2,604 research outputs found

    Exciton effective mass enhancement in coupled quantum wells in electric and magnetic fields

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    We present a calculation of exciton states in semiconductor coupled quantum wells (CQWs) in the presence of electric and magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the QW plane. The exciton Schr\"odinger equation is solved in real space in three dimensions to obtain the Landau levels of both direct and indirect excitons. Calculation of the exciton energy levels and oscillator strengths enables mapping of the electric and magnetic field dependence of the exciton absorption spectrum. For the ground state of the system, we evaluate the Bohr radius, optical lifetime, binding energy and dipole moment. The exciton mass renormalization due to the magnetic field is calculated using a perturbative approach. We predict a non-monotonous dependence of the exciton ground state effective mass on magnetic field. Such a trend is explained in a classical picture, in terms of the ground state tending from an indirect to a direct exciton with increasing magnetic field.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Terahertz emitters based on microcavity dipolaritons

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    We propose the use of dipolaritons -- quantum well excitons with large dipole moment, coupled to a planar microcavity -- for generating terahertz (THz) radiation. This is achieved by exciting the system with two THz detuned lasers that leads to dipole moment oscillations of the exciton polariton at the detuning frequency, thus generating a THz emission. We have optimized the structural parameters of a system with microcavity embedded AlGaAs double quantum wells and shown that the THz emission intensity is maximized if the laser frequencies both match different dipolariton states. The influence of the electronic tunnel coupling between the wells on the frequency and intensity of the THz radiation is also investigated, demonstrating a trade-off between the polariton dipole moment and the Rabi splitting.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. This article has been submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Drift-diffusion model of the fragmentation of the external ring structure in the photoluminescence pattern of indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells

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    Under optical excitation, coupled quantum wells are known to reveal fascinating features in the photoluminescence pattern originating from dipole orientated indirect excitons. The appearance of an external ring has been attributed to macroscopic charge separation in the quantum well plane. We present a classical model of non-linear diffusion to account for the observed fragmentation of the external ring into a periodic array of islands. The model incorporates the Coulomb interactions between electrons, holes and indirect excitons. At low temperatures, these interactions lead to pattern formation similar to the experimentally observed ring fragmentation. The fragmentation is found to persist to temperatures above the quantum degeneracy temperature of indirect excitons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Kinetics of the inner ring in the exciton emission pattern in GaAs coupled quantum wells

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    We report on the kinetics of the inner ring in the exciton emission pattern. The formation time of the inner ring following the onset of the laser excitation is found to be about 30 ns. The inner ring was also found to disappear within 4 ns after the laser termination. The latter process is accompanied by a jump in the photoluminescence (PL) intensity. The spatial dependence of the PL-jump indicates that the excitons outside of the region of laser excitation, including the inner ring region, are efficiently cooled to the lattice temperature even during the laser excitation. The ring formation and disappearance are explained in terms of exciton transport and cooling.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Excitation Energy Dependence of the Exciton Inner Ring

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    We report on the excitation energy dependence of the inner ring in the exciton emission pattern. The contrast of the inner ring is found to decrease with lowering excitation energy. Excitation by light tuned to the direct exciton resonance is found to effectively suppress excitation-induced heating of indirect excitons and facilitate the realization of a cold and dense exciton gas. The excitation energy dependence of the inner ring is explained in terms of exciton transport and cooling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Line Emission Region in III Zw 2: Kinematics and Variability

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    We have studied the Ly-al, Hbeta, Halpha and Mg II2798 line profiles of the Seyfert 1 galaxy III Zw 2. The shapes of these broad emission lines show evidence of a multicomponent origin and also features which may be identified as the peaks due to a rotating disk. We have proposed a two-component Broad Line Region (BLR) model consisting of an inner Keplerian relativistic disk and an outer structure surrounding the disk. The results of the fitting of the four Broad Emission Lines (BELs) here considered, are highly consistent in both the inner and outer component parameters. Adopting a mass of approx. 2 E8 sollar masses for the central object we found that the outer radius of the disk is approximately equal for the four considered lines (approx 0.01 pc). However, the inner radius of the disk is not the same: 0.0018 pc for Ly-alpha, 0.0027 pc for Mg II, and 0.0038 pc for the Balmer lines. This as well as the relatively broad component present in the blue wings of the narrow [OIII] lines indicate stratification in the emission-line region. Using long-term Hbeta observations (1972-1990, 1998) we found a flux variation of the BEL with respect to the [OIII] lines.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 22 pages, 10 figure

    Measurement techniques and instruments suitable for life-prediction testing of photovoltaic arrays

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    Array failure modes, relevant materials property changes, and primary degradation mechanisms are discussed as a prerequisite to identifying suitable measurement techniques and instruments. Candidate techniques and instruments are identified on the basis of extensive reviews of published and unpublished information. These methods are organized in six measurement categories - chemical, electrical, optical, thermal, mechanical, and other physicals. Using specified evaluation criteria, the most promising techniques and instruments for use in life prediction tests of arrays were selected

    The UV Properties of the Narrow Line Quasar I Zwicky 1

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    I Zw 1 is the prototype narrow line quasar. We report here the results of our study of the UV emission of I Zw 1 using a high S/N (50-120) spectrum obtained with the HST FOS. The following main new results are obtained: 1. The Mg II and Al III doublets are partially/fully resolved. The measured doublet ratios verify theoretical predictions that the lines are thermalized in the BLR. 2. A weak associated UV absorption system is detected in N~V, and possibly also in C IV and Lya, suggesting an outflow with a velocity of 1870 km/s and velocity dispersion <300 km/s. 3. Lines from ions of increasing ionization level show increasing excess blue wing flux, and an increasing line peak velocity shift, reaching a maximum blueshift of about 2000 km/s for He II 1640. This may indicate an out-flowing component in the BLR, where the ionization level increases with velocity, and which is visible only in the approaching direction. The highest velocity part of this outflow may produce the associated UV absorption system. 4. The small C III] 1909 EW, and the small C III] 1909/Lya and C III] 1909/Si III] 1892 flux ratios indicate a typical BLR density of 10^11, i.e. about an order of magnitude larger than implied by C III] 1909 in most quasars. A BLR component of a higher density is implied by the EW and doublet ratio of the Al III 1857 doublet. 5. Prominent Fe II UV 191 emission is seen, together with weaker line emission at 1294 and 1871 A. These three features have been proposed as evidence for significant Lya pumping of the 8-10 eV levels of Fe II. 6. Significant Fe III emission is present. The Fe III UV 34 and UV 48 multiplets are clearly resolved, and Fe III UV 1, UV 47, UV 50, and UV 68 may also be present. (Shortened version)Comment: 28 pages, 1 table and 7 figures included. Uses aas2pp4.sty. Scheduled for the Astrophysical Journal November 10, 1997 issue, Vol. 48

    The Case for Optically-Thick High Velocity Broad Line Region Gas in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    A combined analysis of the profiles of the main broad quasar emission lines in both Hubble Space Telescope and optical spectra shows that while the profiles of the strong UV lines are quite similar, there is frequently a strong increase in the Ly-alpha/H-alpha ratio in the high-velocity gas. We show that the suggestion that the high velocity gas is optically-thin presents many problems. We show that the relative strengths of the high velocity wings arise naturally in an optically-thick BLR component. An optically-thick model successfully explains the equivalent widths of the lines, the Ly-alpha/H-alpha ratios and flatter Balmer decrements in the line wings, the strengths of CIII] and the lambda 1400 blend, and the strong variability of high-velocity, high-ionization lines (especially HeII and HeI).Comment: 34 pages in AASTeX, including 10 pages of figures. Submitted to Astrophysical Journa
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