209 research outputs found

    Chordwise load distribution of a simple rectangular wing

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    The chordwise distribution theory was taken over from the theory of the infinite wing. Since in this work a series expansion in b/t was used, the computation converges only for large aspect ratios. In this paper a useful approximate solution will be found also for wings with large chord - i.e., small aspect ratio

    Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Bis-(N-Methymydroxylamido(1-)-O.N)(N-methyl-N-oxo-dithiocarbamato-O.S)-oxo-molybdän(VI)

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    The reaction of [MoO2((CH3)HN-O)2] and N-methylhydroxylammoniumchloride in an aqueous suspension with CS2 yields red crystals of the analytical composition MOC4H14N3O4S2. The crystal structure has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c, with cell constants a= 1333.2(3), b = 814.2(2), c = 2179.8(6) pm, β = 105.42(2)°, and Z = 8. The final R-value is 4.5% for 2965 unique reflexions. The structure consists of two crystallographically independent neutral complexes of molybdenum(VI). The geometry about the molybdenum is a distorted pentagonal bipyramid containing a terminal oxygen atom, two N-methylhydroxylamido(1-) ligands coordinated via the O-and N-atoms and an N-methyl-N-oxo-dithiocarbamato(2-) ligand forming a planar five membered ring with the molybdenum(VI) center (O,S-coordination)

    Re-evaluating the Cu K pre-edge XAS transition in complexes with covalent metal–ligand interactions

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    Three [Me2NN]Cu(h2 -L2) complexes (Me2NN ¼ HC[C(Me)NAr]2; L2 ¼ PhNO (2), ArF 2N2 (3), PhCH]CH2 (4); Ar ¼ 2,6-Me2-C6H3; ArF ¼ 3,5-(CF3)2-C6H3) have been studied by Cu K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy, as well as single- and multi-reference computational methods (DFT, TD-DFT, CASSCF, MRCI, and OVB). The study was extended to a range of both known and theoretical compounds bearing 2p-element donors as a means of deriving a consistent view of how the pre-edge transition energy responds in systems with significant ground state covalency. The ground state electronic structures of many of the compounds under investigation were found to be strongly influenced by correlation effects, resulting in ground state descriptions with majority contributions from a configuration comprised of a Cu(II) metal center anti-ferromagentically coupled to radical anion O2, PhNO, and ArF 2N2 ligands. In contrast, the styrene complex 4, which displays a Cu K pre-edge transition despite its formal d10 electron configuration, exhibits what can best be described as a Cu(I):(styrene)0 ground state with strong pbackbonding. The Cu K pre-edge features for these complexes increase in energy from 1 to 4, a trend that was tracked to the percent Cu(II)-character in the ground state. The unexpected shift to higher preedge transition energies with decreasing charge on copper (QCu) contributed to an assignment of the pre-edge features for these species as arising from metal-to-ligand charge transfer instead of the traditional Cu1s / Cu3d designation

    Die Pilotanwendung der weltweit größten künstlichen Sonne in der solarthermischen Wasserstofferzeugung im Technikumsmaßstab

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    In Jülich wird in den kommenden Jahren die weltweit größte künstliche Sonne gebaut. Sie wird hochkonzentrierte optische Strahlung mit einer Strahlungsleistung bis zu ca. 200 kW liefern. Das Institut für Solarforschung wird mit ihrer Hilfe neue Komponenten für solarthermische Kraftwerke entwickeln und testen. Vor allem werden in der neuen Anlage auch neue Verfahren zur Herstellung solarer Treibstoffe, insbesondere Wasserstoff, erarbeitet. Die neue Anlage wird außerdem ein wichtiges Element in der Entwicklung des Standorts Jülich zu einem Campus für die angewandte Solarforschung sein

    Bis(α-diimine)iron Complexes: Electronic Structure Determination by Spectroscopy and Broken Symmetry Density Functional Theoretical Calculations

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    The electronic structure of a family comprising tetrahedral (α-diimine)iron dichloride, and tetrahedral bis(α-diimine)iron compounds has been investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and X-ray crystallography. In addition, broken-symmetry density functional theoretical (B3LYP) calculations have been performed. A detailed understanding of the electronic structure of these complexes has been obtained. A paramagnetic (S_t = 2), tetrahedral complex [Fe^(II)(^4L)_2], where (^4L)^(1−) represents the diamagnetic monoanion N-tert-butylquinolinylamide, has been synthesized and characterized to serve as a benchmark for a Werner-type complex containing a tetrahedral Fe^(II)N_4 geometry and a single high-spin ferrous ion. In contrast to the most commonly used description of the electronic structure of bis(α-diimine)iron(0) complexes as low-valent iron(0) species with two neutral α-diimine ligands, it is established here that they are, in fact, complexes containing two (α-diiminato)^(1−•) π radical monoanions and a high-spin ferrous ion (in tetrahedral N_4 geometry) (S_(Fe) = 2). Intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling between the π radical ligands (S_(rad) = 1/2) and the ferrous ion (S_(Fe) = 2) yields the observed S_t = 1 ground state. The study confirms that α-diimines are redox noninnocent ligands with an energetically low-lying antibonding π^* lowest unoccupied molecular orbital which can accept one or two electrons from a transition metal ion. The (α-diimine)FeCl_2 complexes (St = 2) are shown to contain a neutral α-diimine ligand, a high spin ferrous ion, and two chloride ligands

    Betrachtungen zum Zähigkeitswiderstand von Schiffen

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    Betrachtungen zum Zähigkeitswiderstand von Schiffe

    Zur Berechnung ebener und drehsymmetrischer Grenzschichten mit kontinuierlicher Absaugung

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    Zur Berechnung ebener und drehsymmetrischer Grenzschichten mit kontinuierlicher Absaugun

    Der Widerstand einer Kreisscheibe in einem Gemisch von Polystyrol-Sand und Wasser

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    Der Widerstand einer Kreisscheibe in einem Gemisch von Polystyrol-Sand und Wasse

    Schiffsmodelle im Windkanal

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    Schiffsmodelle im Windkana