle, flux spectrum of gravitationally bound neutrons (kinetic energy K<0.606 eV at this altitude). The difference between the energy spectrum of neutrons that come up from the Earth's atmosphere and that of the undecayed neutrons that return back down to the Earth would yield a measurement of the neutron lifetime. This measurement would be free of the systematics of laboratory experiments. A package of mass <25<25 kg could provide a 10^{-3} precision in two years.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Revised and updated for publicatio

    The sharp interface limit of an Ising game

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    The Ising model of statistical physics has served as a keystone example of phase transitions, thermodynamic limits, scaling laws, and many other phenomena and mathematical methods. We introduce and explore an Ising game, a variant of the Ising model that features competing agents influencing the behavior of the spins. With long-range interactions, we consider a mean-field limit resulting in a nonlocal potential game at the mesoscopic scale. This game exhibits a phase transition and multiple constant Nash-equilibria in the supercritical regime. Our analysis focuses on a sharp interface limit for which potential minimizing solutions to the Ising game concentrate on two of the constant Nash-equilibria. We show that the mesoscopic problem can be recast as a mixed local/nonlocal space-time Allen-Cahn type minimization problem. We prove, using a Γ\Gamma-convergence argument, that the limiting interface minimizes a space-time anisotropic perimeter type energy functional. This macroscopic scale problem could also be viewed as a problem of optimal control of interface motion. Sharp interface limits of Allen-Cahn type functionals have been well studied. We build on that literature with new techniques to handle a mixture of local derivative terms and nonlocal interactions. The boundary conditions imposed by the game theoretic considerations also appear as novel terms and require special treatment

    Mechanisms and outcome of severe mitral regulation after inoue balloon valvuloplasty

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    AbstractObjectives. The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence, mechanism and outcome of severe mitral regurgitation after treatment of mitral stenosis with percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty using the Inoue balloon.Background. Severe mitral regurgitation occurs in up to 15% of percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty procedures for acquired mitral stenosis. The incidence and mechanism of production of mitral regurgitation with the recently introduced single-ballon lnone technique have not been characterized.Methods. We examined the incidence, mechanism, predictors and outcome of severe mitral regurgitation after Inoue balloon valvuloplasty in 280 patients in the North American multicenter registry. Twenty-one patients who developed either clinically significant or angiographically severe regurgitation were identified, and their echocardiograms were reviewed to determine the mechanism of regurgitation. These patients were then compared with the remaining patients without severe regurgitation to identify predictors of this outcome.Results. The incidence of severe regurgitation in this study was 7.5%, and the mean grade of angiographic regurgitation in these patients increased from 0.9 ± 1.0 to 2.8 ± 0.7 (p < 0.05). The most common cause of regurgitation (43%) was rupture of clhordae tendineae to the anterior or posterior mitral leaflet. Tearing of a leaflet (usually the posterior one) occurred in 30% of patients; and no recognizable structural abnormality, with wide splitting of the commissures and a central regurgitant jet, was present in five patients (26%). All patients with definite posterior leaflet tears had heavily calcified leaflet. Patients who developed severe regurgitation had fewer balloon inflations and a higher grade of preexisting mitral regurgitation but were otherwish similar to the remaining patients without severe regurgitation. During 6-month follow-up, 71% of the patients with severe regurgitation were treated surgically; the grade of regurgitation decreased in four patients (19%), and five (24%) not required mitral valve replacement during 18 ± 5 month of follow-up.Conclusions. Severe mitral regurgitation is a relatively infrequent complication of Inoue balloon valvutoplasty and results from disruption of the valve integrity, chordal rapture and leaflet tearing. Careful balloon positioning may help avoid chordal rapture, and heavily calcified posterior lesflets may be at greater risk of tearing. Most patients who develop severe regurgitation will require nonemergency mitral valve replacement

    Depth, distribution, and density of CO2 deposition on Mars

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    Observations by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter have been used to detect subtle changes of the polar surface height during the course of seasonal cycles that correlate with the expected pattern of CO2 deposition and sublimation. Using altimetric crossover residuals from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, we show that while zonally averaged data capture the global behavior of CO2 exchange, there is a dependence of the pattern on longitude. At the highest latitudes the surface height change is as high as 1.5–2 m peak to peak, and it decreases equatorward. Decomposition of the signal into harmonics in time allows inspection of the spatial pattern and shows that the annual component is strongly correlated with the residual south polar cap deposits and, to a lesser extent, with the north polar cap. In the north, the second harmonic (semiannual) component correlates with the location of the ice deposits. The phases of the annual cycles are in agreement with observations by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer of the timing of the annual disappearance of CO2 frost from the surface at the high latitudes. At lower latitudes, frost sublimation (“Crocus date”) predates the mean depositional minima, as expected. These global-scale, volumetric measurements of the distribution of condensed CO2 can be combined with measurements of the deposited column mass density derived from the Neutron Spectrometer on board Mars Odyssey to yield an estimate of the density of the seasonally exchanging material of 0.5 ± 0.1 g/cm^3. These constraints should be considered in models of the Martian climate system and volatile cycles

    Equatorial locations of water on Mars: Improved resolution maps based on Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer data

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    We present a map of the near subsurface hydrogen distribution on Mars, based on epithermal neutron data from the Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer. The map’s spatial resolution is approximately improved two-fold via a new form of the pixon image reconstruction technique. We discover hydrogen-rich mineralogy far from the poles, including  ∼10 wt.% water equivalent hydrogen (WEH) on the flanks of the Tharsis Montes and  >40 wt.% WEH at the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF). The high WEH abundance at the MFF implies the presence of bulk water ice. This supports the hypothesis of recent periods of high orbital obliquity during which water ice was stable on the surface. We find the young undivided channel system material in southern Elysium Planitia to be distinct from its surroundings and exceptionally dry; there is no evidence of hydration at the location in Elysium Planitia suggested to contain a buried water ice sea. Finally, we find that the sites of recurring slope lineae (RSL) do not correlate with subsurface hydration. This implies that RSL are not fed by large, near-subsurface aquifers, but are instead the result of either small ( < 120 km diameter) aquifers, deliquescence of perchlorate and chlorate salts or dry, granular flows