7 research outputs found

    Morphological controls on surface runoff: an interpretation of steady-state energy patterns, maximum power states and dissipation regimes within a thermodynamic framework

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    Recent research explored an alternative energy-centred perspective on hydrological processes, extending beyond the classical analysis of the catchment\u27s water balance. Particularly, streamflow and the structure of river networks have been analysed in an energy-centred framework, which allows for the incorporation of two additional physical laws: (1) energy is conserved and (2) entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease (first and second law of thermodynamics). This is helpful for understanding the self-organized geometry of river networks and open-catchment systems in general. Here we expand this perspective, by exploring how hillslope topography and the presence of rill networks control the free-energy balance of surface runoff at the hillslope scale. Special emphasis is on the transitions between laminar-, mixed- and turbulent-flow conditions of surface runoff, as they are associated with kinetic energy dissipation as well as with energy transfer to eroded sediments. Starting with a general thermodynamic framework, in a first step we analyse how typical topographic shapes of hillslopes, representing different morphological stages, control the spatial patterns of potential and kinetic energy of surface runoff and energy dissipation along the flow path during steady states. Interestingly, we find that a distinct maximum in potential energy of surface runoff emerges along the flow path, which separates upslope areas of downslope potential energy growth from downslope areas where potential energy declines. A comparison with associated erosion processes indicates that the location of this maximum depends on the relative influence of diffusive and advective flow and erosion processes. In a next step, we use this framework to analyse the energy balance of surface runoff observed during hillslope-scale rainfall simulation experiments, which provide separate measurements of flow velocities for rill and for sheet flow. To this end, we calibrate the physically based hydrological model Catflow, which distributes total surface runoff between a rill and a sheet flow domain, to these experiments and analyse the spatial patterns of potential energy, kinetic energy and dissipation. This reveals again the existence of a maximum of potential energy in surface runoff as well as a connection to the relative contribution of advective and diffusive processes. In the case of a strong rill flow component, the potential energy maximum is located close to the transition zone, where turbulence or at least mixed flow may emerge. Furthermore, the simulations indicate an almost equal partitioning of kinetic energy into the sheet and the rill flow component. When drawing the analogy to an electric circuit, this distribution of power and erosive forces to erode and transport sediment corresponds to a maximum power configuration

    Regional analysis of parameter sensitivity for simulation of streamflow and hydrological fingerprints

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    Diagnostics of hydrological models are pivotal for a better understanding of catchment functioning, and the analysis of dominating model parameters plays a key role for region-specific calibration or parameter transfer. A major challenge in the analysis of parameter sensitivity is the assessment of both temporal and spatial differences of parameter influences on simulated streamflow response. We present a methodological approach for global sensitivity analysis of hydrological models. The multilevel approach is geared towards complementary forms of streamflow response targets, and combines sensitivity analysis directed to hydrological fingerprints, i.e. temporally independent and temporally aggregated characteristics of streamflow (INDPAS), with the conventional analysis of the temporal dynamics of parameter sensitivity (TEDPAS). The approach was tested in 14 mesoscale headwater catchments of the Ruhr River in western Germany using simulations with the spatially distributed hydrological model mHM. The multilevel analysis with diverse response characteristics allowed us to pinpoint parameter sensitivity patterns much more clearly as compared to using TEDPAS alone. It was not only possible to identify two dominating parameters, for soil moisture dynamics and evapotranspiration, but we could also disentangle the role of these and other parameters with reference to different streamflow characteristics. The combination of TEDPAS and INDPAS further allowed us to detect regional differences in parameter sensitivity and in simulated hydrological functioning, despite the rather small differences in the hydroclimatic and topographic setting of the Ruhr headwaters

    Where should hydrology go? An early-career perspective on the next IAHS Scientific Decade: 2023–2032

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    This paper shares an early-career perspective on potential themes for the upcoming International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Scientific Decade (SD). This opinion paper synthesizes six discussion sessions in western Europe identifying three themes that all offer a different perspective on the hydrological threats the world faces and could serve to direct the broader hydrological community: “Tipping points and thresholds in hydrology,” “Intensification of the water cycle,” and “Water services under pressure.” Additionally, four trends were distinguished concerning the way in which hydrological research is conducted: big data, bridging science and practice, open science, and inter- and multidisciplinarity. These themes and trends will provide valuable input for future discussions on the theme for the next IAHS SD. We encourage other early-career scientists to voice their opinion by organizing their own discussion sessions and commenting on this paper to make this initiative grow from a regional initiative to a global movement