1,019 research outputs found

    Board of Pharmacy

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    Large-amplitude electric fields in the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations of subauroral polarization streams

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    The subauroral polarization stream (SAPS) is an important magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) coupling phenomenon that impacts a range of particle populations in the inner magnetosphere. SAPS studies often emphasize ionospheric signatures of fast westward flows, but the equatorial magnetosphere is also affected through strong radial electric fields in the dusk sector. This study focuses on a period of steady southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during the 29 June 2013 geomagnetic storm where the Van Allen Probes observe a region of intense electric fields near the plasmapause over multiple consecutive outbound duskside passes. We show that the large-amplitude electric fields near the equatorial plane are consistent with SAPS by investigating the relationship between plasma sheet ion and electron boundaries, associated field-aligned currents, and the spatial location of the electric fields. By incorporating high-inclination DMSP data we demonstrate the spatial and temporal variability of the SAPS region, and we suggest that discrete, earthward propagating injections are driving the observed strong electric fields at low L shells in the equatorial magnetosphere. We also show the relationship between SAPS and plasmasphere erosion, as well as a possible correlation with flux enhancements for 100s keV electrons

    Reduction of \u3ci\u3eStabilin-2\u3c/i\u3e Contributes to a Protection Against Atherosclerosis

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    We have previously identified a novel atherosclerosis quantitative trait locus (QTL), Arch atherosclerosis 5 (Aath5), on mouse chromosome 10 by three-way QTL analyses between Apoe−/− mice on a DBA/2J, 129S6 and C57BL/6J background. The DBA/2J haplotype at the Aath5 locus was associated with smaller plaque size. One of the candidate genes underlying Aath5 was Stabilin-2 (Stab2), which encodes a clearance receptor for hyaluronan (HA) predominantly expressed in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs). However, the role of Stab2 in atherosclerosis is unknown. A congenic line of Apoe−/− mice carrying Aath5 covering the Stab2DBA allele on a background of 129S6 confirmed the small reductions of atherosclerotic plaque development. To further determine whether Stab2 is an underlying gene for Aath5, we generated Stab2−/−Apoe−/− mice on a C57BL/6J background. When fed with a Western diet for 8 weeks, Stab2−/−Apoe−/− males developed approximately 30% smaller plaques than Stab2+/+Apoe−/− mice. HA was accumulated in circulation but not in major organs in the Stab2 deficient mice. STAB2-binding molecules that are involved in atherosclerosis, including acLDL, apoptotic cells, heparin and vWF were not likely the direct cause of the protection in the Stab2−/−Apoe−/− males. These data indicate that reduction of Stab2 is protective against atherosclerotic plaque development, and that Stab2 is a contributing gene underlying Aath5, although its effect is small. To test whether non-synonymous amino acid changes unique to DBA/2J affect the function of STAB2 protein, we made HEK293 cell lines expressing STAB2129 or STAB2DBA proteins, as well as STAB2129 proteins carrying each of five DBA-unique replacements that have been predicted to be deleterious. These mutant cells were capable of internalizing 125I -HA and DiI-acLDL similarly to the control cells. These results indicate that the amino acid changes unique to DBA/2J are not affecting the function of STAB2 protein, and support our previous observation that the reduced transcription of Stab2 in the liver sinusoid as a consequence of the insertion of a viral-derived sequence, intracisternal A particle, is the primary contributor to the athero-protection conferred by the DBA/2J allele

    Reduction of Stabilin-2 Contributes to a Protection Against AtherosclerosisStabilin

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    We have previously identified a novel atherosclerosis quantitative trait locus (QTL), Arch atherosclerosis 5 (Aath5), on mouse chromosome 10 by three-way QTL analyses between Apoe−/− mice on a DBA/2J, 129S6 and C57BL/6J background. The DBA/2J haplotype at the Aath5 locus was associated with smaller plaque size. One of the candidate genes underlying Aath5 was Stabilin-2 (Stab2), which encodes a clearance receptor for hyaluronan (HA) predominantly expressed in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs). However, the role of Stab2 in atherosclerosis is unknown. A congenic line of Apoe−/− mice carrying Aath5 covering the Stab2DBA allele on a background of 129S6 confirmed the small reductions of atherosclerotic plaque development. To further determine whether Stab2 is an underlying gene for Aath5, we generated Stab2−/−Apoe−/− mice on a C57BL/6J background. When fed with a Western diet for 8 weeks, Stab2−/−Apoe−/− males developed approximately 30% smaller plaques than Stab2+/+Apoe−/− mice. HA was accumulated in circulation but not in major organs in the Stab2 deficient mice. STAB2-binding molecules that are involved in atherosclerosis, including acLDL, apoptotic cells, heparin and vWF were not likely the direct cause of the protection in the Stab2−/−Apoe−/− males. These data indicate that reduction of Stab2 is protective against atherosclerotic plaque development, and that Stab2 is a contributing gene underlying Aath5, although its effect is small. To test whether non-synonymous amino acid changes unique to DBA/2J affect the function of STAB2 protein, we made HEK293 cell lines expressing STAB2129 or STAB2DBA proteins, as well as STAB2129 proteins carrying each of five DBA-unique replacements that have been predicted to be deleterious. These mutant cells were capable of internalizing 125I -HA and DiI-acLDL similarly to the control cells. These results indicate that the amino acid changes unique to DBA/2J are not affecting the function of STAB2 protein, and support our previous observation that the reduced transcription of Stab2 in the liver sinusoid as a consequence of the insertion of a viral-derived sequence, intracisternal A particle, is the primary contributor to the athero-protection conferred by the DBA/2J allele

    Modelo de abastecimiento Supercompra: el reto de la inclusión para lograr la sostenibilidad

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    Supercompra es una empresa líder en ventas en las categorías de supermercados, hipermercados y cash & carry, con ventas anuales de más de US$ 230 millones, subsidiaria del Grupo Mazaplan, una multinacional mexicana de retail con más de 30 años de experiencia que ingresa al mercado ecuatoriano a finales del año 2000 por medio de la compra de la mayoría accionaria de la empresa. Supercompra decide transformar su modelo de compras, lo que resulta en la implementación de las plataformas de proximidad, las cuales fueron muy exitosas para generar ahorros y eficiencias para la empresa, logrando capturar hasta un 20% del margen de intermediación del 60% de sus compras. Sin haber tenido dicha intención inicial, estas plataformas estaban alineadas a las políticas de gobierno corporativo y de responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) de la corporación, pero estaban perdiendo impulso dada la disolución de las cooperativas de pequeños productores que sustentaban el modelo. La disyuntiva que enfrenta Supercompra es si debe continuar con el esfuerzo de mantener las plataformas de continuidad como un componente importante de su estrategia de compras y, eventualmente, de inclusión, o si las transforman en un programa de apoyo social para cumplir con sus políticas de RSE, ya que es evidente que esta iniciativa no surge de una genuina intención de desarrollar un modelo inclusivo, sino más bien motivada por un objetivo de reducción de los costos de intermediación. Con el objetivo de realizar un planteamiento estratégico para resolver esta disyuntiva, los autores mapearon las influencias del entorno a través del análisis de los factores Político, Económico, Social, Tecnológico, Ecológico y Legal (análisis Pestel) y realizaron un análisis de la industria, lo que permitió identificar un mercado protegido y regulado que crece a un ritmo bajo pero constante, que aún presenta oportunidades dada la proporción que representan los alimentos dentro de la canasta de consumo. Por otro lado, a través de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, se pudo concluir que el atractivo de la industria era alto debido, principalmente, a que no existe mayor rivalidad entre competidores dada la concentración del mercado en pocos jugadores con marcas bien posicionadas, con altas barreras de entrada a nuevos competidores debido a la alta inversión necesaria para alcanzar escala, la poca probabilidad de aparición de productos sustitutos y al poco poder de negociación que tienen tanto los proveedores como los clientes

    Permeation of macromolecules into the renal glomerular basement membrane and capture by the tubules

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    Human kidneys contain ∼2 x 106 glomeruli that produce ∼180 L per day of primary filtrate. Downstream tubules reabsorb most of the water, salt, and desirable low-molecular weight substances, leaving 1 to 2 L per day of urine containing undesirable waste products. Currently, most investigators think that the primary filtrate is low in protein because fluid exiting the glomerulus passes through slits spanned by a diaphragm that acts as a low-porosity molecular sieve. Our experiments challenge this view; they show that size-dependent permeation into the glomerular basement membrane and into a gel-like coat that covers the slits, together with saturable tubular reabsorption, determines which macromolecules reach the urine. The slit diaphragm is essential for capillary structure but may not directly determine glomerular size selectivity

    Nicotinamide benefits both mothers and pups in two contrasting mouse models of preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE), high blood pressure and protein in the urine in the last third of pregnancy, complicates about 1 in 20 human pregnancies, and it is one of the leading causes of pregnancy-related maternal deaths. The only definitive treatment, induced delivery, invariably results in premature babies. Blood pressure-lowering drugs help, but results in preventing preterm delivery and correcting the fetal growth restriction (FGR) that also occurs in PE have been disappointing. Here we show that feeding high doses of nicotinamide, a vitamin, improves the maternal condition, prolongs pregnancies, and prevents FGR in mice having PE-like conditions due to two contrasting causes. Because nicotinamide benefits both mothers and pups, it merits evaluation for preventing or treating PE in humans

    Structurally driven one-dimensional electron confinement in sub-5-nm graphene nanowrinkles

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    Graphene-based carbon materials such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphenes have distinct and unique electronic properties that depend on their dimensionality and geometric structures. Graphene wrinkles with pseudo one-dimensional structures have been observed in a graphene sheet. However, their one-dimensional electronic properties have never been observed because of their large widths. Here we report the unique electronic structure of graphene nanowrinkles in a graphene sheet grown on Ni(111), the width of which was small enough to cause one-dimensional electron confinement. Use of spatially resolved, scanning tunnelling spectroscopy revealed bandgap opening and a one-dimensional van Hove singularity in the graphene nanowrinkles, as well as the chemical potential distribution across the graphene nanowrinkles. This observation allows us to realize a metallic-semiconducting-metallic junction in a single graphene sheet. Our demonstration of one-dimensional electron confinement in graphene provides the novel possibility of controlling its electronic properties not by chemical modification but by 'mechanical structuring'.open