1,161 research outputs found

    Filozofia Karola Wojtyły wobec problemu moderny

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    Specyfiką antropologii Karola Wojtyły jest synteza obiektywizmu i subiektywności, łączy on wątki aleteiczne i agapiczne. Akceptując nowożytny zwrot antropologiczny, z jednej strony, podejmuje w swych pracach próbę syntezy klasycznej filozofii bytu z filozofią świadomości, a z drugiej strony, dąży do korekty skrajnego antropo¬centryzmu myśli nowożytnej. Autor artykułu analizuje związek Wojtyły koncepcji świadomości i podmiotowości z personalistycznym stylem duszpasterstwa Jana Pawła II, głoszącego, że „człowiek jest podstawową drogą Kościoła”. Drugim filarem analizy jest pytanie o sens ludzkiej wolności. W myśli Wojtyły oraz w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II rozważania o wolności jako podstawowej właściwości bytu osoby łączą się z namysłem nad jej etycznym wymiarem.The specificity of Karol Wojtyla’s anthropology is the synthesis of objectivity and subjectivity, which combines alletic and agapical motives. On the one hand, by accepting the modern anthropological turn, he attempts to synthesize classical philosophy of being with the philosophy of consciousness, and on the other, he strives to correct the extreme anthropocentrism of modern thought. The author of the article analyzes Wojtyla’s relationship of awareness and subjectivity with the personal style of the pastoral ministry of John Paul II, who proclaimed man as “the main way of the Church”. The other pillar of analysis is the question about the meaning of human freedom. In Wojtyla’s thought and in the teachings of John Paul II, considerations about freedom as the basic property of human being are combined with a reflection on its ethical dimension

    The Hippo pathway in colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one the most frequently diagnosed neoplastic diseases worldwide. Currently, aside from traditional chemotherapy, advanced CRCs are treated with modern drugs targeting cellular components such as epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR). Since up to 70% of metastasized CRCs are drug resistant, the description of recent progress in cellular homeostasis regulation may shed new light on the development of new molecular targets in cancer treatment. The Hippo pathway has recently become subject of intense investigations since it plays a crucial role in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and tumourigenesis. Components of the Hippo pathway are deregulated in various human malignancies, and expression levels of its major signal transducers were proposed as prognostic factors in colorectal cancer. In this review we focused on recent data regarding Hippo pathway, its up-stream signals and down-stream effectors. Hippo negatively regulates its major effectors, YAP1 and TAZ kinases, which act as transcriptional co-activators inducing expression of genes involved not only in tissue repair and proliferation but are also oncoproteins involved in tumour development and progression. The deregulation of Hippo pathway components was found in many malignancies. The interactions between Hippo and Wnt/β-catenin signalling, crucial in the maintenance of cell homeostasis, have been described in relation to the control of intestinal stem cell proliferation and CRC development. The recently discovered positive feedback loop between activated YAP1 and increased EGFR/KRAS signalling found in oesophageal, ovarian and hepatocellular cancer has been related to the CRC progression and resistance to EGFR inhibitors during CRC therapy

    Interactive Decision Analysis; Proceedings of an International Workshop on Interactive Decision Analysis and Interpretative Computer Intelligence, Laxenburg, Austria, September 20-23, 1983

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    An International Workshop on Interactive Decision Analysis and Interpretative Computer Intelligence was held at IIASA in September 1983. The Workshop was motivated, firstly, by the realization that the rapid development of computers, especially microcomputers, will greatly increase the scope and capabilities of computerized decision-support systems. It is important to explore the potential of these systems for use in handling the complex technological, environmental, economic and social problems that face the world today. Research in decision-support systems also has another, less tangible but possibly more important, motivation. The development of efficient systems for decision support requires a thorough understanding of the differences between the decision-making processes in different nations and cultures. An understanding of the different rationales underlying decision making is not only necessary for the development of efficient decision-support systems, but it is also an important factor in encouraging international understanding and cooperation. The Proceedings of the Workshop which are contained in this volume are divided in four main sections. The first section consists of an introductory lecture in which a unifying approach to the use of computers and computerized mathematical models for decision analysis and support is described. The second section is concerned with approaches and concepts in interactive decision analysis and section three is devoted to methods and techniques for decision analysis. The final section contains descriptions of a wide range of applications of interactive techniques, covering the fields of economics, public policy planning, energy policy evaluation, hydrology and industrial development