656 research outputs found

    Target inference from collections of genomic intervals

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    Finding regions of the genome that are significantly recurrent in noisy data are a common but difficult problem in present day computational biology. Cores of recurrent events (CORE) is a computational approach to solving this problem that is based on a formalized notion by which "core" intervals explain the observed data, where the number of cores is the "depth" of the explanation. Given that formalization, we implement CORE as a combinatorial optimization procedure with depth chosen from considerations of statistical significance. An important feature of CORE is its ability to explain data with cores of widely varying lengths. We examine the performance of this system with synthetic data, and then provide two demonstrations of its utility with actual data. Applying CORE to a collection of DNA copy number profiles from single cells of a given tumor, we determine tumor population phylogeny and find the features that separate subpopulations. Applying CORE to comparative genomic hybridization data from a large set of tumor samples, we define regions of recurrent copy number aberration in breast cancer

    SCH9, a gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encodes a protein distinct from, but functionally and structurally related to, cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunits

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    A new gene, SCH9, was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by its ability to complement a cdc25ts mutation. Sequence analysis indicates that it encodes a 90,000-dalton protein with a carboxy-terminal domain homologous to yeast and mammalian cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunits. In addition to suppressing loss of CDC25 function, multicopy plasmids containing SCH9 suppress the growth defects of strains lacking the RAS genes, the CYR1 gene, which encodes adenylyl cyclase, and the TPK genes, which encode the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunits. Cells lacking SCH9 grow slowly and have a prolonged G1 phase of the cell cycle. This defect is suppressed by activation of the cAMP effector pathway. We propose that SCH9 encodes a protein kinase that is part of a growth control pathway which is at least partially redundant with the cAMP pathway

    byr2, a Schizosaccharomyces pombe gene encoding a protein kinase capable of partial suppression of the ras1 mutant phenotype

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    Schizosaccharomyces pombe contains a single gene, ras1, which is a homolog of the mammalian RAS genes. ras1 is required for conjugation, sporulation, and normal cell shape. ras1 has been previously identified as ste5. We report here a gene we call byr2 that can encode a predicted protein kinase and can partially suppress defects in ras1 mutants. ras1 mutant strains expressing high levels of byr2 can sporulate competently but are still defective in conjugation and abnormally round. byr2 mutants are viable and have normal shape but are absolutely defective in conjugation and sporulation. byr2 is probably identical to ste8. In many respects, byr2 resembles the byr1 gene, another suppressor of the ras1 mutation, which has been identified previously as ste1. Our data indicate that if ras1, byr2, and byr1 act along the same pathway, then the site of action for byr2 is between the sites for ras1 and byr1

    Cloning and characterization of the high-affinity cAMP phosphodiesterase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    Chromosomal Assignment of a Family of Human Oncogenes

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    A family of human transforming genes, previously shown to share homology with the ras family of viral oncogenes, maps to three different human chromosomes. A well-characterized mouse-human hybrid cell panel, combined with Southern blotting, was used in this study. The transforming gene of the T24 bladder carcinoma cell line maps to human chromosome 11. An oncogene isolated from the lung carcinoma cell line SK-Calu-1 maps to human chromosome 12. The third ras-related gene, cloned from SK-N-SH, a neuroblastoma cell line, maps to human chromosome 1

    SMASH, a fragmentation and sequencing method for genomic copy number analysis

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) underlie a significant amount of genetic diversity and disease. CNVs can be detected by a number of means, including chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS), but these approaches suffer from either limited resolution (CMA) or are highly expensive for routine screening (both CMA and WGS). As an alternative, we have developed a next-generation sequencing-based method for CNV analysis termed SMASH, for short multiply aggregated sequence homologies. SMASH utilizes random fragmentation of input genomic DNA to create chimeric sequence reads, from which multiple mappable tags can be parsed using maximal almost-unique matches (MAMs). The SMASH tags are then binned and segmented, generating a profile of genomic copy number at the desired resolution. Because fewer reads are necessary relative to WGS to give accurate CNV data, SMASH libraries can be highly multiplexed, allowing large numbers of individuals to be analyzed at low cost. Increased genomic resolution can be achieved by sequencing to higher depth

    Cloning and characterization of BCY1, a locus encoding a regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    We have cloned a gene (BCY1) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encodes a regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The encoded protein has a structural organization similar to that of the RI and RII regulatory subunits of the mammalian cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Strains of S. cerevisiae with disrupted BCY1 genes do not display a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in vitro, fail to grow on many carbon sources, and are exquisitely sensitive to heat shock and starvation

    Oncogenic Ras activation of Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase-independent pathways is sufficient to cause tumorigenic transformation

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    Substantial evidence supports a critical role for the activation of the Raf-1/MEK/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in oncogenic Ras-mediated transformation. For example, dominant negative mutants of Raf-1, MEK, and mitogen-activated protein kinase all inhibit Ras transformation. Furthermore, the observation that plasma membrane-localized Raf-1 exhibits the same transforming potency as oncogenic Ras suggests that Raf-1 activation alone is sufficient to mediate full Ras transforming activity. However, the recent identification of other candidate Ras effectors (e.g., RalGDS and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase) suggests that activation of other downstream effector-mediated signaling pathways may also mediate Ras transforming activity. In support of this, two H-Ras effector domain mutants, H-Ras(12V, 37G) and H-Ras(12V, 40C), which are defective for Raf binding and activation, induced potent tumorigenic transformation of some strains of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. These Raf-binding defective mutants of H-Ras induced a transformed morphology that was indistinguishable from that induced by activated members of Rho family proteins. Furthermore, the transforming activities of both of these mutants were synergistically enhanced by activated Raf-1 and inhibited by the dominant negative RhoA(19N) mutant, indicating that Ras may cause transformation that occurs via coordinate activation of Raf-dependent and -independent pathways that involves Rho family proteins. Finally, cotransfection of H-Ras(12V, 37G) and H-Ras(12V, 40C) resulted in synergistic cooperation of their focus-forming activities, indicating that Ras activates at least two Raf-independent, Ras effector-mediated signaling events

    Rapid phenotypic and genomic change in response to therapeutic pressure in prostate cancer inferred by high content analysis of single circulating tumor cells

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    Timely characterization of a cancer's evolution is required to predict treatment efficacy and to detect resistance early. High content analysis of single Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) enables sequential characterization of genotypic, morphometric and protein expression alterations in real time over the course of cancer treatment. This concept was investigated in a patient with castrate-resistant prostate cancer progressing through both chemotherapy and targeted therapy. In this case study, we integrate across four timepoints 41 genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) profiles plus morphometric parameters and androgen receptor (AR) protein levels. Remarkably, little change was observed in response to standard chemotherapy, evidenced by the fact that a unique clone (A), exhibiting highly rearranged CNV profiles and AR+ phenotype was found circulating before and after treatment. However, clinical response and subsequent progression after targeted therapy was associated with the drastic depletion of clone A, followed by the sequential emergence of two distinct CTC sub-populations that differed in both AR genotype and expression phenotype. While AR- cells with flat or pseudo-diploid CNV profiles (clone B) were identified at the time of response, a new tumor lineage of AR+ cells (clone C) with CNV altered profiles was detected during relapse. We showed that clone C, despite phylogenetically related to clone A, possessed a unique set of somatic CNV alterations, including MYC amplification, an event linked to hormone escape. Interesting, we showed that both clones acquired AR gene amplification by deploying different evolutionary paths. Overall, these data demonstrate the timeframe of tumor evolution in response to therapy and provide a framework for the multi-scale analysis of fluid biopsies to quantify and monitor disease evolution in individual patients

    PROBER: oligonucleotide FISH probe design software

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    PROBER is an oligonucleotide primer design software application that designs multiple primer pairs for generating PCR probes useful for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). PROBER generates Tiling Oligonucleotide Probes (TOPs) by masking repetitive genomic sequences and delineating essentially unique regions that can be amplified to yield small (100-2000 bp) DNA probes that in aggregate will generate a single, strong fluorescent signal for regions as small as a single gene. TOPs are an alternative to bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) that are commonly used for FISH but may be unstable, unavailable, chimeric, or non-specific to small (10-100 kb) genomic regions. PROBER can be applied to any genomic locus, with the limitation that the locus must contain at least 10 kb of essentially unique blocks. To test the software, we designed a number of probes for genomic amplifications and hemizygous deletions that were initially detected by Representational Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis of breast cancer tumors. AVAILABILITY: http://prober.cshl.ed
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