1,704 research outputs found

    The Correlation Between Prior Knowledge and Skimming Ability in Reading Comprehension of Second Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department at STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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    Prior knowledge is believed to be one of the factors related to students\u27 reading comprehension. In reading, a student brings their experience about the topic to the act of reading to ease them comprehend the text. In this case, selection of reading techniques is very crucial. Among reading technique which depends on prior knowledge is skimming. When students are to skim the text, their prior knowledge will help them catch the gist of the text easily because they are familiar with the topic of the text.Therefore, this research tried to investigate the correlation between prior knowledge and skimming ability in reading comprehension


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Mendeskripsikan varibel minat berwirausaha siswa sebelum dan setelah Praktik Industri. 2) Mendeskripsikan variabel dari pelaksanaan Praktik Industri. 3) Perbedaan minat berwirausaha dibidang otomotif pada siswa kelas XIII Program Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta sebelum melaksanakan dan setelah melaksanakan Praktik Industri. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian ex-postfacto atau lebih tepatnya adalah penelitian comparative research dengan bentuk penelitian komparasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XIII Program Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan Skala Likert. Validitas instrumen diuji menggunakan Product Moment dan reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan Alpha Cronbach dengan bantuan komputer program microsoft office excel 2007. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan komparatif t-test dengan taraf kesalahan yang ditentukan sebesar 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) Minat berwirausaha di bidang otomotif pada siswa kelas XIII Program Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta Tahun 2011 sebelum melaksanakan Praktik Industri menunjukkan dalam kategori tinggi dengan rerata 103,16. 2) Minat berwirausaha di bidang otomotif pada siswa kelas XIII Program Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta Tahun 2011 setelah melaksanakan Praktik Industri menunjukkan dalam kategori tinggi dengan rerata 115,38 3) Pelaksanaan Praktik Industri siswa otomotif kelas XIII Program Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif dalam kategori tinggi dengan rerata 101,22 4) Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara minat berwirausaha siswa kelas XIII Program Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta sebelum dan setelah melaksanakan Praktik Industri. Perhitungan ditunjukkan dengan nilai t-test hitung 3,463 > 1,660 tabel. Hal tersebut menunjukan adanya perbedaan minat berwirausaha siswa di bidang otomotif sebelum dan setelah Praktik Industri

    Persuasive Strategies Used by Insurance Agents in Prospecting Customers Based on the Customers' Age Factor

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    This study aimed to find out the persuasive strategies used by X insurance agents in prospecting the customers and reveal the differences and similarities between persuasive strategies used by insurance agents in prospecting same-age customers and older customers. Through this study, the writer tried to relate the persuasive strategies used by insurance agents to the customers' age factor. The writer chose three insurance agents who worked in X Insurance company and classified the customers into two categories based on their ages; firstly, customers who are in the same-age group as the agents; secondly, customers who are in different-age (older) group from the agents. In the findings, it turned out that in prospecting both customers' categories, the insurance agents used both persuasive strategies proposed by Beebe & Beebe (2012); however some methods of persuasion strategies were not used at all. This study concluded that the age of the customers does not really affect the way insurance agents prospect their customers

    Interruptions Produced by the Mollucan Students in the Fellowship Meeting

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    This thesis is about a study of the interruptions produced by the Moluccan students in a fellowship meeting, consisting of fifteen students as the respondents, who are divided into two: the chairperson and the members. The purposes of the study are to know the tokens and the functions of interruptions used by the chairperson and the members of the meeting by considering social role as the social factor. The writer applies the theory of interruptions by Tannen (1990) and Wardhaugh (1985) as the main theories. Besides, the writer also uses the theory of social role by Johnstone (2008) and the theory of discourse markers by Schiffrin (2003) as the supporting theories. The writer used qualitative approach to conduct this research. The writer discovered that the chairperson produced more tokens (19) than the members (13). Moreover, the writer found that the respondents produced Ambonese tokens, such as “Hiii”, “Weee”, “Seng”, “Eee”, and Suroboyoan tokens, such as “Lho” and “Itulho”. Both the chairperson and the members produced “other” functions the most with 58.75% and 63.81%. In conclusion, social role influenced the interruptions and their functions, and the number of tokens produced by the participants

    Efektivitas Komunikasi Peluncuran Event All New Honda Jazz

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektivitasan dari komunikasi yang terjadi pada saat launching event All New Honda Jazz, yang diadakan pada tanggal 23 Januari 2013 yang lalu. Honda Surabaya Center selaku main dealer yang mengepalai beberapa dealer yang ada di bagian Indonesia Timur memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menginformasikan kepada khalayak bahwa Honda memiliki produk baru, yaitu All New Honda Jazz, dengan cara mengadakan sebuah event peluncuran produk terbaru, atau yang biasa disebut dengan launching event. Dalam sebuah event terdapat elemen – elemen yakni tema dari event tersebut, tata ruang, dekorasi yang digunakan, persyaratan teknis, hiburan dan juga catering. Dalam penelitian kali ini, elemen – elemen tersebut akan di ukur keefektivitasannya dalam mengkomunikasikan informasi akan All New Honda Jazz, yakni dilihat dari segi penerima pesan tersebut, isi, ketepatan waktu, media, format dan sumber informasi tersebut, sehingga dapat diketahui efektivitas komunikasi dari launching event All New Honda Jazz. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah mereka para undangan yang telah diundang dan datang pada saat launching event All New Honda Jazz berlangsung, yaitu sejumlah 77 orang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan keefektivitasan komunikasi dari launching event All New Honda Jazz


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    The research aim is to produce cacao vinegar through pyrolysis technology of potential chemical compounds from cacao shell wastes. Results of this research are expected to give benefits as follows: Liquid smoke produced from cacao shell wastes through pyrolysis process is able to diversify fertilizer and new products, The results research showedthat thefat contentof fermentedforLuwu district 35.21Results of pyrolysis of cacao waste that gave the highest liquid smoke as much as 40,36% in p.yrolysis temperature of 500oC In terms of the charcoal produced from pyrolysis process containing the highest yield was cacao shell waste Luwu district as 42,08% Identification of GC-MS of cacao shell could provide compounds that mostly derived from acetone 13,01%, acetate acid 73,86%, 2 buthanone 6,60%, methyl ester 2,46%, and propanoic acid 4,07% Usually, Result X-RD analysis for cacao shell char with Luwu District as cristalinity degree 22,83%.contentof Nforcocoa vinegar rindLuwudistrictof175.53ppmand1.39% charcoal, greater thenitrogenelement contentthe betterforplants as fertilizer organic. The technology of integrated cacao vinegar-charcoal production hence deserves its dissemination throughout Indonesian

    Fasilitas Rekreasi Olahraga Keluarga di Surabaya

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    Fasilitas Rekreasi Olahraga Keluarga di Surabaya fasilitas bagi warga Surabaya untuk berolahraga, agar olahraga menjadi salah satu solusi untuk masalah kesehatan yang mulai terlalaikan akibat banyaknya aktifitas yang dilakukan sehari-hari. Fasilitas ini ditujukan untuk keluarga karena keluarga dapat mencakup mulai dari anak hingga dewasa. Sehingga siapapun bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas ini untuk menyehatkan tubuh mereka. Selain itu fasilitas ini juga bertujuan dapat membangun komunikasi positif antar sesama keluarga. Karena secara tidak langsung, permainan olahraga sangat membutuhkan komunikasi dalam bermain. Dengan konsep sportainment, diharapkan olahraga tidak dianggap sebagai kegiatan melelahkan dan membosankan, melainkan kegiatan yang bersifat hiburan. Untuk menunjang konsep tersebut maka dalam desain ini, digunakan pendalaman karakter ruang dengan pendekatan fungsi ruang, sehingga pengunjung merasakan Kenyamanan belajar bermain olahraga di tiap fasilitas

    Model Pengelolaan Teaching Factory Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    This study aims to identify and develop management models Factory Teaching Vocational School through a series of tests and validation of the model with the approach of reasearch and Development. Teaching Factory Management Models at Vocational Schools is a concept that combines learning management approach learning Competency Based Training (CBT) and Production Based Training (PBT) in the real atmosphere so that the process of achieving competence or skill skills life skills (life skills) in accordance with the standards of graduate work in the industrial world. In particular, this study aims to formulate design management model development Teaching Factory Vocational School. To achieve the research objectives above using the approach of Research and Development, through preliminary studies, design development models, testing and validation. Preliminary study phase is planned to take the flow / stage as follows: the study of literature, study / collection of field data, and a description and analysis of field findings (factual), namely: (1) the description of the characteristics of vocational school with a standard performance indicators that can be poured as the content of the development of Teaching Factory, (2) description of the characteristics and potential development group management model Tefa as an outcome groups to develop and implement management models Tefa for Vocational Schools (3) description of the characteristics of potential stakeholders to support the development and implementation TEFA management model, and (4) preparation of the management model TEFA for Vocational Schools excellence and innovative. Trial design done on a limited scale model group. Then the model was accompanied by outcome group to develop and implement a model TEFA for Vocational Schools to determine whether the model developed can be applied correctly. Data analysis in this study, the preliminary study stage, the findings or the facts about productive learning programs implemented are described in the form of data presentation, and then analyzed (interpreted) qualitative. The process and results of design development done in a peer-group analysis and expert judgment. And the results of trials presented in the form of data as well as design (applicability) were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. Teaching Factory management model developed can be applied in the management of Teaching Factory for Vocational School and serves as a guide for managers Teaching Factory (principals, teachers, industry partners) and can produce a constructive contribution in a partnership between Vocational Schools with industry
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