11 research outputs found

    Determination of theoretical swells in gauged catchments using Warsaw University of Technology method and Cracow University of Technology method ‒ part I ‒ method’s description

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    This article has been divided into two parts. First part describes calculation procedure for theoretical flood waves in gauged catchments using the Cracow University of Technology method and Warsaw University of Technology method. Both methods are based on unified unit hydrograph (UHG). Second part presents cross evaluation of mentioned methods on in relation to records historical flood waves. Evaluation was performed on 8 different catchments in Upper Vistula Basin. Selected catchments represented small to big areas with mountainous, highlands and lowlands characteristics

    Application of a geomorphological model to determination of design floods in ungauged catchments

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    This paper presents comparison of hypothetical flood wave simulation method for ungauged catchments developed at Division of Hydrology, Cracow University of Technology, with results calculated for measured data in gauged cross-sections using method developed at Institute of Water Engineering and Water Management, Cracow University of Technology. Three gauged catchments were analysed: Prądnik, Żabniczanka and Żylica

    Assessment of Limnigraph Data Usefulness for Determining The Hypothetical Flood Waves with The Cracow Method

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    In our country the data related to the flow volume in the watercourses is recorded in three database systems: water-gauge, limnigraph and telemetric (digital) one. In each of those systems the flow value is presented in a different way. The aim of this publication is to present how the non-compliance of the meaning and substantive difference of water-gauge data and limnigraph data influences on the example of 7 hypothetical floods determined by the Cracow method. Cracow method was initially known as Cracow Technical University Method. The received results show that the limnigraph data does not effect significantly the parameters of the hypothetical floods. In absence of the data from the telemetric system, such analysis has not be done

    The use of bioretention cell to decreasing outflow from parking lot

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    The objective of the research was to look into the role that bioretention systems play in a decentralized management of stormwater runoff from the impervious areas. The study took place at a catchment of a low permeability and equipped with a combined sewer system. Two rainfall options were selected: actual rainfall intensity q = 105.65 dm3∙s−1∙ha−1 and a hypothetic rainfall with a probability of exceedance p = 10% and q = 40.7 dm3∙s−1∙ha−1. All calculations were carried out using the SWMM EPA program (storm water management model; Environmental Protection Agency). They have shown that the bioretention system reduces the cumulative flow rates by over 55% and the flood wave volume by over 54%. Moreover, it was found that, a precipitation pattern significantly influences runoff from the urban catchment

    Estimation of parametric flood hydrograph determined by means of Strupczewski method in the Vistula and Odra catchments

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    While determining theoretical flood hydrographs, different methods of their construction are used depending on the needs of the problem or the scope of the project. It should be remembered that these methods differ mainly with the principle of the waveform averaging, which may be done either according to the flow or time. The hydrographs may be divided into nonparametric (determining on the basis of registered floods) and parametric (using mathematical description of the flood course). One of the analytical methods is Strupczewski method which has two parameters: responsible for the waveform and specifies the base flow, the flow above which values of hydrograph are calculated. The functional description uses the Pearson type III density distribution

    Landscape and natural values of the area of the Silesian Botanical Garden

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    Idealnym obszarem na Śląsku, który spełnia warunki pod duży regionalny ogród bo­taniczny. jest teren w dzielnicy Mokre gmina Mikołów. Ten falisty krajobraz jest tym cenniej­szy, iż ma on malownicze otoczenie. Wokół nie­go rozciągają się doliny potoków: lamny, Prom­ny i Jasienicy .. a także cenne drzewostany Pusz­czy Pszczyńskiej i Lasów Panewnickich. Wraz z nieczynnymi kamieniołomami, zabytkowymi piecami do wypalania wapienia i Fiołkową Górą (340 m n.p.m.), jest on jednym z trzech naja­trakcyjniejszych terenów na Górnym Śląsku -obok Góry Św. Anny i wzniesieniami Garbu Tarnogórskiego. Są to tereny wapienne, a więc żyzne w składniki mineralne. Omawiany teren Śląskiego Ogrodu Botanicznego doczekał się już kilku opracowa1i przyrodniczych (Dobrza1iska i 980. ..

    A Novel Method of Design Flood Hydrographs Estimation for Flood Hazard Mapping

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    Flood hazard mapping requires knowledge of peak flow as well as flood wave volume and shape, usually represented as a design flood hydrograph (DFH). Statistical approaches for DFH development include nonparametric and parametric methods. The former are developed from long-term flow observations and are thus related to the physio-hydro-climatological catchment properties, but not applicable for ungauged catchments. The alternative parametric DFH can be estimated for any river cross-section, but its links with catchment characteristics are limited. The goal of this study was to introduce a novel hybrid approach for DFH estimation, where the parametric DFH is estimated from the selected properties of the nonparametric DFH (hydrograph width at the levels of 50% and 75% of the peak flow and skewness coefficient) that can be related to the catchment characteristics. The model that offers effective parameter estimation and best correspondence to the reference observation-based hydrograph was selected from among Gamma distribution, Strupczewski and Baptista candidates. The method was validated for 34 catchments of the upper Vistula River and Middle Odra water regions (Poland) based on data from the 1964–2010 period. The Baptista method was found to provide the best model for hybrid DFH construction according to the applied quality measures

    Flow descriptors for parametric hydrographs accounting for afforestation of the catchment

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    Parametric flow hydrographs are used for design and management purposes in such fields as water management and aquatic engineering. They describe a theoretical hydrograph based on such parameters as maximum flow, time to peak, and surge duration. They are used to forecast flood risk and to evaluate the impact of land use on the run-off hydrograph. In Western Europe for many years methods have been used in which parametric hydrographs are determined based on physical catchment descriptors (PCDs), which are divided into three groups describing the physical features of a catchment. These descriptors are used to derive formulae enabling the determination of parametric flow hydrographs for any computational crosssection. In this work, such formulae are derived for the catchment of the Raba River, using the principles of design hydrology applied in Western European countries. The parametric hydrograph is described using Baptista’s gamma density function. The input hydrograph was a nonparametric flow hydrograph determined by Archer’s method. For nine gauging stations located in the Raba catchment, physical catchment descriptors were obtained for two 30-year periods: 1961-1990 and 1983-2012. Based on the nonparametric flow hydrograph and the PCDs, two groups of formulae were derived to describe the parametric hydrograph. Analysis of agreement between the computed parametric flow hydrographs and the input hydrograph indicated a high quality of fit. It should be noted that the formulae and analysis presented here refer only to the Raba catchment. However, the results confirm the possibility of applying these methods to the determination of parametric flow hydrographs for any river cross-section

    Stabilometric indicators as an element of verifying rehabilitation of patients before and after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate effectiveness of rehabilitation in patients before and after rACL, based on stabilographic indicators. Methods: The research group was comprised of 31 men aged 20–57 with anterior cruciate ligament injury, qualified for reconstruction surgery. A measurement of static stabilometric indicators and muscle strength was taken twice for each patient – before surgery and after 6 months. To assess stabilographic indicators the stabilographic platform was used and to asses muscle strength a dynamometer was used. In order to assess knee function the Lysholm scale and VAS scale were used. Results: The rehabilitation programme improved static stability of the knee in the frontal plane, which is manifested by a significant shortening of the SPML path length. Rehabilitation proceedings should focus on improving static stability of the knee joint in the sagittal plane, because the results obtained indicate only a slight shortening of the SPAP length. The results of the Lysholm and VAS scales point to a positive influence of the applied rehabilitation. Conclusion: Inclusion into rehabilitation diagnostic tools to assess stabilometric indicators enables for effective verification of rehabilitation proceedings focused on restoring body posture control before and after the rACL