512 research outputs found

    Зарубежный и отечественный опыт допустимых значений индивидуального пожарного риска

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    Пожары всегда наносят ущерб, и часто этот ущерб не восполним, потому что уносит человеческие жизни. Проанализировав различные информационные ресурсы, установлено, что индивидуальный пожарный риск в России целесообразно принять на уровне не ниже 12•10{-6}/чел. год. На основании расчётов выявлено, что в похожих по климату на Россию развитых странах индивидуальный пожарный риск допустим и приемлем на этом уровне.Fires always cause damage, and often this damage is not replenished, because it takesaway human lives. Analyzing various information resources, it is established that the individual fire risk inRussia should be taken at a level no lower than 12•10{-6}/ person. year. Based on the calculations, it wasrevealed that in individual countries similar in climate to Russia, the individual fire risk is acceptable andacceptable at this level

    Energy dissipation in tapping-mode scanning force microscopy with low quality factors

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    The phase angle of the cantilever oscillation in tapping mode scanning force microscopy can be related to the energy dissipated per oscillation period through an analytical model that assumes a sinusoidal movement of the cantilever [J. Tamayo and R. García, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2926 (1998); J. P. Cleveland, B. Anczykowski, E. Schmid, and V. Elings, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2613 (1998)]. In this work, numerical calculations of the oscillation of cantilevers with quality factors lower than 10 show a significant contribution of higher harmonics (∼5%–20%). This contribution can lead to a significant error in the energy dissipated deduced by using the model cited above. Thus, an extended relationship between the phase shift and the energy dissipated is presented, that takes into account the higher harmonics of the oscillation. These results determine the conditions for the measurement of energy dissipation in a liquid.The author thanks Professor Mervyn Miles, Dr. Terry McMaster, Dr. Andy Baker, and Dr. Ash Cherodian for their helpful suggestions.Peer reviewe

    Wiki-based Collaborative Learning Experience in a Foreign Language Blended Course

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    The article emphasizes the educational potential of wikis for learning foreign languages. It focuses on students’ collaboration based on integration of different types of activities within a highly motivating blended learning environment where learners can interact and share their ideas. The study aims to understand if wikis could enhance online collaboration and positively affect students’ attitudes to group work. It tries to explore the level of participation and contribution of students in wiki-based activities, as well as their attitude to this type of online collaboration

    Организация пожарной безопасности мест хранения техники в ремонтных подразделениях вооруженных сил Российской Федерации

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    Проблему организацию противопожарной защиты мест обслуживания и ремонта ВВТ в войсковых частях необходимо решать комплексно, обращая внимание на реализацию противопожарных требований согласно строительных норм и правил пожарной безопасности, а также на организацию тушения пожара в случае его возникновения.The problem of organization of fire protection of the military service and maintenance sites in military units must be addressed in a comprehensive manner, paying attention to the implementation of fire safety requirements in accordance with building codes and fire safety rules, and also on the organization of fire extinguishing in the event of its occurrence

    Математическое моделирование режимов работы двухфазного термосифона в условиях извлечения геотермальной энергии

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    Percutaneous treatment of thrombosed primary arteriovenous hemodialysis access fistulae.BackgroundWe reviewed the efficacy of percutaneous intervention in acute thrombotic occlusion of native arteriovenous (AV) fistulae for hemodialysis.MethodsEight-one percutaneous procedures were performed in 54 patients presenting with a clotted native dialysis fistula. There were 60 cases of a long-segment thrombosis of the fistula. In 20 cases, a small thrombus usually caused by an underlying severe stenosis was observed. A proximal arterial occlusion was seen in one case. Treatment depended on clot size and included balloon dilation (N = 20), mechanical thrombectomy with various devices (N = 58), as well as pharmacomechanical thrombolysis (N = 3).ResultsFull restoration of flow was established in 72 cases (88.9%). Early reobstruction within 14 days occurred in eight cases (11.1%). Primary patency rates after a 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month period were 74, 63, 52, and 27%, respectively. Overall fistula patency was 75% after 3 months, 65% after 6 months, 51% after 12 months, and 22% after 24 months.ConclusionsAcute thrombotic occlusion of native AV fistulae is a major complication of hemodialysis. The results of treatment are believed to be less successful than thrombosis treatment in synthetic grafts. Our results, however, indicate the efficacy of percutaneous treatment in native fistulae, and demonstrate comparable technical results and patency rates


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    В статье анализируются особенности решения проблемы защиты информации от так называемых легальных пользователей, обслуживающего персонала, крупномасштабных катастрофоустойчивых центров обработки данных. На основе обобщения ранее полученных результатов по конкретной реализации и проведенных дополнительных исследований формируются общие принципы построения и требовании к системотехнической и организационной составляющим системы защиты