19 research outputs found

    Føjo II BAR-OF - Vårbyg 2002

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    I publikationen bringes resultater af årets sortsforsøg i korn, bælgsæd og olieplanter samt observationer af sortsegenskaber i korn 2002. Resultater fra økologiske sortsforsøg kan findes ligeledes i publikationen

    Økologisk sortsafprøvning af vårbyg

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    Sortsforædlere og repræsentanter af vårbyg tilbydes gennem det officielle afprøvningssystem en uvildig evaluering af forskellige sorters udbyttepotentiale, dyrkningsegenskaber, kvalitetsegenskaber og modtagelighed for sygdomme, med henblik på dansk sortslisteoptagelse. Dette system er traditionelt bygget op om forsøg under konventionelle dyrkningsbetingelser. I en del af FØJO II projektet BAR-OF (Egenskaber ved sorter af vårbyg til økologisk dyrkning) undersøger vi hvilke egenskaber, der er specielt relevante for økologisk dyrkning, da disse egenskaber ikke nødvendigvis kommer til udtryk ved den eksisterende afprøvning. Et delmål med forsøgene er at opbygge en forsøgsprotokol til gennemførelse af økologiske sortsforsøg i vårbyg

    FØJO II BAR-OF - Vårbyg 2003

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    I publikationen bringes resultater af årets sortsforsøg i korn, bælgsæd og olieplanter samt observationer af sortsegenskaber i korn 2003. Resultater fra økologiske sortsforsøg kan findes ligeledes i publikationen

    Genetic potential for grain yield in spring barley varieties and variety mixtures in variable organic environments

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    For organic crop production, well-characterised varieties increase the possibilities for controlling diseases and weeds and compensating for deficits in nutrients. Variation in grain yield was studied in about 150 spring barley varieties and variety mixtures and 20 combinations of location, growing system and year. Choice of variety was found to be as important a factor for grain yield as other factors in the management. Some variety mixtures out yielded even the best variety in the mixture, when this was grown in pure stand. Finally, a concept for organic variety testing of spring barley was developed. This Danish project is part of a European COST Network on sustainable low-input cereal production (SUSVAR) which coordinates studies in different countries on variety mixtures, composite crosses and variety testing

    Resistant barley varieties may facilitate control of Ramularia leaf spot

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    Ramularia leaf spot (RLS) is widely present in Denmark nowadays and has the potential to reach severity levels high enough to cause economic damage. The results of multi-location surveys and field trials of several years suggest that varietal resistance can be an efficient means for controlling RLS. The spring barley cultivars most affected by RLS possess mlo-resistance against powdery mildew while the least affected ones do not. Other mildew resistances as well as varietal susceptibility to other foliar diseases were not clearly related to the RLS reaction pattern of neither spring- nor winter barley cultivars. Promising RLS resistance donors may be the spring barleys Power, Helium, Isabella, Nathalie, Cruiser and Isotta and the winter barleys Lonni, followed by Chess, Lomerit, Nobilia, and Carola. However, more work is needed to develop reliable methods for efficient RLS resistance testing and to determine the nature and genetic basis of RLS resistance and its relation to varietal resistances against other diseases

    Results of yield trials with spring barley

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    Trials with spring barley has been conducted on a farmers certified field. The varieties were grown after local standards as the farmer would normally do. Results of yield, disease susceptibility, growth characteristics and quality can be fould on this web page. Additional links for further results and administrative data can be found as well

    Sortsforsøg 2004 - Korn, bælgsæd og olieplanter

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    I publikationen bringes resultater af årets sortsforsøg i korn, bælgsæd og olieplanter samt observationer af sortsegenskaber i korn 2004. Resultater for økologiske sortsforsøg kan ligeledes findes i publikatione

    Results of yield trails with spring barley

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    On three locations, two growing systems have been investigated. One system with yield trails of spring barley varieties in pure stand, seed harrowing (if appropriate), and low input of nutrients (slurry), and one system with spring barley varieties as cover crop for a grass-white clover mixture, without nutrient input beside the precropping nutrient value. Data of yield, disease susceptibility, growth characteristics and quality can be found on this web page. Additional links for further results and administrative data can be found as well

    Sortsblandinger af byg til økologisk jordbrug

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    Første års resultater fra et sortsblandingsforsøg med vårbyg i projektet BAR-O

    Egenskaber ved sorter af vårbyg til økologisk dyrkning

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    Sorternes dyrkningsmæssige egenskaber bliver meget vigtigere, når skadegørere og næringsstoftilførsel ikke kan kontrolleres med pesticider og syntetisk gødning. I et nyt FØJO-projekt er det derfor målet at karakterisere de økologiske dyrknigsegenskaber hos vårbygsorterne (vårkornsorterna