191 research outputs found

    Comment on Justice Cromwell's Viscount Bennett Lecture

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    Trading Places : The Role of Zoning in Promoting and Discouraging Intrametropolitan Trade

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    Trading Places : The Role of Zoning in Promoting and Discouraging Intrametropolitan Trade

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    Immunity of Advocates from Suit: The Unresolved Issue

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    The author examines the issue of whether a lawyer should be immune from suits for negligence in the conduct of litigation. He reviews existing authorities focusing on recent decisions of the House of Lords in Saif Ali v. Sydney Mitchell 8c Co. (a firm) and others, P (third party) and discusses whether, in Canada, such an immunity should exist, concluding that the arguments against immunity outweigh those in its favour.Dans l'article qui suit, l'auteur examine la question de savoir si les avocats devraient bénéficier d'une immunité de juridiction en cas de faute commise dans la conduite d'un procès. L'auteur analyse la jurisprudence et plus particulièrement la récente décision de la Chambre des Lords dans l'affaire Saif Ali v. Sydney Mitchell & Co. (a firm) and others, P. (third party). II examine ensuite si une telle immunité devrait être reconnue au Canada et conclut, après une analyse des arguments pour et contre, à la supériorité de la thèse en faveur de la suppression de l'immunité

    On the complexity of posets

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to discuss several invariants each of which provides a measure of the intuitive notion of complexity for a finite partially ordered set. For a poset X the invariants discussed include cardinality, width, length, breadth, dimension, weak dimension, interval dimension and semiorder dimension denoted respectively X, W(X), L(X), B(X), dim(X). Wdim(X), Idim(X) and Sdim(X). Among these invariants the following inequalities hold. B(X)â©˝Idim(X)â©˝Sdim(X)â©˝Wdim(X)â©˝dim(X)â©˝W(X). We prove that every poset X with three of more points contains a partly with Idim(X) Idim(X) {x,v}). If M denotes the set of maximal elements and A an arbitrary anticham of X we show that Idim(X)â©˝W(X-M) and Idim(X)â©˝2W(X-A). We also show that there exist functions f(n,t) and (gt) such that I(X)â©˝n and Idim(X)â©˝tsimply dim(X)â©˝f(n,t and Sdim(X)â©˝t implies dim(X)â©˝g(t)

    Green Jobs Myths

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    A rapidly growing literature promises that a massive program of government mandates, subsidies, and forced technological interventions will reward the nation with an economy brimming with green jobs. Not only will these jobs improve the environment, but they will be high paying, interesting, and provide collective rights. This literature is built on mythologies about economics, forecasting, and technology. In this Article, we survey the green jobs literature, analyze its assumptions, and show how the special interest groups promoting the idea of green jobs have embedded dubious assumptions and techniques within their analyses. Before undertaking efforts to restructure and possibly impoverish our society, careful analysis and informed public debate about these assumptions and prescriptions are necessary

    Capital Gains Taxation and Realizations: Evidence from Interstate Comparisons

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    Despite numerous studies of the relation between income taxes and capital garns realizations, the revenue consequences of reducing capital gains tax rates remain unclear. However, an important source of cross-sectional variation has been neglected in this line of research: since both the tax base and the tax rate vary among states, the marginal tax rate on capital gains differs among otherwise identical individuals located in different states. The interstate variation in the tax consequences of realizing capital gains implies that the incentive to realize gains varies across states. This paper documents the interstate variation in capital gains taxation and examines the relation between capital gains taxes and aggregated state-level realizations. For each state, we construct marginal tax rates on capital gains for the highest state income tax bracket for 1982 through 1990. Using state-level aggregated data rather than data on individual taxpayers alleviates the problem that the marginal tax rate is endogenous to the amount of capital gains realized. Panel estimates indicate that capital gains realizations are negatively related to capital gains tax rates. The estimated elasticity is smaller than that found by most researchers using panel data, with a point estimate of - 0.67 in our basic specification.

    Incidence and Allocation Effects of a State Fiscal Policy Shift: The Florio Initiatives in New Jersey

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    We calculate the incidence of recent changes to the New Jersey state tax system on a sample of homeowners. Our analysis distinguishes between business-as-usual responses to an evolving fiscal situation and tax changes that constitute a surprise. The latter have incidence effects; the former do not. We conclude that, if the changes carried out by NJ Governor Jim Florio are regarded as permanent, they effected a one-time wealth redistribution from, on average, higher-income homeowners toward lower-income homeowners and from owners of suburban residential property toward owners of urban residential property. Although effects on the averages for identifiable groups are clear and significant there is very considerable variation in the effects on individual homeowners within groups. We also estimate the allocation effects of the tax changes using a general equilibrium model that incorporates the option of in-and out migration. The results suggest that the changes will induce a sizable migration of weal thy and high-income people out of the state.
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