3 research outputs found


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    Cultural assets in the form of Tepak sirih Palembang is one of the nation's identity should be maintained existence, because Tepak sirih has historical and philosophical significance that is very interesting to know. But now the existence of tepak sirih already begun eliminated by more modern decorative objects more attractive. One way to maintain, inform and develop is through the medium of visual communication in the form of films. Feature films chosen for this film can inform the facts according to the director wishes to show a more interesting storyline. Through a feature film Tepak sirih Palembang expected the public will become more aware of and interested in the cultural assets of the town of Palembang, moreover, the hope is that people and governments can participate preserve and develop the cultural assets typical of Palembang through various media. Make a distinctive cultural assets Palembang remain, grow and be able to compete with the craft from abroad or modern. Cultural assets of the nation is in need of attention from the public, especially the younger generation, to arts and crafts typical of Indonesia could always be this nation's identity. National identity is indispensable in today's modern era of globalization, to maintain the values of noble traditions of Indonesia that has existed since time immemorial


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    Nature tourism in the city of Pagar Alam should be kept clean and beauty, so that tourists both from Indonesia and abroad to come on holiday to the bustling city of Pagar Alam. Pagar Alam as Nature Tourism destination in South Sumatra should be more active in promoting the city is and add to the existing facilities for the convenience of visitors. Therefore designed a media campaign in the form of the encyclopedia, which presents the complete information about the nature of tourism in the city of Pagar Alam. Encyclopedia provides information and photograph the sights, to make visitors interested in coming to the City of Pagar Ala

    Menciptakan kedalaman gambar pada film video "Sindikat"

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    Karya ini tentang produksi sebuah sinema (film atau video) yang merupakan sebuah karya seni bersifat kolaboratif. Objek yang diambil dalam karya ini adalah film video "Sindikat" yang diproduksi oleh Shark Movie 9komunitas pembuat film indie). Produksi film ini terinspirasi atas fenomena realitas kehidupan manusia yang terlibat kriminal. Penulis berpendapat film indie akan menjadi menarik apabila dikemas dengan konsep (storyline) yang baik melalui pendekatan kedalaman gambar yang dapat menimbulkan kesan tiga dimensi layar. Layar dapat dianalogikan sebuah "jendela" untuk melihat peristiwa di baliknya