5,231 research outputs found

    Hybrid propulsion technology program: Phase 1, volume 1

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    A number of booster propulsion system concepts are being considered for the next generation of manned and unmanned space launch vehicles. The one propulsion system concept that has potential for reducing costs with increased safety, reliability, and performance is hybrid propulsion (HP). A HP system may be thought of as a liquid propulsion system with solid fuel or a solid propulsion system with a liquid oxidizer. The liquid propulsion features that are most attractive are the higher specific impulse, clean exhaust, separated propellants, and oxidizer loading just prior to launch. The most attractive solid propulsion features includes low life cycle costs, no rotating machinery, compact size, and a robust case. In addition, a HP system has a robust LO2 tank; provides thrust control for ignition, to alleviate flight loads, and for thrust termination; and uses an inert grain that is not sensitive to anomalies such as cracks, voids, and separations. The object is to develop the technology to enable the application of HP to manned and unmanned space launch vehicles. This program will identify the necessary technology, acquire that technology, and demonstrate that technology. This volume is the executive summary

    Hybrid propulsion technology program: Phase 1. Volume 3: Thiokol Corporation Space Operations

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    Three candidate hybrid propulsion (HP) concepts were identified, optimized, evaluated, and refined through an iterative process that continually forced improvement to the systems with respect to safety, reliability, cost, and performance criteria. A full scale booster meeting Advanced Solid Rocket Motor (ASRM) thrust-time constraints and a booster application for 1/4 ASRM thrust were evaluated. Trade studies and analyses were performed for each of the motor elements related to SRM technology. Based on trade study results, the optimum HP concept for both full and quarter sized systems was defined. The three candidate hybrid concepts evaluated are illustrated

    Foraging Behavior of Swainson\u27s Thrushes (Catharus ustulatus) During Spring Migration through Arkansas

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    Foraging behavior of Swainson’s Thrushes on spring migration was studied in western Arkansas in the spring of 2013 and 2014. Observations were made in two forested field sites, one of them urban and the other suburban. The former had a significantly higher woody stem area (cm2) than the latter. For each foraging observation, the following three parameters were noted: Foraging Stratum (Ground, Shrub, Sapling, Sub canopy, and Canopy); Foraging Substrate (Ground/Litter, Herb, Foliage, Bark, and Air); and Foraging Maneuver (Glean, Probe, Dive/Glean, Hover, Jump Hover, and Hawking). We tested the hypotheses that these foraging variables differed significantly between the urban and suburban sites, and between the two years. These hypotheses were rejected for all three parameters. The consolidated data from both the sites and years revealed that a significantly higher proportion (67%) of the observations were on the Ground stratum, compared to the Shrub (13.7%) and Sapling strata (13%). Similarly, a significantly higher proportion (66%) of the foraging substrate used was Ground/Litter, followed by Foliage (16.7%) and Bark (15.8%). Gleaning was the most common foraging maneuver used (71.5%), and was significantly higher than Probing (12.3%) and Dive Gleaning (8.4%)

    Apollo experience report: Development of guidance targeting techniques for the command module and launch vehicle

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    The development of the guidance targeting techniques for the Apollo command module and launch vehicle is discussed for four types of maneuvers: (1) translunar injection, (2) translunar midcourse, (3) lunar orbit insertion, and (4) return to earth. The development of real-time targeting programs for these maneuvers and the targeting procedures represented are discussed. The material is intended to convey historically the development of the targeting techniques required to meet the defined target objectives and to illustrate the solutions to problems encountered during that development

    Building Legitimacy for IT Innovations: The Case of Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems

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    Research on IT innovations has largely relied on economic-rationalistic models and focused on individuals or organizations as the unit of analysis. The intent of this paper is to advance an alternative research agenda that explores the institutional underpinnings of IT innovation diffusion at the inter-organizational level. Through a multi-stage research study, we examine the legitimation function of organizing visions for IT innovations and develop a taxonomy of legitimation strategies employed by the proponents of an IT innovation. We first built a preliminary theoretical framework that synthesizes key arguments on legitimacy drawn from the organization theory and IS literatures. Next, we conducted an exploratory case study of institutional entrepreneurship surrounding computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems. We examined the discursive actions of CPOE vendors by content analyzing 165 press releases issued between 1998 and 2006. We then combined the findings of the literature analysis and the case study to create a taxonomy of discursive strategies for building IT innovation legitimacy. A post-hoc analysis of the case study data reveals a number of interesting patterns in the CPOE vendors’ use of the legitimation strategies and helps us formulate a set of research questions to guide future investigations. The work reported in this paper lays a foundation for a deeper understanding of the role of legitimacy and legitimation in shaping diffusion of IT innovations. It also contributes to the conceptual and methodological elaboration of the organizing vision framework

    Transient x-ray diffraction used to diagnose shock compressed Si crystals on the Nova laser

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    Transient x-ray diffraction is used to record time-resolved information about the shock compression of materials. This technique has been applied on Nova shock experiments driven using a hohlraum x-ray drive. Data were recorded from the shock release at the free surface of a Si crystal, as well as from Si at an embedded ablator/Si interface. Modeling has been done to simulate the diffraction data incorporating the strained crystal rocking curves and Bragg diffraction efficiencies. Examples of the data and post-processed simulations are presented

    Hypothesis: Caco‐2 cell rotational 3D mechanogenomic turing patterns have clinical implications to colon crypts

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    Colon crypts are recognized as a mechanical and biochemical Turing patterning model. Colon epithelial Caco‐2 cell monolayer demonstrated 2D Turing patterns via force analysis of apical tight junction live cell imaging which illuminated actomyosin meshwork linking the actomyosin network of individual cells. Actomyosin forces act in a mechanobiological manner that alters cell/nucleus/tissue morphology. We observed the rotational motion of the nucleus in Caco‐2 cells that appears to be driven by actomyosin during the formation of a differentiated confluent epithelium. Single‐ to multi‐cell ring/torus‐shaped genomes were observed prior to complex fractal Turing patterns extending from a rotating torus centre in a spiral pattern consistent with a gene morphogen motif. These features may contribute to the well‐described differentiation from stem cells at the crypt base to the luminal colon epithelium along the crypt axis. This observation may be useful to study the role of mechanogenomic processes and the underlying molecular mechanisms as determinants of cellular and tissue architecture in space and time, which is the focal point of the 4D nucleome initiative. Mathematical and bioengineer modelling of gene circuits and cell shapes may provide a powerful algorithm that will contribute to future precision medicine relevant to a number of common medical disorders.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146665/1/jcmm13853.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146665/2/jcmm13853_am.pd

    A depolarization and attenuation experiment using the COMSTAR and CTS satellites

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    Monthly statistical data are presented on ground rainfall rate and attenuation of satellite downlinks at 11.7 GHz, 19.04 GHz, and 28.56 GHz and on cross-polarization isolation at 11.7 GHz. Regression equations for relating isolation to attenuation, attenuation to rain rate, and attenuation at one frequency to attenuation at another frequency are also included. Longer-term statistics are also presented and discussed