30 research outputs found

    Mobila turisttjänster - En fältstudie med fokus på användbarhetsaspekter

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    Denna uppsats behandlar design av mobila tjänster från ett användbarhetsperspektiv i en turismkontext. Studien hade flera syften, där det teoretiska bidraget var att ta fram ett teoretiskt ramverk för design av mobila tjänster. Detta ramverk innehåller bland annat begreppen kontext, informationspresentation och navigering. Det praktiska bidraget var att skapa en prototyp, utifrån det teoretiska ramverket, av en mobil turisttjänst som sedan utvärderades. Studien innehöll tre faser, den första var en litteraturstudie som resulterade i det teoretiska ramverket. Den andra delen var mer praktiskt inriktad och innehöll utveckling av prototypen. Från enkla pappersskisser utvecklade vi en prototyp som gick att interagera med. Detta gjordes i programmet Macromedia Flash. I denna utvecklingsfas gjordes även utvärderingar av prototypen där den bland annat presenterades och testades under en workshop. Den tredje fasen bestod av undersökningen och det efterföljande arbetet med resultat, analys och diskussion. Undersökningen genomfördes som en fältstudie, i centrala Halmstad, där sex respondentgrupper fick utföra en uppgiftsbaserad utvärdering. Därefter genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondentgrupperna. Efter analys och diskussion av resultatet från undersökningen kunde ett antal slutsatser dras. Dessa slutsatser bekräftade att begreppen från det teoretiska ramverket var viktiga vid design av mobila turisttjänster. Slutligen kunde ett antal specifika designimplikationer för dessa tjänster föreslås utifrån de mer generella slutsatserna. Ett exempel på slutsats är att den fysiska kontexten är viktig, om en mobil turisttjänst ej är designad för olika omgivningar kan dessa påverka en användares interaktion med tjänsten negativt. För att en mobil turisttjänst ska fungera i olika fysiska- och användarkontexter rekommenderas att tjänsten ska vara möjlig att personalisera efter användarnas intresse och deras antal, vilket är ett exempel på en designimplikation

    From Visions to Specification : Using user designed mock-ups for envisioning user requirements for the future e-newspaper

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    In this paper we have studied how user designed mock-ups, together with video recordings, can contribute in the process of generating user requirements when designing the future e- newspaper. The mock-ups originate from future workshop carried out within the DigiNews project. By analyzing user designed mock-ups to retrieve user requirements and evaluating the results against a focus group and newspaper designers we gained understanding on how mock-ups can contribute as data input in a user involved design process. The study concludes that mock-ups are an effective tool for making use of users’ visions and opinions in a dynamic design process

    Personalized Medicine

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    The aim of this project was to present several therapies and possible applications of these in the field of personalized medicine along with the production techniques and workflows surrounding them. There are two main categories; cell therapies and non-cell therapies. Cell therapies utilize the body's own T cells and immune system, and non-cell therapies are mostly based on proteins and nucleotides. All of these applications face different challenges that need to be overcome to be considered effective treatments and they all have a high production cost. The report also presents differences and similarities of manufacturing models that are specifically used in the production of cell therapies. It could be argued that these manufacturing models can be adjusted and work for both cell therapies and non-cell therapies. Three different workflows for three different personalized medicines, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and mRNA vaccines, are presented in this report. Technologies and processes valuable to the manufacturing process were also presented, including bioreactors, interleukin 2 media and cell dissociation technologies. In conclusion, there are methods and techniques that are frequently used in production that are, or possibly could be useful for manufacturing personalized drug components. Production of products used in personalized medicine is possible if the right resources are available. Personalized therapies are presently most commonly applied to cancer diseases but there are developments for these therapies that could benefit several other diseases. To fully apply personalized therapies to these diseases further studies on suitable biomarkers and targets in drugs are needed. Overall, personalized medicine has promising possibilities in treatments for many types of complex diseases. This project was assigned by Cytiva which is a global life science company and the product order can be seen in the appendix

    Personalized Medicine

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    The aim of this project was to present several therapies and possible applications of these in the field of personalized medicine along with the production techniques and workflows surrounding them. There are two main categories; cell therapies and non-cell therapies. Cell therapies utilize the body's own T cells and immune system, and non-cell therapies are mostly based on proteins and nucleotides. All of these applications face different challenges that need to be overcome to be considered effective treatments and they all have a high production cost. The report also presents differences and similarities of manufacturing models that are specifically used in the production of cell therapies. It could be argued that these manufacturing models can be adjusted and work for both cell therapies and non-cell therapies. Three different workflows for three different personalized medicines, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and mRNA vaccines, are presented in this report. Technologies and processes valuable to the manufacturing process were also presented, including bioreactors, interleukin 2 media and cell dissociation technologies. In conclusion, there are methods and techniques that are frequently used in production that are, or possibly could be useful for manufacturing personalized drug components. Production of products used in personalized medicine is possible if the right resources are available. Personalized therapies are presently most commonly applied to cancer diseases but there are developments for these therapies that could benefit several other diseases. To fully apply personalized therapies to these diseases further studies on suitable biomarkers and targets in drugs are needed. Overall, personalized medicine has promising possibilities in treatments for many types of complex diseases. This project was assigned by Cytiva which is a global life science company and the product order can be seen in the appendix