69 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Special Autonomy Policy Implementation in Effort to Increase School Participation in Fakfak Regency West Papua

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    One of the objectives of implementing Papua's special autonomy is to improve the quality of human resources by improving the access of Papuan children's education. The education index can provide a picture of the welfare of society from the human dimension. Special Autonomy fund available is not a modest amount, therefore it should be adequate to assist in improving the quality and quantity of human resources in the education sector. It is conducted by building facilities and infrastructures to support education. The implementation of special autonomy in the Fakfak Regency West Papua has lasted for approximately one and a half decades. Therefore, it is necessary to examine how the effectiveness of special autonomy policy implementation in this province. It is conducted especially in order to increase public access to education. The amount of the Special Autonomy Fund should be able to accelerate the development process. The Community hopes that the Regent of Fakfak would fulfill their promise made during the election campaign. The Regent is expected to conduct mission and vision focusing in improving education in Fakfak Regency, up to villages and cities inland. The education development mapping should be improved because education is the spearhead of all aspects of development. Keywords: effectiveness of special autonomy, special autonomy of Papua, special autonomy education policy

    An Evaluation of Electronic ID Card Program to Improve Public Service Quality at Department of Population and Civil Registration Kediri City

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    The development of e-ID card in Kediri City has improved to a higher level (The Ministry of Domestic Affairs of Indonesia) of e-government application in the local area. The research problems of this study are; firstly, it was related to the concept of the e-service on the e-ID card program in the efforts of service quality improvement; and secondly, it was related to the influence factors of the e-ID card program implementation in the efforts of service quality improvement. The research data and information were collected by an intensive observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The research was also analyzed by the qualitative approach and discussed by the evaluation concept as a grand theory of analysis. The research results were derived from the research problems that concluded two main analysis results; firstly, Department of Population and Civil Registration used the Information and Technology (IT) based governance that has lead to the implementation of  e-service. Secondly, The restraining factors also relate to the external and internal factors, such as; infrastructures, organizational structures, skill of the employees, and program socialization. The external factor came up from the low awareness and interest of community. Keywords: Public Service Quality, e-Government, e-Service, Evaluatio

    Managing Women's Village Activists Participation in Village Development Planning

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    Decentralization of Indonesian villages provides opportunities for grassroots-level groups to participate in village development. This study explores the participation of women affiliated with women’s groups in the participatory processes of village development planningin the villages of Central Java. Using a mixed-methods strategy, this study found that many members of women’s groups known as women’s village activists have been involved in participatory planning processes, and used the processes to demand programs that improve women and family well-being.  Besides, their priority for village development seems to differ from that of the current trend, which heavily focuses on village-scale infrastructure development. On average, this group of women have relatively good levels of education and have been active in community activities. The findings of this study reinforce the argument that women village activists who are quite active in community and grassroots activities are potential representatives in determining the priority of village development

    Implementation of E-Government in Public Service: A Study in Population and Civil Recording Agency in Samarinda Municipality

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    New Public Service (NPS) paradigm and the advance of communication and information technology bring a very great changes in forming of new public service concept, therefore the public sector need to implement e-Government as a tool for the government to respond the challenge in realizing of more effective governing system. This paradigm emphasize that public service should be responsive to the various interests and public values which is already available in people's mind. Also, it is the government task to make negotiation and elaborate various interest of its citizen and minority group. This means that character and value which is contained in the public service should include the people's value, and because the people are dynamic in nature, therefore public service character also need to be everchanges in regards of people development. The new model of public service should be non discriminative in line with the implemented basic theory, the theory of democracy which guarantee equality for citizen without indiscriminate their origin, tribe, race, ethnicity, religion, and political background. This mean each citizen is given similar treatment from public bureaucracy in receiving the service as long as they fulfil the requirement. Keywords: e-government, public service

    Strategic Analysis of Collaborative Governance for Disaster Management on Forest and Land Fires in Indonesia

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    This research aims to understand the strategic analysis of collaborative governance on forest and land fire disasters at the ontological and sociological level that are very significant in reducing risk of natural disasters in Indonesia. The problem is very interesting to be analyzed by conducting a descriptive qualitative research based on theory of public policy, collaborative governance, and strategic management. The data were collected through in-depth interview, observation, and related documentation in forest and land fire cases in Indonesia. The data were analyzed by using interactive models, which are data reduction, data display, data verification, and supported by triangulation. The results were based on ontological and sociological level by using collaborative governance perspective and strategic analysis of internal, external, supporting, and inhibiting factors for reducing disaster risks and improving disaster management. Vision and mission of public policies on disaster management are needed for improving and providing information to stakeholders regarding regulations and sanctions in natural disaster management and produce a revised relevant regulation for state agencies as public officials in making regulations on disaster management in Indonesia


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    Entertainment tax is one of the source of Local Revenue in Batu City along with the development of Batu City as tourism city. Therefore, Batu City government tries to optimize entertainment tax revenue by discharging the entertainment tax policy. The success or failure of this policy will be determined by the step of implementation. Unfortunately, policy implementation of entertainment taxes in Batu City still faces a problem, that is tax receivable problem. The aims of this research is to explain and analyse policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City through four important aspects in the policy implementation and analyse the factors exist in these policy implementation. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. This research focused on (1) policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City, and (2) factors exist in the policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City. This research found that policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City has not been optimal. It’s showed by the increasing of entertainment taxes that fluctuates and the lowest percentages of entertainment tax evenue on the Local Revenue in Batu City. Besides, there are four factors exist in this policy implementation there are communication, resources, disposition/attitudes, and beureaucratic structures. Unfortunatelly only communication factors that support this policy implementation. Keywords: policy implementation, entertainment taxe

    Public Transport City Bus In Surakarta: A Servqual Inside-Out

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    Urban public transport has a very important role in serving city need for transportation and provides public convenience to carry out their activities. The purpose of this research is to know and to analyze service quality of city bus public transport in Surakarta. To determine the quality of transportation service, several dimensions were used such as reliability, accessibility, comfortable, tangible, and assurance. The method used was descriptive statistics. The data were collected through a survey of 150 city bus passengers from 5 bus companies. Quality measurement of the Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) which compares the user's perception of the interests of the user views the passenger's perception on service performance. The results from using the Cartesian Diagram are 7 attributes in quadrant A which means performance is lower than the interest / expectations of consumers and 2 attributes in quadrant B which means that the performance of services relevant to the interests / expectations of consumers. Whereas in Quadrant C there is only 1 attribute, where the interests of the service and performance are equally low, and in quadrant D there are 4 attributes, which in this quadrant mentions that high performance yet is considered less important attribute for the user. With regard to the outcome of the Cartesian Diagram, where most of the attributes are in quadrant A (attributes to improve); it is recommended for these attributes should be a top priority and should be carried out to solve in order to meet the expectations of consumers / users of public transport buses. Keyword: urban transport, quality of service, service dimension


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    Rapid industrialization gives direct impact on the environmental conditions in Gresik Regency. One attempt to maintain the balance of nature due to the rapid industrialization and rapid urban development is providing enough green open space (GOS) through GOS management program. GOS not only serves to reduce air pollution caused by pollution from existing industry, but also securing the disaster area, oxygen producer, control local climate, water resources and to improve the aesthetics of urban spatial structure. Thus it is important to provide GOS not only for healthy environment but also for sustainable development. By law number 26 of 2007 regarding the Spatial Planning in article 29 states that the proportion of green space in urban areas at least 30 (thirty) percent of the area, where the proportion of public GOS in urban areas at least 20 (twenty) percent of the area, and 10 (ten) percent for private GOS, which it is in line with Gresik local regulation no 10 of 2010 regarding Green Open Space Arrangement. This research used descriptive case study method. The design of this case study is single-case design. The single case study is analogous to a single experiment. This research was conducted in Gresik regency, East Java Province. Gresik regency is known as industrial city in East Java. This condition gives huge impact on environmental degradation especially related to land use. Keywords: Development, Green Open Space, Environmen

    Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) of the Implementation of HTR Policy in Indonesia

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    The aim of this research is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in implementing HTR (Hutan Tanaman Rakyat, in Indonesian, or Plantation Forest Folk) policies. This study is located in area of HTR throughout Indonesia, distributed in 26 Provinces in Indonesia starting from Aceh to Papua. Population in this study is region/ Regency implementing HTR development in Indonesia. Total population is 127 regions/regencies. This study takes all regions which are 127 regencies implementing HTR development in Indonesia. The Analysis using SWOT is given: The strenght (S) of HTR is the strong will from the communities and local government in managing the forest areas; the availability of areas; the support of the Central and Local Governments. The result of this study are: The weakness (W) of HTR is the limited of the human resources of the forestry extension officers; the limited of the human resources from the communities; the uncertainty of investors. The Opportunity (O) of HTR is the existence of the forest land utilization markets with non forestry commodities; the government’s policies in increasing IPM on the backward regions. The Threat (T) of HTR is the assurance of the sustainability of forestry production; the fluctuation in the demands of  timber; land claims by the communities or indigenous. The reccomendation from the SWOT analysis are: SO: issue forestry incentive regulation; optimize the development of agroforestry; optimize funding (APBD, APBN, non APBN/APBD) for the development of the HTR, WO: increase the number of the human resources of the forestry extension officers; present forestry investors. TO: mentoring the implementation of the HTR program; empowering and communities institutional facilitation; increasing coordination with technical agencies, and WO: coordinate among agencies and the academic feasibility study and the roadmap of the HTR Keywords: SWOT, HTR Policy, Forest in Indonesi

    The Effect of Human Resource Capacity towards Performance of Electrical Energy Policy and Its Impact on Outcomes of Electrical Energy Policy Based on Regionalization in Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the determinants of performance of electrical energy based on regionalization policy and their impact on the outcomes for the general public and to test the electrical energy policies performance impact towards the outcomes ofelectrical energy policy. This research was located in Indonesia in 2015, with a base of electrical energy policy in national scale. The research was conducted in 6 PLN working area that includes the Regional I: Sumatra, Region II West Java, Region III: East Java, Regional IV Kalimantan, Regional V: Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara, Regional VI: Papua and Maluku. The analylitical tool used is the Structural Equaiton Modeling (SEM) for testing the structural model, and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) for testing the difference for each region. The research show (1) There is a positive relationship between human resource capacity to performance and outcomes of electrical energy policy. The better human resource capacity, the better performance of electrical energy policy, and the better outcomes of electrical energy policy. (2) There is a positive relationship between performance of electrical energy policy to outcomes of electrical energy policy. The better performance of elctrical energy policy, the better outcomes of electrical energy policy. The organizational structure of PT PLN (Persero) that supports the regionalization policy is to prevent a slowdown in the process of completion of construction projects, problem solving and customer service operations. This regionalization policy needs to be organized well in which the Director is responsible based on job function and be responsible for the operational and business. Keywords: Human Resource Capacity, Performance of Electrical Energy Policy
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