6,567 research outputs found
Polar kicks and the spin period - eccentricity relation in double neutron stars
We present results of a population synthesis study aimed at examining the
role of spin-kick alignment in producing a correlation between the spin period
of the first-born neutron star and the orbital eccentricity of observed double
neutron star binaries in the Galactic disk. We find spin-kick alignment to be
compatible with the observed correlation, but not to alleviate the requirements
for low kick velocities suggested in previous population synthesis studies. Our
results furthermore suggest low- and high-eccentricity systems may form through
two distinct formation channels distinguished by the presence or absence of a
stable mass transfer phase before the formation of the second neutron star. The
presence of highly eccentric systems in the observed sample of double neutron
stars may furthermore support the notion that neutron stars accrete matter when
moving through the envelope of a giant companion.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond
Pulsars, Magnetars, and More", August 12-17, 2007, McGill University,
Montreal, Canad
Though the practice of stretching is widely used in sports, general fitness and physiotherapy, there is still a lack of basic research in this area. This study describes the viscoelastic properties of m. triceps surae and investigates the influence of static stretching. 20 males and 11 females, without a history of ankle injury, participated in this experiment. Each testee completed two sessions of seven measurements on an active omnikinetic dynamometer (PROMETT-system). The velocity of the leverarm has been kept constant during all tests (lO°/s). An interactive loop determines the stretching amplitude depending on the force exerted on this lever. The subject was fixated in an adjustable chair, the right leg extended and sustained, the left leg maximally bended in the hip to stabilize the pelvis. Further on, wooden plates were placed between the back of the chair and the pelvis to avoid any hip displacements while exerting force on the foot. After aligning the ankle axis with the axis of the dynamometer, the leverarm was manipulated to determine the moment (Mcrit) and the angle associated with a stretch just short of causing pain. The first and last measurement,of each session was an isokinetic stretch up to Mcrit (Stretch). After a short hold (200 me) in this extreme position (Hold) the same isokinetic movement, but in opposite direction, was used to relax the muscle (Relax). Between-these two 'control measurements' five identic static stretches were performed. These stretches were varied among subgroups regarding the intensity of the Stretch (90% or 100% of Mcrit) and the duration of the Hold (10s or 30 a). Netto joint moments were calculated and expressed relatively as a function of the stretching amplitude. Eighty parameters were selected in order to describe the strain-stretch curves during Stretch and Relax phases and the stress-time curves during the Hold phases. Results obtained by comparing those parameters from first and last control measurements reveal a very stable intra-individual viscoelastic behaviour of the muscle. Though, significant differences in stretching amplitude, creep and parameters describing the shape of the relax curves were observed. Differences between subgroups show a stronger influence of the intensity to the result of the static stretch compared to the influence of a longer Hold phase. In this study females had a significant smaller stretching amplitude then males. They also had less advantages of static stretching
Substrate-dependent bacterivory by intertidal benthic copepods
The trophic importance of bacteria to harpacticoid copepods in intertidal areas remains poorly understood, and so do the mechanisms of bacterial feeding. It is, for instance, unclear whether harpacticoids directly target bacterial cells, or merely co-ingest them with substrates to which bacterial cells may be attached. Here, we investigate bacterial uptake and substrate requirement for four mud intertidal species (Microarthridion littorale, Platychelipus littoralis, Delavalia palustris, Nannopus palustris) by means of 13C-labeled bacteria and biomarker fatty acids (FA). Bacterial uptake strongly depended on grazing on a primary food source but bacterial ingestion rates were low and no clear indication of copepods directly targeting bacteria was found. Delavalia was the only species that accumulated bacteria-derived FA and gained in polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) probably through bioconversion of bacteria-derived FA. In general, however, our results suggest that bacteria represent a relatively minor and low-quality food for intertidal harpacticoid copepods
An investigation of eddy-current damping of multi-stage pendulum suspensions for use in interferometric gravitational wave detectors
In this article we discuss theoretical and experimental investigations of the use of eddy-current damping for multi-stage pendulum suspensions such as those intended for use in Advanced LIGO, the proposed upgrade to LIGO (the US laser interferometric gravitational-wave observatory). The design of these suspensions is based on the triple pendulum suspension design developed for GEO 600, the German/UK interferometric gravitational wave detector, currently being commissioned. In that detector all the low frequency resonant modes of the triple pendulums are damped by control systems using collocated sensing and feedback at the highest mass of each pendulum, so that significant attenuation of noise associated with this so-called local control is achieved at the test masses. To achieve the more stringent noise levels planned for Advanced LIGO, the GEO 600 local control design needs some modification. Here we address one particular approach, namely that of using eddy-current damping as a replacement or supplement to active damping for some or all of the modes of the pendulums. We show that eddy-current damping is indeed a practical alternative to the development of very low noise sensors for active damping of triple pendulums, and may also have application to the heavier quadruple pendulums at a reduced level of damping
Eccentric double white dwarfs as LISA sources in globular clusters
We consider the formation of double white dwarfs (DWDs) through dynamical
interactions in globular clusters. Such interactions can give rise to eccentric
DWDs, in contrast to the exclusively circular population expected to form in
the Galactic disk. We show that for a 5-year Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
(LISA) mission and distances as far as the Large Magellanic Cloud, multiple
harmonics from eccentric DWDs can be detected at a signal-to-noise ratio higher
than 8 for at least a handful of eccentric DWDs, given their formation rate and
typical lifetimes estimated from current cluster simulations. Consequently the
association of eccentricity with stellar-mass LISA sources does not uniquely
involve neutron stars, as is usually assumed. Due to the difficulty of
detecting (eccentric) DWDs with present and planned electromagnetic
observatories, LISA could provide unique dynamical identifications of these
systems in globular clusters.Comment: Published in ApJ 665, L5
Improving the nautical access to Zeebrugge harbor: a multidisciplinary study
A multidisciplinary study was set up to tackle the nautical problems faced by Zeebrugge Harbor by the Maritime Access Division of the Flemish Community. The problem is twofold: strong cross-currents at the harbor mouth hinder the entrance of the ships around high water, and the occurrence of thick muddy layers hinders the navigation in the harbor and causes very high dredging costs. The article focuses on the global project set up, and explains more in detail the numerical and physical modeling research
Cell cultures harbouring constructs of different pig promoter polymorphisms show different transcriptional efficiency in gene reporter systems
AbstractProduction traits variability among and within breeds, differences among developmental stages or the response to different environments are in part due to genetic factors that affect gene expression. Within the context of an Italian FIRB project, whose objective is to identify genes and molecular mechanisms affecting meat quality and production traits in pig, we studied the promoter regions of candidate genes selected on the basis of their physiological role in animal tissue development or composition. Genomic DNA was isolated from liver or muscle tissue of individuals belonging to Large White and Casertana breed. PCR primers were designed to amplify 5' upstream region of SCD (Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase), LDLR (Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor), LEP (Leptin), MSTN (Myostatin), ACTA1 (Alpha-actin) and HFABP (Heart Fatty Acid Binding Protein) genes using sequences available at NCBI. A total of 19 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) not previously described were characterised. Some haplotypes, harbou..
The impact of reduction of doublet well spacing on the Net Present Value and the life time of fluvial Hot Sedimentary Aquifer doublets
This paper evaluates the impact of reduction of doublet well spacing, below the current West Netherlands Basin standard of 1000 to 1500 m, on the Net Present Value (NPV) and the life time of fluvial Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (HSA) doublets. First, a sensitivity analysis is used to show the possible advantage of such reduction on the NPV. The parameter value ranges are derived from West Netherlands Basin HSA doublet examples. The results indicate that a reduction of well spacing from 1400 to 1000 m could already influence NPV by up to 15%. This effect would be larger in more marginally economic HSA doublets compared to the West Netherlands Basin base case scenario. The possibility to reduce well spacing is supported by finite element production simulations, utilizing detailed facies architecture models. Furthermore, our results underline the necessity of detailed facies architecture models to assess the potential and risks of HSA doublets. This factor significantly affects doublet life time and net energy production of the doublet
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