2,730 research outputs found

    Duration discrimination of brief visual stimuli

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    Visual flash duration discrimination and decision theory analysis of effects of temporal and brightness difference

    Studies of a Lacustrine-Volcanic Mars Analog Field Site with Mars-2020-like Instruments

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    On the upcoming Mars‐2020 rover two remote sensing instruments, Mastcam‐Z and SuperCam, and two microscopic proximity science instruments, SHERLOC and PIXL, will collect compositional (mineralogy, chemistry, and organics) data essential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The synergies between and limitations of these instruments were evaluated via study of a Mars analog field site in the Mojave Desert, using instruments approximating the data that will be returned by Mars‐2020. A ground truth dataset was generated for comparison to validate the results. The site consists of a succession of clay‐rich mudstones of lacustrine origin, interbedded tuffs, a carbonate‐silica travertine deposit, and gypsiferous mudstone strata. The major geological units were mapped successfully using simulated Mars‐2020 data. Simulated Mastcam‐Z data identified unit boundaries and Fe‐bearing weathering products. Simulated SuperCam passive shortwave infrared and green Raman data were essential in identifying major mineralogical composition and changes in lacustrine facies at distance; this was possible even with spectrally downsampled passive IR data. LIBS and simulated PIXL data discriminated and mapped major element chemistry. Simulated PIXL revealed mm‐scale zones enriched in zirconium, of interest for age dating. SHERLOC‐like data mapped sulfate and carbonate at sub‐mm scale; silicates were identified with increased laser pulses/spot or by averaging of hundreds of spectra. Fluorescence scans detected and mapped varied classes of organics in all samples, characterized further with follow‐on spatially targeted deep‐UV Raman spectra. Development of dedicated organics spectral libraries is needed to aid interpretation. Given these observations, the important units in the outcrop would be sampled and cached for sample return

    Migration paths saturations in meta-epidemic systems

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    In this paper we consider a simple two-patch model in which a population affected by a disease can freely move. We assume that the capacity of the interconnected paths is limited, and thereby influencing the migration rates. Possible habitat disruptions due to human activities or natural events are accounted for. The demographic assumptions prevent the ecosystem to be wiped out, and the disease remains endemic in both populated patches at a stable equilibrium, but possibly also with an oscillatory behavior in the case of unidirectional migrations. Interestingly, if infected cannot migrate, it is possible that one patch becomes disease-free. This fact could be exploited to keep disease-free at least part of the population

    First Gale Western Butte Capping-Unit Compositions, and Relationships to Earlier Units Along Curiosity's Traverse

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    The Curiosity rover has been traversing through the clay-bearing unit (Glen Torridon; GT), approaching Greenheugh pediment, a large, fan-shaped surface surrounding the mouth of Gediz Vallis on the lower slope of Mt. Sharp. The pediment unconformably overlies the underlying bedrock, and is hence younger than units of the Mt. Sharp group. Orbital imaging of the pediment has shown it to have a slightly lower albedo and higher thermal inertia than neighboring units, to be relatively retentive of craters (e.g., erosion resistant), and to exhibit curved bedforms suggestive of lithified eolian bedforms. No diagnostic spectral signature has been observed from orbit. Recent rover positions allowed remote imaging of the contact between Greenheugh pediment and the eroded Murray formation strata below it, showing that the pediment capping material is cross-bedded and relatively thin (1-3 m), and suggesting that the pediment may have been much larger at one time. As Curiosity approached the edge of the pediment, the team investigated two buttes named Central and Western. The latter butte contains dark capping material that initially looked similar to the pediment cap, but close inspection revealed important physical differences. Here we report on compositions from ChemCam of two float rocks that appear to have rolled down from the capping unit, and on potential relation-ships to other targets along the traverse of the rover

    Applications of Abundance Data and Requirements for Cosmochemical Modeling

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    Understanding the evolution of the universe from Big Bang to its present state requires an understanding of the evolution of the abundances of the elements and isotopes in galaxies, stars, the interstellar medium, the Sun and the heliosphere, planets and meteorites. Processes that change the state of the universe include Big Bang nucleosynthesis, star formation and stellar nucleosynthesis, galactic chemical evolution, propagation of cosmic rays, spallation, ionization and particle transport of interstellar material, formation of the solar system, solar wind emission and its fractionation (FIP/FIT effect), mixing processes in stellar interiors, condensation of material and subsequent geochemical fractionation. Here, we attempt to compile some major issues in cosmochemistry that can be addressed with a better knowledge of the respective element or isotope abundances. Present and future missions such as Genesis, Stardust, Interstellar Pathfinder, and Interstellar Probe, improvements of remote sensing instrumentation and experiments on extraterrestrial material such as meteorites, presolar grains, and lunar or returned planetary or cometary samples will result in an improved database of elemental and isotopic abundances. This includes the primordial abundances of D, ^3He, ^4He, and ^7Li, abundances of the heavier elements in stars and galaxies, the composition of the interstellar medium, solar wind and comets as well as the (highly) volatile elements in the solar system such as helium, nitrogen, oxygen or xenon

    Hybridization and rapid differentiation after secondary contact between the native green anole (\u3cem\u3eAnolis carolinensis\u3c/em\u3e) and the introduced green anole (\u3cem\u3eAnolis porcatus\u3c/em\u3e)

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    In allopatric species, reproductive isolation evolves through the accumulation of genetic incompatibilities. The degree of divergence required for complete reproductive isolation is highly variable across taxa, which makes the outcome of secondary contact between allopatric species unpredictable. Since before the Pliocene, two species of Anolis lizards, Anolis carolinensis and Anolis porcatus, have been allopatric, yet this period of independent evolution has not led to substantial species‐specific morphological differentiation, and therefore, they might not be reproductively isolated. In this study, we determined the genetic consequences of localized, secondary contact between the native green anole, A. carolinensis, and the introduced Cuban green anole, A. porcatus, in South Miami. Using 18 microsatellite markers, we found that the South Miami population formed a genetic cluster distinct from both parental species. Mitochondrial DNA revealed maternal A. porcatus ancestry for 35% of the individuals sampled from this population, indicating a high degree of cytonuclear discordance. Thus, hybridization with A. porcatus, not just population structure within A. carolinensis, may be responsible for the genetic distinctiveness of this population. Using tree‐based maximum‐likelihood analysis, we found support for a more recent, secondary introduction of A. porcatus to Florida. Evidence that ~33% of the nuclear DNA resulted from a secondary introduction supports the hybrid origin of the green anole population in South Miami. We used multiple lines of evidence and multiple genetic markers to reconstruct otherwise cryptic patterns of species introduction and hybridization. Genetic evidence for a lack of reproductive isolation, as well as morphological similarities between the two species, supports revising the taxonomy of A. carolinensis to include A. porcatus from western Cuba. Future studies should target the current geographic extent of introgression originating from the past injection of genetic material from Cuban green anoles and determine the consequences for the evolutionary trajectory of green anole populations in southern Florida

    ChemCam Investigation of the Last Four MSL Drill Sites in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars

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    This study utilizes ChemCam data for outcrop surfaces, drill hole walls, tailings, and dump piles in the Middle Murray Formation to investigate chemical variations with depth in the drill holes and pos-sible effects of the drilling and sample processing. This work is a continuation of similar work on drill sites at Yellowknife Bay [1], the Pahrump Hills [2], and the Stimson Formation [3]

    A species-centered approach for uncovering generalities in organism responses to habitat loss and fragmentation

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    Theoretical models predict strong influences of habitat loss and fragmentation on species distributions and demography, but empirical studies have shown relatively inconsistent support across species and systems. We argue that species' responses to landscape-scale habitat loss and fragmentation are likely to appear less idiosyncratic if it is recognized that species perceive the same landscapes in different ways. We present a new quantitative approach that uses species distribution models (SDMs) to measure landscapes (e.g. patch size, isolation, matrix amount) from the perspective of individual species. First, we briefly summarize the few efforts to date demonstrating that once differences in habitat distributions are controlled, consistencies in species' responses to landscape structure emerge. Second, we present a detailed example providing step-by-step methods for application of a species-centered approach using freely available land-cover data and recent statistical modeling approaches. Third, we discuss pitfalls in current applications of the approach and recommend avenues for future developments. We conclude that the species-centered approach offers considerable promise as a means to test whether sensitivity to habitat loss and fragmentation is mediated by phylogenetic, ecological, and life-history traits. Cross-species generalities in responses to habitat loss and fragmentation will be challenging to uncover unless landscape mosaics are defined using models that reflect differing species-specific distributions, functional connectivity, and domains of scale. The emergence of such generalities would not only enhance scientific understanding of biotic processes driving fragmentation effects, but would allow managers to estimate species sensitivities in new regions.this study was supported by US National Science Foundation grants (NSF-ARC-0941748 and DEB-1050954
