616 research outputs found

    Mechanics of forearc basins

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    The Canadian Bar Association

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    Theory of Shubnikov--De Haas Oscillations Around the ν=1/2\nu=1/2 Filling Factor of the Landau Level: Effect of Gauge Field Fluctuations

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    We present a theory of magnetooscillations around the ν=1/2\nu =1/2 Landau level filling factor based on a model with a fluctuating Chern--Simons field. The quasiclassical treatment of the problem is appropriate and leads to an unconventional exp[(π/ωcτ1/2)4]\exp\left[-(\pi/\omega_c\tau^*_{1/2})^4\right] behavior of the amplitude of oscillations. This result is in good qualitative agreement with available experimental data.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 1 figure attached as PostScript fil

    Specific heat and validity of quasiparticle approximation in the half-filled Landau level

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    We calculate the specific heat of composite fermion system in the half-filled Landau level. Two different methods are used to examine validity of the quasiparticle approximation when the two-body interaction is given by V(q)=V0/q2ηV(q) = V_0 / q^{2-\eta} (1η21 \le \eta \le 2). The singular part of the specific heat is calculated from the free energy of the gauge field, which is compared with the specific heat calculated from the quasiparticle approximation via the singular self-energy correction due to the gauge field fluctuations. It turns out that two results are in general different and they coincide only for the case of the Coulomb interaction (η=1\eta = 1). This result supports the fact that the quasiparticle approximation is valid only for the case of the Coulomb interaction. It is emphasized that this result is obtained by looking at a gauge-invariant quantity -- the specific heat.Comment: 8 pages, Revte

    Instantons and the spectral function of electrons in the half-filled Landau level

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    We calculate the instanton-anti-instanton action SMMˉ(τ)S_{M {\bar M}} (\tau) in the gauge theory of the half-filled Landau level. It is found that SMMˉ(τ)=(3η)[Ω0(η) τ]1/(3η)S_{M {\bar M}} (\tau) = (3 - \eta) \left [ \Omega_0 (\eta) \ \tau \right ]^{1 / (3 - \eta)} for a class of interactions v(q)=V0/qη (0η<2)v ({\bf q}) = V_0 / q^{\eta} \ ( 0 \leq \eta < 2 ) between electrons. This means that the instanton-anti-instanton pairs are confining so that a well defined `charged' composite fermion can exist. It is also shown that SMMˉ(τ)S_{M {\bar M}} (\tau) can be used to calculate the spectral function of electrons from the microscopic theory within a semiclassical approximation. The resulting spectral function varies as e[Ω0(η)/ω]1/(2η)e^{ - \left [ \Omega_0 (\eta) / \omega \right ]^{1 / ( 2 - \eta ) } } at low energies.Comment: 13 pages, Plain Tex, MIT-CMT-APR-9

    Edge magnetoplasmons in periodically modulated structures

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    We present a microscopic treatment of edge magnetoplasmons (EMP's) within the random-phase approximation for strong magnetic fields, low temperatures, and filling factor ν=1(2)\nu =1(2), when a weak short-period superlattice potential is imposed along the Hall bar. The modulation potential modifies both the spatial structure and the dispersion relation of the fundamental EMP and leads to the appearance of a novel gapless mode of the fundamental EMP. For sufficiently weak modulation strengths the phase velocity of this novel mode is almost the same as the group velocity of the edge states but it should be quite smaller for stronger modulation. We discuss in detail the spatial structure of the charge density of the renormalized and the novel fundamental EMP's.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Boltzmann equation of composite fermions interacting with a gauge field

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    We derive the quantum Boltzmann equation (QBE) of composite fermions at/near the ν=1/2\nu = 1/2 state using the non-equilibrium Green's function technique. The lowest order perturbative correction to the self-energy due to the strong gauge field fluctuations suggests that there is no well defined Landau-quasi-particle. Therefore, we cannot assume the existence of the Landau-quasi-particles {\it a priori} in the derivation of the QBE. Using an alternative formulation, we derive the QBE for the generalized Fermi surface displacement which corresponds to the local variation of the chemical potential in momentum space. {}From this QBE, one can understand in a unified fashion the Fermi-liquid behaviors of the density-density and the current-current correlation functions at ν=1/2\nu = 1/2 (in the long wave length and the low frequency limits) and the singular behavior of the energy gap obtained from the finite temperature activation behavior of the compressibility near ν=1/2\nu = 1/2. Implications of these results to the recent experiments are also discussed.Comment: 44 pages, Plain Tex, 5 figures (ps files) available upon reques

    Stability of the compressible quantum Hall state around the half-filled Landau level

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    We study the compressible states in the quantum Hall system using a mean field theory on the von Neumann lattice. In the lowest Landau level, a kinetic energy is generated dynamically from Coulomb interaction. The compressibility of the state is calculated as a function of the filling factor ν\nu and the width dd of the spacer between the charge carrier layer and dopants. The compressibility becomes negative below a critical value of dd and the state becomes unstable at ν=1/2\nu=1/2. Within a finite range around ν=1/2\nu=1/2, the stable compressible state exists above the critical value of dd.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figures, RevTe

    Surface acoustic wave attenuation by a two-dimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field

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    The propagation of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures is studied in the case where the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is subject to a strong magnetic field and a smooth random potential with correlation length Lambda and amplitude Delta. The electron wave functions are described in a quasiclassical picture using results of percolation theory for two-dimensional systems. In accordance with the experimental situation, Lambda is assumed to be much smaller than the sound wavelength 2*pi/q. This restricts the absorption of surface phonons at a filling factor \bar{\nu} approx 1/2 to electrons occupying extended trajectories of fractal structure. Both piezoelectric and deformation potential interactions of surface acoustic phonons with electrons are considered and the corresponding interaction vertices are derived. These vertices are found to differ from those valid for three-dimensional bulk phonon systems with respect to the phonon wave vector dependence. We derive the appropriate dielectric function varepsilon(omega,q) to describe the effect of screening on the electron-phonon coupling. In the low temperature, high frequency regime T << Delta (omega_q*Lambda /v_D)^{alpha/2/nu}, where omega_q is the SAW frequency and v_D is the electron drift velocity, both the attenuation coefficient Gamma and varepsilon(omega,q) are independent of temperature. The classical percolation indices give alpha/2/nu=3/7. The width of the region where a strong absorption of the SAW occurs is found to be given by the scaling law |Delta \bar{\nu}| approx (omega_q*Lambda/v_D)^{alpha/2/nu}. The dependence of the electron-phonon coupling and the screening due to the 2DEG on the filling factor leads to a double-peak structure for Gamma(\bar{\nu}).Comment: 17 pages, 3 Postscript figures, minor changes mad

    Influence of gauge-field fluctuations on composite fermions near the half-filled state

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    Taking into account the transverse gauge field fluctuations, which interact with composite fermions, we examine the finite temperature compressibility of the fermions as a function of an effective magnetic field ΔB=B2nehc/e\Delta B = B - 2 n_e hc/e (nen_e is the density of electrons) near the half-filled state. It is shown that, after including the lowest order gauge field correction, the compressibility goes as nμeΔωc/2T(1+A(η)η1(Δωc)21+ηT){\partial n \over \partial \mu} \propto e^{- \Delta \omega_c / 2 T} \left ( 1 + {A (\eta) \over \eta - 1} {(\Delta \omega_c)^{2 \over 1 + \eta} \over T} \right ) for TΔωcT \ll \Delta \omega_c, where Δωc=eΔBmc\Delta \omega_c = {e \Delta B \over mc}. Here we assume that the interaction between the fermions is given by v(q)=V0/q2η (1η2)v ({\bf q}) = V_0 / q^{2 - \eta} \ (1 \le \eta \le 2), where A(η)A (\eta) is a η\eta dependent constant. This result can be interpreted as a divergent correction to the activation energy gap and is consistent with the divergent renormalization of the effective mass of the composite fermions.Comment: Plain Tex, 24 pages, 5 figures available upon reques