48 research outputs found

    Differential Effects of Aging on Fore– and Hindpaw Maps of Rat Somatosensory Cortex

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    Getting older is associated with a decline of cognitive and sensorimotor abilities, but it remains elusive whether age-related changes are due to accumulating degenerational processes, rendering them largely irreversible, or whether they reflect plastic, adaptational and presumably compensatory changes. Using aged rats as a model we studied how aging affects neural processing in somatosensory cortex. By multi-unit recordings in the fore- and hindpaw cortical maps we compared the effects of aging on receptive field size and response latencies. While in aged animals response latencies of neurons of both cortical representations were lengthened by approximately the same amount, only RFs of hindpaw neurons showed severe expansion with only little changes of forepaw RFs. To obtain insight into parallel changes of walking behavior, we recorded footprints in young and old animals which revealed a general age-related impairment of walking. In addition we found evidence for a limb-specific deterioration of the hindlimbs that was not observed in the forelimbs. Our results show that age-related changes of somatosensory cortical neurons display a complex pattern of regional specificity and parameter-dependence indicating that aging acts rather selectively on cortical processing of sensory information. The fact that RFs of the fore- and hindpaws do not co-vary in aged animals argues against degenerational processes on a global scale. We therefore conclude that age-related alterations are composed of plastic-adaptive alterations in response to modified use and degenerational changes developing with age. As a consequence, age-related changes need not be irreversible but can be subject to amelioration through training and stimulation

    Pepper pectin methylesterase inhibitor protein CaPMEI1 is required for antifungal activity, basal disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance

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    Pectin is one of the main components of the plant cell wall that functions as the primary barrier against pathogens. Among the extracellular pectinolytic enzymes, pectin methylesterase (PME) demethylesterifies pectin, which is secreted into the cell wall in a highly methylesterified form. Here, we isolated and functionally characterized the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) gene CaPMEI1, which encodes a pectin methylesterase inhibitor protein (PMEI), in pepper leaves infected by Xanthomonascampestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv). CaPMEI1 transcripts are localized in the xylem of vascular bundles in leaf tissues, and pathogens and abiotic stresses can induce differential expression of this gene. Purified recombinant CaPMEI1 protein not only inhibits PME, but also exhibits antifungal activity against some plant pathogenic fungi. Virus-induced gene silencing of CaPMEI1 in pepper confers enhanced susceptibility to Xcv, accompanied by suppressed expression of some defense-related genes. Transgenic ArabidopsisCaPMEI1-overexpression lines exhibit enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, mannitol and methyl viologen, but not to the biotrophic pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica. Together, these results suggest that CaPMEI1, an antifungal protein, may be involved in basal disease resistance, as well as in drought and oxidative stress tolerance in plants

    Phenotypic, additive genetic and environment correlations of maize landraces populations in family farm systems

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    Knowledge of the association between characters is very important in the genetic breeding programs, but there is limited information about correlations between traits in maize landraces in the current literature. The objectives of this study were to estimate phenotypic, additive genetic and environment correlations among traits in maize landraces, which were cultivated in family farm systems, in order to guide the participatory breeding on maize landraces. Between 294 and 400 half-sib progenies from the six populations were evaluated, subdivided in triple 7X7 and 10X10 lattice design, respectively, with single row plots of 4 m long and spaced 1.00 × 0.20 m. Estimates of correlation coefficients are reported for nine traits: grain yield (GY), relation grain weight per ear weight (GE), ears per plant (EP), days to flower (DF), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), percentage of root loding (%L), percentage of stalk loding (%BS) and percentage of damaged ears (%DE). A high number of additive genetic correlation (rA) was obtained between grain yield and the other traits, in maize landraces populations, cycles and locations. For grain yield, the highest averages of the rA estimate were with EP (0.67), GE (0.47) and %DE (-0.63). In contrast to the current published researches, negative correlations between grain yield and days to flower were observed.O conhecimento da associação entre caracteres é de grande importância nos programas de melhoramento genético, contudo a literatura apresenta limitadas informações sobre correlações em populações de milho crioulo. Os objetivos deste estudo foram estimar correlações fenotípicas, genéticas aditivas e ambientais entre caracteres de populações de milho crioulo, cultivados em sistemas de agricultura familiar, para orientar o programa de melhoramento genético participativo. Entre 294 e 400 de progênies de meios-irmãos de seis populações, foram avaliadas em látices triplos 7X7 e 10X10, respectivamente, com parcelas de 4 m de comprimento e espaçadas 1,00 × 0,20 m. Os coeficientes de correlações foram estimados para nove características: produtividade de grãos total (GY), relação peso de grãos por peso de espiga (GE), nº de espigas por planta (EP), nº de dias do florescimento (DF), altura da planta (PH), altura espiga (EH), porcentagem de acamamento (%L), porcentagem de colmos quebrados (%BS) e porcentagem de espigas danificadas (%DE). Houve um alto número de correlação genética aditiva (rA) entre produtividade de grãos e as demais características, nas populações de milho crioulo, ciclos e locais. As maiores médias das estimativas rA para o produtividade de grãos foram com EP (0,67), GE (0,47) e DE% (-0,63). Diferentemente dos trabalhos publicados, foram observadas correlações negativas entre produtividade de grãos e dias para florescimento