18 research outputs found

    Looking in the Heads of Experienced Teachers – Do they use the Wide Range of Principles of Effective Teaching when Analysing Lessons?

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    This study aimed to examine whether principles of effective teaching constitute essential criteria for a systematic and successful analysis of lessons. After watching a video of a complete lesson, the participants (each of nine experienced and pre-service teachers) were asked to analyse this lesson in terms of effectiveness for pupils’ learning in the form of an open dialogue. Their comments were analysed by means of a qualitative content analysis and revealed that the experienced teachers independently used the wide range of principles of effective teaching and differed significantly from the pre-service teachers in this regard. Particularly striking were the large differences in the activation of knowledge about these five principles: goal orientation, relating cognitive activities to prior knowledge, classroom climate/learning atmosphere, clarity, and using appropriate examples. These differences point to specific development tasks, in order to improve the analytical skills of student teachers within teacher education

    Klaus Moegling: Kompetenzaufbau im fächerübergreifenden Unterricht – Förderung vernetzten Denkens und komplexen Handelns. Immenhausen: Prolog-Verlag 2010, 263 S. [Rezension]

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    Rezension zu: Klaus Moegling: Kompetenzaufbau im fächerübergreifenden Unterricht – Förderung vernetzten Denkens und komplexen Handelns. Immenhausen: Prolog-Verlag 2010, 263 S

    Prinzip und Methode: Ein terminologischer Vorschlag

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    The quasi-experimental attitude of teachers: the development of a questionnaire

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    Plöger W, Scholl D, Seifert A. The quasi-experimental attitude of teachers: the development of a questionnaire. Journal of Education for Teaching. 2018;44(4):415-430

    Bridging the gap between theory and practice – The effective use of videos to assist the acquisition and application of pedagogical knowledge in pre-service teacher education

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    Plöger W, Scholl D, Seifert A. Bridging the gap between theory and practice – The effective use of videos to assist the acquisition and application of pedagogical knowledge in pre-service teacher education. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 2018;58:197-204

    “Und sie bewegt sich doch!” – Wie spezifische Lerngelegenheiten die bildungswissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden fördern können

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    Plöger W, Scholl D, Seifert A. “Und sie bewegt sich doch!” – Wie spezifische Lerngelegenheiten die bildungswissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden fördern können. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 2016;2016(1):109-130

    "And yet it moves!" How specific learning opportunities can promote educational-scientific competencies of student teachers

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    Derzeit scheint es in der ersten Phase der Lehrerbildung nicht hinreichend zu gelingen, bildungswissenschaftliches Wissen systematisch aufzubauen. Als Schlüssel zur Verbesserung dieser Situation wird weniger die Quantität der jeweiligen Angebote, sondern deren Qualität gesehen. Diese wird entscheidend durch die inhaltliche und methodische Gestaltung von spezifischen Lerngelegenheiten geprägt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird darüber berichtet, wie solche Lerngelegenheiten curricular konzipiert und über eine entsprechende Lehrveranstaltung lernwirksam realisiert werden können. Die Evaluation erfolgt über ein Solomon-Viergruppen-Design. Die sich in der Experimentalgruppe zeigenden signifikanten und hohen Effekte bezüglich der Leistungsentwicklung sprechen für die Bedeutung spezifischer Lerngelegenheiten beim Erwerb bildungswissenschaftlichen Wissens und für die Notwendigkeit, weitere Modelle entsprechender Lernangebote zu entwickeln und empirisch zu evaluieren. (DIPF/Orig.)At present it seems that the attempt to systematically build up sufficient educational- scientific knowledge during the first phase of teacher training is not successful. The key to an improvement of that situation lies not so much in the quantity of the respective offers, but rather in their quality. This is decisively shaped by the content-related and methodological organization of specific learning opportunities. The present contribution reports how such learning opportunities can be given a curricular structure and how they may be effectively realized through an adequate teaching event. The evaluation is carried out via a Solomon four-group design. The significant and strong effects shown by the experimental group with regard to performance development indicate the importance of specific learning opportunities in the acquisition of educational-scientific knowledge and substantiate the need for the development and empirical evaluation of further models of adequate learning offers. (DIPF/Orig.