21 research outputs found


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    A new natural hybrid of Nepenthes, N. x alisaputraiana, from Mt. Kina-balu Sabah is described

    Flavonoids in phylloclades discriminate endemic Semele androgyna chemotypes from Madeira

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    Thirty-five randomly-collected Semele androgyna Kunth samples were screened by RP-HPLC for their phenolic composition. Fraction analysis allowed the detection of 17 different compounds. According to their retention times and UV spectra obtained by diode array analysis, these phenolics represent three classes: phenolic acids, flavones and flavonols. Co-chromatography with specific standards enabled identification of quercetin, rutin and quercitrin in Semele tissues for the first time. Polymorphism based on phenolic composition was evaluated using multivariate analysis and showed four distinct S. androgyna clusters. This polymorphism was not associated with morphological diversity or different in ambient light intensities. Biochemical differentiation is thus present in this species. The application of multivariate analysis techniques to RP-HPLC data has allowed the classification of samples into two groups, previously proposed on the basis of morphological and cytotaxonomical information. Therefore, the use of phenolics as chemotaxonomic markers in Semele is highly recommended because of its diagnostic value, even at a subspecies level. Discriminant canonical analysis and Mahalanobis distances confirmed these clusters as recognisable chemosystematic units. However, these units do not support the separation of S. pterygophora.The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) funded this work through the Centre of Macaronesian Studies (CEM). The authors are grateful to the Madeiran Centre of Science and Technology (CITMA), the Berardo Foundation and European Social Funding for financial assistance given during execution of this work. The assistance rendered by Mr Rogério Correia during field collection is gratefully acknowledged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Notes on tropical Asian Asclepiadaceae

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    Three new combinations in the genus Bidaria are made and a new variety, Gymnema acuminatum (Roxb.) Wall. var. glabrum Rahman & Wilcock is described from Bangladesh and Burma

    Orchid flora of Mauritius

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    Fragmentation of tropical rainforests and its effect on orchid survival

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    A new Nepenthes from Mount Ilas Mapulu in Borneo

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    Caulis angularis. Folia coriacea, sessilia vel subpetiolata; lamina anguste elliptica vel oblanceolata, apex acutus vel obtusus subpeltatus, basis attenuata, semi-amplexicaulis, non decurrens; nervi longitudinales paralleli 8-10. Ascidia ellipsoidea, cum alis duabus prominentibus; os obliquum. Peristomium applanatum expansum, margo exterior distincte sinuatus, costae distinctae. Inflorescentia mascula racemosa; pedicelli uniflori. — Holotypus: Kostermans 14017 (L – HLB 960.112- 783 & 784), East Borneo, Bcrouw, top of Mt Has Mapulu, alt. 800 m, 23-9-1957. Stems angular, 5-6 mm thick, internodes 2-4 cm long. Leaves coriaceous, sessile or shortly petiolate; lamina narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate, 13-26 x 2.2-5 cm, apex acute, subpeltate; base attenuate, semi-amplexicaul; longitudinal nerves originating from lower 1/4 of the midrib, running 4-5 on each side; pinnate nerves distinct; tendrils of pitchers flattened, grooved, not curled, wider towards the pitcher, 3-4 mm thick near the pitcher, 1-2 mm thick near the leaf tip, 45-50 cm long, 1 to 2 times longer than lamina length; tendrils without pitchers slender, usually shorter than lamina length, 4-25 cm long. – Pitchers ellipsoidal, 11-21 cm high, 7-8.5 cm wide immediately below peristome, with 2 prominent fringed wings running over the entire length, wings 2-10 mm wide; mouth oblique; peristome flattened, expanded, 2-20 mm wide, broader in the middle, outer peristome margin distincdy wavy, peristome ribs 0.5 mm apart, inner peristome teeth distinct; inside surface of the pitcher glandless in the upper half, glandular with numerous minute glands in the lower half; lids 4.5-8 x 3-4 cm, the lower surface with a central glandular ridge and numerous glands concentrated around the ridge and towards the base, glands on the ridge large and distinct. – Male inflorescence racemose; peduncle 7 cm long; pedicels 4-8 mm long, 1-flowered, bractless; sepals 4, lanceolate, 2.5-3 x 1.5-2 mm; staminal column 2.5-3 mm long; anthers uniseriate. Female inflorescence unknown. Fruits unknown. – Indumentum of very short branched hairs on midribs, tendrils, pitchers, and inflorescences. Leaves glabrous above and below, the lower surface with dark brown spots. Margin of leaves sometimes ciliate


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