270 research outputs found

    Alphabet Sign Language Recognition Using Leap Motion Technology and Rule Based Backpropagation-genetic Algorithm Neural Network (Rbbpgann)

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    Sign Language recognition was used to help people with normal hearing communicate effectively with the deaf and hearing-impaired. Based on survey that conducted by Multi-Center Study in Southeast Asia, Indonesia was on the top four position in number of patients with hearing disability (4.6%). Therefore, the existence of Sign Language recognition is important. Some research has been conducted on this field. Many neural network types had been used for recognizing many kinds of sign languages. However, their performance are need to be improved. This work focuses on the ASL (Alphabet Sign Language) in SIBI (Sign System of Indonesian Language) which uses one hand and 26 gestures. Here, thirty four features were extracted by using Leap Motion. Further, a new method, Rule Based-Backpropagation Genetic Al-gorithm Neural Network (RB-BPGANN), was used to recognize these Sign Languages. This method is combination of Rule and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPGANN). Based on experiment this pro-posed application can recognize Sign Language up to 93.8% accuracy. It was very good to recognize large multiclass instance and can be solution of overfitting problem in Neural Network algorithm

    Pengaruh Tingkat Inflasi, Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Upah Minimum terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka di Provinsi Bali

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    The unemployment rate is included in one of the indicators as a measure developed or advancement of a country. The problem of unemployment is one problem that is very difficult to control. The study has a goal to know how to influence the rate of inflation, economic growth and minimum wages to the unemployment rate of Bali Province and partial simultaneously. The data used in this study is that the data obtained from the BPS Bali Province in the form of secondary data. The analytical method used is the associative method and technique of regression analysis of data by the method of Ordinary Least Square. Based on the results of data processing, obtained that the rate of inflation, economic growth and minimum wages have a significant effect simultaneously and the Bali provincial unemployment rate, while the partial test results obtained that the rate of inflation and the minimum wage has a negative and significant effect of the level of unemployment in Bali province, while the rate of economic growth does not affect the rate of open unemployment Bali Province

    The Effect of the Skin Personal Hygiene Modules as Health Education Media Against Knowledge in Prevention of Skabies

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    Background: Scabies is often called body lice caused by mites Sarcoptes scabei. Scabies is often overlooked because it is not life-threatening so the priority for treatment is low, but chronic and severe scabies can cause dangerous complications (Harahap, 2008). This typical boarding disease is very closely related to the culture and values that exist in the Islamic boarding school environment. The students who suffer from scabies have complaints that they often itch at night so they can disturb their rest or sleep at night.Objectives: This study aimed to the effect of the skin personal hygiene modules as health education media against knowledge in prevention of skabies in the Islamic boarding school Roudhotul Muta\u27alimin Muta\u27alimat, Jabon Sub-District, Sidoarjo District, East Java Province, Indonesia.Method: The study design was used pre-experiment (one group pretest posttest). The population is all of students who lives in the Islamic boarding school Roudhotul Muta\u27alimin Muta\u27alimat, Jabon Sub-District, Sidoarjo District, East Java Province, Indonesia, amounting to 72 students. The sample of this study was 60 students using simple random sampling. The research instruments were skin personal hygiene modules and questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test.Results: The results showed that the level of knowledge before and after being given health education using the skin personal hygiene module was an increase, based on the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test analysis showed a difference with a significant value p = 0,000 and significance level α<0.05.Conclusion: Health education using the skin personal hygiene module had a positive impact on increasing the knowledge of the students at the Islamic boarding school Roudhotul Muta\u27alimin Muta\u27alimat Jabon Sidoarjo. Health education through counseling can be used to maintain and improve the health of the students in preventing scabies

    400 Pengaruh Keberadaan Pasar terhadap Sosial Ekonomi Pedagang di Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo Kota Surakarta

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    Yang awalnya berada di kompleks Monumen Banjarsari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik demografis pedagang, karakteristik sosial pasar, dan karakteristik ekonomi pedagang serta mengetahui Perubahan kondisi sosial, ekonomi pedagang Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo pada saat awal dibangun (tahun 2006) dan saat sekarang (2014).Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner kepada 40 responden. Responden merupakan pedagang di Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo. Data nominal disajikan melalui diagram lingkaran, grafik dan tabel. Data ordinal dan rasio diolah melaui skoring kemudian di klasifikasikan menjadi tiga kelas yaitu rendah, sedang dan tinggi.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa karakteristik pedagang Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo mayoritas berasal dari PKL Banjarsari, merupakan profesi yang utama, pendidikan pedagang rata-rata lulusan SMA sederajat, usia produktif, sudah menikah. Karakteristik sosial pedagang cenderung tidak mengalami Perubahan sejak awal dibangunnya pasar sampai saat ini karena sudah dalam kondisi baik.Karakteristik ekonomi mengalami Perubahan yang cukup signifikan, dibuktikan dengan pendapatan pedagang yang mengalami peningkatan, kondisi tempat tinggal pedagang yang berubah lebih baik serta kepemilikan kendaraan yang bertambah


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    Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of Homalanthus populneus’s extract toward the expression of CD4 and CD8 which both areimportant in body’s defense mechanism against HIV.Methods: Leaves and barks of H. populneus were extracted with 70% ethanol. Freeze dry method had been used in order to get the final extract.PBMCs were extracted and it has been used for CD4 and CD8 expression test using flow cytometry. In oreder to analyze the effect of the extract to theHIV type 1, gp41 and gp120 expression was tested using talicytometry and using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively.Results: This study reported that H. populneus’s extract reduced the expression of CD4 receptor in both peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)and T-lymphoblast cell line (CEM). In contract, this extract increased CD8 expression in PBMC. It was also able to reduce the percentage of proteingp41 and gp120 in CEM cultures.Conclusion: Those results show that H. populneus’s extract is potentially developed as an HIV drug from Indonesia. However, further study needs tobe done including analyzing the effect of variety of concentrations and also exposure periods
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