26 research outputs found

    Vertraulichkeit des Plagiats: Die HRK will weniger Ă–ffentlichkeit

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    Die öffentliche Debatte über echte und vermeintliche Plagiate in der Wissenschaft hält an, auch abseits spektakulärer Fälle. Der Anstoß dazu kommt oft nicht aus den Institutionen des Wissenschaftssystems, sondern von einzelnen Hinweisgebern, die über Internetplattformen die Prüfung eines Verdachtes anstoßen und vorantreiben. Die (weitgehende) Anonymität dieser informellen Verfahren schützt die Kritiker vor Repressalien, senkt aber auch die Hemmschwelle für unberechtigte Vorwürfe und regelrechte Hetzjagden. Die Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) hat sich dieses Problems angenommen. Ihr Lösungsvorschlag ist jedoch zu weitreichend und kann sich zu einer Bedrohung des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses auswachsen

    Development of a modular tool for safety assessments of human-machine-interaction for assisted driving functions (SAE level 2)

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    Per definition, SAE Level 2 (L2) Systems perform both the lateral and longitudinal vehicle motion control with the expectation that the driver completes the Object and Event Detection and Response (OEDR). Since every system performs also parts of the OEDR itself and this amount of OEDR also varies between different L2 systems depending on the intended system design, it cannot be taken for granted that drivers automatically understand their roles and responsibilities in interaction with the system. Especially highly reliable L2 systems performing a greater amount of OEDR while at the same time requiring only little driver input over time can make it difficult for drivers to correctly identify their role and responsibility. Until now, neither application-oriented assessment methods nor design guidelines for OEDR related system design features taking safety of human-machine-interaction into account are available. The objective is therefore to deliver a standardized tool for the assessment of human-machine-interaction-related safety of vehicles with L2 systems currently available on the market. To evaluate the impact of different system design aspects on safety of human-machine-interaction and also to be able to differentiate between system designs, a holistic, standardized and application-oriented assessment procedure is proposed. The novel tablet-based assessment tool focuses not only on available standards and guidelines but measures also concrete user behaviour and user understanding in interaction with the L2 systems. The aim is to gain further insights which cannot be measured directly by simple checklist instruments. For preparation, based on international standards, literature reviews and expert consultations, a first checklistbased expert-evaluation for currently available vehicles with L2 systems was developed. These assessments are focusing on different sources of user information (e.g. user manual), human-machine-interface design as well as the prevention of unintended use by different driver monitoring techniques. The checklist-tool was developed in cooperation with experts of different EuroNCAP test laboratories and validated in a common expert workshop to gain high level of standardization and agreement. However, to assess safety of human-machine-interaction holistically beyond these rather explicit forms of information design criteria, also implicit forms of drivervehicle-communication via vehicle dynamics, functional behavior or reliability play an important role and should be taken into account. Therefore, the main and novel methodological aim is to consider also interaction related processes regarding user´s understanding of roles and responsibilities when applying automated driving functions as well as user´s awareness of automation modes or traffic situations in the modular tablet-based assessment tool

    Rechtsgeschichte und Bedeutung

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    Rechtsgeschichte und Bedeutung

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    Die Rolle des TonB-Importsystems aus Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris in der Interaktion mit der Nichtwirtspflanze Paprika (Capiscum annum)

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    Wiggerich H-G. Die Rolle des TonB-Importsystems aus Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris in der Interaktion mit der Nichtwirtspflanze Paprika (Capiscum annum). Bielefeld; 2002

    The exbD2 gene as well as the iron-uptake genes tonB, exbB and exbD1 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris are essential for the induction of a hypersensitive response on pepper (Capsicum annuum)

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    Wiggerich HG, PĂĽhler A. The exbD2 gene as well as the iron-uptake genes tonB, exbB and exbD1 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris are essential for the induction of a hypersensitive response on pepper (Capsicum annuum). MICROBIOLOGY-SGM. 2000;146:1053-1060.The tonB, exbB and exbD1 genes of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris are essential for ferric iron uptake. In contrast, the exbD2 gene located in the same gene cluster is not essential. Mutational analysis revealed that the ferric-iron-uptake genes tonB, exbB and exbD1 are necessary for the induction of a hypersensitive response (HR) on the nonhost plant pepper (Capsicum annuum) and the induction of typical black rot symptoms on the host plant cauliflower (Brassica oleracea). Again, the exbD2 gene behaved differently. It was found to play a role only in the induction of the HR in pepper but not in the induction of black rot symptoms in cauliflower. Due to the low iron concentration in the plant tissue, the titre of viable bacteria of the ferric-iron-uptake mutants tonB, exbB and exbD1 decreased after leaf infiltration of pepper. The exbD2 mutant, however, which is not impaired in ferric iron uptake, multiplied in the pepper leaf tissue and grew even better than the wild-type strain, probably due to its failure to induce the HR. Nevertheless, the tonB, exbB and exbD1 mutant strains were able to spread systemically in cauliflower

    S.A.D.E.—A Standardized, Scenario-Based Method for the Real-Time Assessment of Driver Interaction with Partially Automated Driving Systems

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    Vehicles equipped with so-called partially automated driving functions are becoming more and more common nowadays. The special feature of this automation level is that the driver is relieved of the execution of the lateral and longitudinal driving task, although they must still monitor the driving environment and the automated system. The method presented in this paper should enable the assessment of the usability and safety of such systems in a standardized manner. It is designed to capture a driver’s interaction with a system via the human–machine interface in specific scenarios in user studies. It evaluates several observable aspects of this interaction in real time and codes inadequate behavior in the categories “system operation”, “driving behavior” and “monitoring behavior”. A generic rating regarding the overall handling of the scenario is derived from these criteria. The method can be used with the assistance of a tablet application called the S.A.D.E. app (Standardized Application for Automated Driving Evaluation). Initial studies using driving simulators show promising results regarding its ability to detect problems related to a system or HMI, with some future challenges remaining open