76 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata ) Terhadap Nilai Gizi (Serat Dan Karbohidrat) Dan Daya Terima Cookies Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L)

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    Background : Food diversification program aims to improve the food consumption and to reduce reliance on one types of food, especially rice. The program is carried out by considering local produce available and less utilization. One examples of product is purple sweet potato flour cookies.Aims : This study is to determine the effect of green bean flour substitution on nutritional value (fiber and carbohydrates) as well acceptance of purple potato cookies with green bean flour substitution of )%, 10%, 20% and 30%.Method : Design that is used by this study is a random design completely with two repetitions that are measurement of levels of fiber and carbohydrate done in duplicate. The level of acceptance measurement test performed by 25 trained panelists who know about the organoleptic testing.Result : The result  showed, sweet potato flour cookies with green bean flour substitution as much as 30% has the highest fiber content of 0,22g% and the highest carbohydrates content of 63,28%. Based on the results of statistical test ANOVA, green bean fluor substitution of sweet potato cookies has significant effect for fiber and carbohydrates, with p-value 0,00. Acceptance of test results showed the influence of green bean fluor substitution for acceptance of cookies purple sweet potato fluor. Purple sweet potato cookies with green bean fluor substitution of 20% are the most favored cookies with an average score of 3,95.Conclusion : The result above it can be concluded that there is a substitution effect of green bean fluor on the nutritional value (fiber and carbohydrates) and acceptance of cookies

    Hubungan Perilaku Ibu dalam Pemberian Makan dan Tingkat Kecukupan Energi-Protein dengan Status Gizi Batita Usia 12-36 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tersono Kabupaten Batang

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    Background: The situation at the time of malnourished infants is the result of not giving enough food to meet nutrient in terms of quality and quantity. Less energi and protein in infants may hinder growth, especially vulnerable to diseases and infectious diseases lead to low levels of intelligence.Objectives: To know the relationship between maternal behavior in feeding and energy-sufficiency level of protein in the nutritional status of toddlers aged 12-36 months in the working area health center Tersono Batang regency. Method: The scope of this research is the field of nutritional science community with a location in the working area of Batang regency Tersono Health Center, the research conducted in October-December 2009, this kind of research through a descriptive analytic cross-sectional approach for the dependent and independent variables were collected at the same time. population is aged 12-36 months toddler of 1021, with the number of sample 100 toddlers.Detemination samples taken at random samples using interval sampling. Analysis of the relationship between maternal behavior in the feeding with nutritional status of toddlers aged 12-36 months, the level of energy and protein adequacy with nutritional status of toddlers 12-36 months of age using Chi-Square test. Results: Maternal behavior in the feeding  a good of 63% and 37% less, the level of energy sufficiency for good 82% and 18% less, the level of protein adequacy for good 81% and less 19% and good nutritional status as many as 83% and 17% less.The relationship between maternal behavior in the feeding  and level of adequacy of nutritional status of energy-protein are significantly ststistik .Conclusions: There is a relationship between maternal behavior in feeding and energy-sufficiency level of protein nutritional status. Suggestions: Suggestions to improve of information about the behavior of mothers in feeding to specially cleaning of toddlers and  mothers

    Pemberian Jus Aloe Guava Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Postprandial

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    Background : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease. The early symptoms of pre diabetes can be seen in hyperglycemia postprandial. The functional food such as aloe guava juice can be given to decrease postprandial blood glucose levels. Aloe guava juice contains a substance that can increase the pancreas to produce insulin response and contains soluble fiber which can block the absorption of glucose and decrease the absorption into the blood.Objective : Knowing the effects of aloe guava juice on postprandial blood glucose levels in Semarang Polytechnic students are provided with a meal.Method : This research is an experimental sample-series, with a total sample of 10 people. All subjects receive 2 times the treatment, the first treatment subjects was fed and then an interval of 1 week of feeding subjects treated with aloe guava juice with the same amount of carbohydrate that is 55.5 grams. Methods of measurement of fasting and postprandial glucose levels using a easy touch. Test paired T-test was used to analyze the effect of aloe guava juice on postprandial blood glucose levels.Results : Based on Paired T-test, there was no significant effect of aloe guava juice at minute 0 '(p = 0.834), the 30' (p = 0.566), the 60 '(p = 0.615) and the 120' (p = 0.511), but at minute 180 ' significant effect of aloe guava juice on the postprandial blood glucose levels was detected, (p = 0.012)Conclusion : The aloe guava juice has the potency to decrease postprandial blood glucose levels after three hours

    Faktor Determinan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Tenaga Penjamah Makanan di Instalasi Gizi RS Dr R Soetijono Blora

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    Latar Belakang: Tenaga penjamah makanan merupakan unsur yang sangat penting dalam pelayanan gizi rumah sakit, yaitu berperan dalam mengolah makanan dan menyajikan makanan yang bermutu kepada pasien. Kelelahan kerja ditandai dengan melemahnya tenaga kerja dalam melakukan pekerjaan, sehingga meningkatkan kesalahan dalam bekerja.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan kerja tenaga penjamah makanan di instalasi gizi RS dr R Soetijono Blora.Metode: Menggunakan rancangan observasional dengan teknik total sampling dan jumlah sampel 16 orang. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa bivariat dengan korelasi Pearson Product Moment  dan Rank Spearman. Analisa multivariat dengan Regresi Linier.Hasil: Ada hubungan antara tingkat kecukupan energi dengan kelelahan kerja (p=0,005), tidak ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan kelelahan kerja (p=0,899), tidak ada hubungan antara umur dengan kelelahan kerja (p=0,145), tidak ada hubungan antara masa kerja dengan kelelahan kerja (p= 0,243), ada hubungan antara beban kerja dengan kelelahan kerja (p= 0,011), tidak ada hubungan antara stres kerja dengan kelelahan kerja (p=0,054), faktor yang paling berpengaruh pada kelelahan kerja adalah faktor tingkat kecukupan energi dan beban kerja (p=0,001).Kesimpulan: Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kelelahan kerja adalah tingkat kecukupan energi dan beban kerja

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kedelai Dan Tepung Ikan Teri Terhadap Kadar Protein Dan Kalsium Crackers

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    The study objective to determine the effect of substitution of soy flourl and flour anchovy in various proportions to protein and calcium crackers and acceptability in children under five. A preliminary study was conducted to determine two of the five most preferred panelists. Substitution is used soy flour and flour anchovy 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%. Having obtained two composition that produces the most preferred crackers followed by the main research to acceptability of children under five and analysis of protein and calcium. The difference in the preference panelists on crackers analyzed by Friedman test. Effect of soy flour and flour anchovy substitution on protein and calcium crackers used ANOVA. Differences acceptance crackers in toodler was analyzed with chi square test. The results showed crackers substitution soy flour and flour anchovy 5% and 10% favored panelists and toddlers. The energy of crackers substitution 5% is 421.97 Calories and substitution 10% was 429.59 Calories. The protein of crackers substitution 5% is 10.97 grams and the substitution of 10% is 17.1 grams. The calcium of crackers substitution 5% is 25,07mg and substitution of 10% was 37.6 mg. Substitution of flour soy and flour anchovy 5% and 10% increase protein and Calcium crackers. Making crackres should be substituted soy flour and flour anchovy 10%


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    Background  :Diabetes mellitus is a carbohydrate metabolism disorder characterized by an increased in blood glucose levels due to abnormal / decreased insulin work. Diet for people with diabetes mellitus is a food with a balanced composition between carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber. Water soluble fiber namely pectin in apples is able to slowing the entry of glucose in the body. Objective  : To know the effectiveness of giving apple manalagi with varying dose to decrease blood glucose level in type II diabetes mellitus in prolanis group of Puskesmas Genuk Semarang. Method: This research includes true experimental research with Randomized Pretest Posttest Control Group design and Complete Randomized Design study. Randomized sampling was 24 people for 4 treatment groups. Data collected were identity data, anthropometry, fasting blood glucose level and recall fiber intake by interview method and questionnaire. Result of analysis with One-Way ANOVA and ANOVA Repeated measure with α = 0,05. Result:There was a difference between fasting glucose levels before and after treatment in each treatment group (p=0,000). The most effective dose in lowering blood glucose levels is 2 x 200 grams. Conclusion: Giving of apples manalagi with a dose of 2 x 200 grams more effectively compared with a dose of 2 x 150 grams and 2 x 100 grams lowered fasting blood glucose levels in the study subjects. Apples manalagi can be used to help control blood glucose in diabetics

    Perbedaan Daya Terima, Sisa dan Asupan Makanan pada Pasien dengan Menu Pilihan dan Menu Standar di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Demak

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    Background : Patient acceptance of food effect on the nutritional status of patients. The low patient acceptability of food this will adversely affect the nutritional status and patient outcome. Based on patient surveys conducted leftovers Nutritional Installation Sunan Kalijaga Hospitals Demakin 2012 on the standard menu there is an average of 26.6 % food waste.Objective :This study aims to determine the differences in acceptance of food, the rest of food and food intake in patients with selections menu and standards menu in Sunan Kalijaga Hospitals Demak.Method : This research includes comparative observational research is research that aims to see the difference between independent variables and the dependent veriabel related research. This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 15 groups and 15 groups of menu selections standard menuResults : The results showed the power received at the selections menu group has a very good majority of the categories, while the received power on the standard menu group has a majority in both categories. The rest of the food standard menu group average of 21.32%, while the remainder of the food selections menu group average values leftovers of 16.10%. Energy intake group average selections menu intake value of 2110.07, while the selections menu group protein intake mean intake value of 70.10. Energy intake standards menu group mean intake value of 1842.07, while protein intake standards menu group mean intake value of 63.77.Conclusion : There is no difference in the patient's acceptance of food on the selections menu and standards menu, there are differences in the rest of the food and energy and protein intake in patients with selections menu and standards menu

    Perbedaan Daya Terima, Sisa dan Asupan Makanan pada Pasien dengan Menu Pilihan dan Menu Standar di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Demak

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    Background : Patient acceptance of food effect on the nutritional status of patients. The low patient acceptability of food this will adversely affect the nutritional status and patient outcome. Based on patient surveys conducted leftovers Nutritional Installation Sunan Kalijaga Hospitals Demakin 2012 on the standard menu there is an average of 26.6 % food waste.Objective :This study aims to determine the differences in acceptance of food, the rest of food and food intake in patients with selections menu and standards menu in Sunan Kalijaga Hospitals Demak.Method : This research includes comparative observational research is research that aims to see the difference between independent variables and the dependent veriabel related research. This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 15 groups and 15 groups of menu selections standard menuResults : The results showed the power received at the selections menu group has a very good majority of the categories, while the received power on the standard menu group has a majority in both categories. The rest of the food standard menu group average of 21.32%, while the remainder of the food selections menu group average values leftovers of 16.10%. Energy intake group average selections menu intake value of 2110.07, while the selections menu group protein intake mean intake value of 70.10. Energy intake standards menu group mean intake value of 1842.07, while protein intake standards menu group mean intake value of 63.77.Conclusion : There is no difference in the patient's acceptance of food on the selections menu and standards menu, there are differences in the rest of the food and energy and protein intake in patients with selections menu and standards menu


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    Background  : The prevalence of gout arthritis in Indonesia there is no definitive data. Epidemiological surveys conducted in Bandungan, Central Java on WHO-COPCORD cooperation on 4,683 samples aged between 15-65 years found that the prevalence of gout arthritis in women was 11.7% (Darmawan, 2003). The use of drugs aimed at lowering uric acid levels can cause some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea so that the level of adherence will decrease (M. Adib, 2011). Objective  : To analalysis determine the effect of tomato-lemon juice on uric acid level of adult women aged 40-60 years. Methods  : A true experimental research design type with a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Number of respondents 20 treatments and 18 controls. Intervention was performed for 21 days with the measurement of uric acid at before and after intervention. The test used is paired t test, independent t test and ANCOVA with 95% confidence degree. Result  : paired t test showed no difference of pre and post in treatment group (p0,05). Analysis of the effect on the group with normal uric acid category p = 0.655, in the pre hyperuricemia group p = 0.235 and in hyperuricemia p = 0.221. There was a decrease in uric acid levels by 0.26 mg / dl in hyperuricemia but not significant. ANCOVA results show that juice will give significant effect if controlled with initial uric acid level (p = 0,00). Conclusion  : There was no effect of tomato-lime juice consumption on uric acid levels, but there was a decrease of 0.26 in the hyperuricemia group but not significant. It is recommended to do further research on hyperuricemia


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    Background : According to the research results of Hernayanti (2006) the content of Cd heavy metals in waters and sendiments ranged between 0.14-1.03 ppm and 0.85-2.75 ppm, while the heavy metal content of Pb in water and successive metals ranging between 0.085-1.1 ppm and 11.3-18.5 ppm. Fish are creatures that are sensitive to pollution of heavy metals so they can be used as indicators of water pollution.Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the lead content in layur fish, three waja fish, anchovy, mullet, and keeper fish which are sold in the Donan River Pengepul Cilacap. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis that is to determine the description of lead levels in these fish. Lead levels were tested using the SSA method (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry).Result : The test results of lead levels using the SSA (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) method showed that of 5 fish samples sold by 5 collectors in the Donan River Cilacap, lead was detected with layur content 0.143 mg / kg, mullet fish 0.271 mg / kg, anchovy 0.309 mg / kg, three waja fish 0.412 mg / kg, and goalkeeper 0.640 mg / kg.Conclution : The conclusion of this study was detected the content of timbale in layur fish, three waja fish, anchovy, mullet, and keeper fish. The highest lead content exceeds the threshold that has been determined by SNI, namely in three waja fish and keeper fish