16 research outputs found

    Nonclassical Exciton Diffusion in Monolayer WSe2

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    We experimentally demonstrate time-resolved exciton propagation in a monolayer semiconductor at cryogenic temperatures. Monitoring phonon-assisted recombination of dark states, we find a highly unusual case of exciton diffusion. While at 5 K the diffusivity is intrinsically limited by acoustic phonon scattering, we observe a pronounced decrease of the diffusion coefficient with increasing temperature, far below the activation threshold of higher-energy phonon modes. This behavior corresponds neither to well-known regimes of semiclassical free-particle transport nor to the thermally activated hopping in systems with strong localization. Its origin is discussed in the framework of both microscopic numerical and semiphenomenological analytical models illustrating the observed characteristics of nonclassical propagation. Challenging the established description of mobile excitons in monolayer semiconductors, these results open up avenues to study quantum transport phenomena for excitonic quasiparticles in atomically thin van der Waals materials and their heterostructures

    Anion Conducting Channelrhodopsins

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    Seit mehr als 10 Jahren kann biologische Aktivität durch eine Vielzahl photosensorischer Proteine beeinflusst werden. In diesem als Optogenetik bezeichneten Forschungsgebiet, werden Kationen leitende Kanalrhodopsine (CCRs) als lichtinduzierte neuronale Aktivatoren eingesetzt. Diese Arbeit soll zur Vervollständigung von optogenetischen Werkzeugen durch die Entwicklung Anionen leitender Kanalrhodopsine (ACRs) dienen, um die bestehenden Nachteile mikrobieller lichtgetriebener Ionenpumpen zu überwinden, die bislang zur neuronale Inhibition genutzt wurden. Der Austausch von E90 in C. reinhardtii Kanalrhodopsin 2 (CrChR2) durch positiv geladene Aminosäuren führte zu Entwicklung Chlorid leitender ChRs (ChloCs), die jedoch eine Restkationen-permeabilität aufwiesen. Durch Substitution zweier weiterer negativen Ladungen innerhalb des Ionenpermeationsweges, konnte die Kationenleitung vollständig aufgehoben werden. Parallel wurde durch A. Berndt et al. ein inhibitorisches C1C2 (iC1C2), basierend auf der CrChR1/2 Chimäre entwickelt. Wie auch bei den ChloCs, zeigte iC1C2 verbesserungswürdige biophysikalische Eigenschaften. Mutagenesestudien des Ionenpermeationsweges führten zur Entwicklung der verbesserten Nachfolgervariante iC++. Um ausgehend von weiteren CCRs neuartige ACRs zu entwickeln (eACRs), wurden die zuvor angewandten Mutagenesestrategien auf weitere CCRs übertragen. Zwei neue eACRs, Phobos und Aurora, mit jeweils blau- und rotverschobenen Aktionsspektrum konnten generiert werden. Bistabile eACRs wurden erzeugt, die ein lichtgesteuertes Schalten zwischen offenen und geschlossenen Zuständen ermöglichen. Schlussendlich wurde ein natürlich vorkommendes ACR (nACR) aus Proteomonas sulcata (PsACR1) identifiziert und charakterisiert. Die Maximalaktivität von PsACR1 zählt mit 540 nm zu den am stärksten rotverschobenen unter den nACRs. Elektrophysiologische und spektroskopische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass sich der Photozyklus von PsACR1 signifikant von jenen der CCRs unterscheidet.For more than 10 years, photosensory proteins have developed as powerful tools to manipulate biological activity. In this research field termed optogenetics, cation-conducting channelrhodopsins (CCRs) mainly are utilized as light-induced neural activators. This study aimed at a complementation of the optogenetic tool box by engineering anion-conducting channelrhodopsins (ACRs) to overcome the existing drawbacks of microbial light-driven ion pumps utilized for neural inhibition so far. Replacement of E90 in the cation-conducting C. reinhardtii channelrhodopsin 2 (CrChR2) with positively charged residues reversed the ion selectivity and yielded chloride-conducting ChRs (ChloCs). Applied in neuronal cell culture, ChloCs showed residual cation permeability occasionally leading to excitation instead of the desired inhibition. Further charge elimination within the ion permeation pathway completely abolished cation conduction. In parallel, an inhibitory C1C2 (iC1C2) was developed by A. Berndt et al. based on a CrChR1/2 chimera. Though, iC1C2 displayed unsatisfactory biophysical properties as well. Further mutational modifications of the ion permeation pathway led to the development of the improved successor variant iC++. A systematic transfer of both conversion strategies to other CCRs was conducted to create engineered ACRs (eACRs) with distinct biophysical properties. Two novel eACRs, Phobos and Aurora, with blue- and red-shifted action were obtained. Additionally, step-function mutations greatly enhanced the operational light sensitivity and enabled temporally precise toggling between open and closed states using two different light colors. Finally, a natural ACR (nACR) originating from Proteomonas sulcata (PsACR1) was identified and characterized. With a maximum activation at 540 nm it is one of most red-shifted nACRs. Single turnover electrophysiological measurements and spectroscopic investigations revealed an unusual photocycle compared to that of CCRs

    Upgrading a microplate reader for photobiology and all-optical experiments

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    Automation can vastly reduce the cost of experimental labor and thus facilitate high experimental throughput, but little off-the-shelf hardware for the automation of illumination experiments is commercially available. Here, we use inexpensive open-source electronics to add programmable illumination capabilities to a multimode microplate reader. We deploy this setup to characterize light-triggered phenomena in three different sensory photoreceptors. First, we study the photoactivation of Arabidopsis thaliana phytochrome B by light of different wavelengths. Second, we investigate the dark-state recovery kinetics of the Synechocystis sp. blue-light sensor Slr1694 at multiple temperatures and imidazole concentrations; while the kinetics of the W91F mutant of Slr1694 are strongly accelerated by imidazole, the wild-type protein is hardly affected. Third, we determine the light response of the Beggiatoa sp. photoactivatable adenylate cyclase bPAC in Chinese hamster ovary cells. bPAC is activated by blue light in dose-dependent manner with a half-maximal intensity of 0.58 mW cm−2; intracellular cAMP spikes generated upon bPAC activation decay with a half time of about 5 minutes after light switch-off. Taken together, we present a setup which is easily assembled and which thus offers a facile approach to conducting illumination experiments at high throughput, reproducibility and fidelity.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluation of the feasibility of a video-transmitted surgical ward round: a proof of concept study

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    Abstract Background Surgical ward rounds are key element to point-of-care interprofessional postoperative treatment and technical and communicational aspects are relevant for the patient’s safety and satisfaction. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the training opportunity of experiencing a face-to-face surgical ward round was massively hampered and thus, we developed a digital concept. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of video-transmitted ward rounds integrating surgical and communicational aspects with live streaming from wards. Further, medical students were asked for their satisfaction and their subjective learning success. Methods The proof-of-concept study consisted of self-reported subjective evaluation of competences in ward round skills. Qualitative feedback was collected to gain deeper insight and students’ empathy was rated by using the student version of the Jefferson Empathy Scale (JES). Results One hundred three medical students participated. The students were satisfied with the video-transmitted ward round (M = 3.54; SD = 1.22). In the subjective evaluation students’ ward round competencies rose significantly (p < .001, Mpre = 3.00, SD = 0.77; Mpost = 3.76, SD = 0.75). The surgeon was rated as empathic (M = 119.05; SD = 10.09). In the qualitative feedback they named helpful aspects like including an expert for communication. However, they preferred the face-to-face setting in comparison to the digital concept. Conclusions It was feasible to implement a video-transmitted ward round within a pandemic. The format worked technically, was well-accepted and also led to a subjective rise in the students’ competencies. Video-transmitted ward rounds may be integrated to support the medical education, though, they cannot replace the face-to-face setting

    Autoionization and Dressing of Excited Excitons by Free Carriers in Monolayer WSe2

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    We experimentally demonstrate dressing of the excited exciton states by a continuously tunable Fermi sea of free charge carriers in a monolayer semiconductor. It represents an unusual scenario of two-particle excitations of charged excitons previously inaccessible in conventional material systems. We identify excited state trions, accurately determine their binding energies in the zero-density limit for both electron-and hole-doped regimes, and observe emerging many-body phenomena at elevated doping. Combining experiment and theory we gain access to the intra-exciton coupling facilitated by the interaction with free charge carriers. We provide evidence for a process of autoionization for quasiparticles, a unique scattering pathway available for excited states in atomic systems. Finally, we demonstrate a complete transfer of the optical transition strength from the excited excitons to dressed Fermi-polaron states as well as the associated light emission from their nonequilibrium populations

    Nonclassical Exciton Diffusion in Monolayer WSe2

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    We experimentally demonstrate time-resolved exciton propagation in a monolayer semiconductor at cryogenic temperatures. Monitoring phonon-assisted recombination of dark states, we find a highly unusual case of exciton diffusion. While at 5 K the diffusivity is intrinsically limited by acoustic phonon scattering, we observe a pronounced decrease of the diffusion coefficient with increasing temperature, far below the activation threshold of higher-energy phonon modes. This behavior corresponds neither to well-known regimes of semiclassical free-particle transport nor to the thermally activated hopping in systems with strong localization. Its origin is discussed in the framework of both microscopic numerical and semiphenomenological analytical models illustrating the observed characteristics of nonclassical propagation. Challenging the established description of mobile excitons in monolayer semiconductors, these results open up avenues to study quantum transport phenomena for excitonic quasiparticles in atomically thin van der Waals materials and their heterostructures

    Temporal Evolution of Low-Temperature Phonon Sidebands in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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    Low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) of hBN-encapsulated monolayer tungsten diselenide (WSe2) shows a multitude of sharp emission peaks below the bright exciton. Some of them have been recently identified as phonon sidebands of momentum-dark states. However, the exciton dynamics behind the emergence of these sidebands has not been revealed yet. In this joint theory-experiment study, we theoretically predict and experimentally observe time-resolved PL, providing microscopic insights into the thermalization of hot excitons formed after optical excitation. In very good agreement between theory and experiment, we demonstrate a spectral red-shift of phonon sidebands on a time scale of tens of picoseconds, reflecting the phonon-driven thermalization of hot excitons in momentum-dark states. Furthermore, we predict the emergence of a transient phonon sideband that vanishes in the stationary PL. The obtained microscopic insights are applicable to a broad class of 2D materials with multiple exciton valleys