235 research outputs found

    Improving Emotional Intelligence with Emotional Management Training for Teachers of Special School

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    Teachers of special school needs tend to have problems with their work that drains energy and their emotions, therefore they need to have good emotional intelligence. The objective of this study was to observe the effect of emotional intelligence training towards controlling emotions of teachers of special schools. Methods: This study was conducted based on quasi-experimental research method with single case experiment involving 5 teachers of special school. Their aged 22-43 years all of them are females. Questionnaire was used to measure the level of emotional intelligence. The collected data were then analyzed using SPSS One-Paired Sample, T-Test was conducted to test the hypothesis. The result shows statistically significant difference between pre and post-test, stated t count > t table means H0 was rejected. Thus, there is a difference between the mean pretest and post-test emotional intelligence, significant mean of emotional intelligence between before (M = 39,4, SD = 1,6733) and after the training (M = 51,6, SD = 4,3932), t (4) = 6,99, p = 0,002, d = 1. This study found that the emotional management training is effective in increasing emotional intelligence in teachers of special schools. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence; Emotional Management Training; Teachers of special schoo

    Social Competence of Indonesian Gifted Adolescents

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    Gifted adolescents encounter the sama developmental issues as all adolescents although these are complicated by the special needs and characteristics of being gifted. The problems of gifted adolescents in Indonesia are even more diffcult, considering that an appropriate educational system for them is not avaiabl

    Relationship between Executive Function and Intelligence of The Gifted Adolescent

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    Executive function is a term for a number of complex cognitive processes that are interdependent and critical to purposeful, goal directed behavior (Goldstein, et.al, 2014). Gifted adolescents have high cognitive flexibility, metacognition, strategic planning, and working memory, they have extensive knowledge of various things

    Social competence of the Indonesian Gifted Adolescent

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    Gifted adolescents encounter the same development as all adolescents although these are complicated by the special needs and characteristic of being gifted. Purpose of this study to examine ethe difference among gifted student ang non gifted adolescents. Method : 231 participants (15-19 years old). 77 participants are Highly Gifted, 77 moderadly gifted, and 77 non gifted adolescent. Instruments : The Social Competence Questionare. results: A onewat ANOVA performed on the Social Competence reveal a significant difference between the three group (F=18,57, p<0.01)

    The Relationship Between Intelligence and Executive Function among Gifted Adolescents

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    Executive function is a term for a number of complex cognitive processes that are interdependent and critical to purposeful, goal directed behavior (Goldstein, et.al, 2014). Gifted adolescents have high cognitive flexibility, metacognition, strategic planning, and working memory, they have extensive knowledge of various things. But Silverman (2013) and Pfieffer (2018) said that gifted students have problems related to FE, that is planning, organizing problems, lack of time management, and mpulsive. However, evidence for the relationship between intelligence and executives function is inconsistent, so the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between intelligence and executive function in gifted adolescent


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    Some students may have particular problems attending and processing classroom subject matter in an effective manner. This will certainly be true for students with particular learning disabilities and, therefore, it has been noted the importance of making appropriate accomodations and facilities, including specific teaching methods, for students with special needs.The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of Fun Learning Reading and Communication (FULRIC) method on reading improvement among students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Single case experiment design was conducted. Participants were 22 children aged 6-15 years old with ASD, specifically having a limited verbal and spoken language ability. There was a statistically significant difference on reading improvement between pre-treatment and post-treatment. Scores on reading skill raised significantly after the treatment compared to the initial condition before the treatment was given to the participants

    Relation Between Perfectionism and Subjective Well-Being of Gifted Students

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    Among educator of the gifted, the link between giftedness is clearly established. The tendency toward perfectionist commonly appears as an item on rating scales and checklist used by parents and teachers to nominate potentially gifted students. An article on counselling needs of the gifted routinely mention perfectionism as a risk factor for gifted students. There are two major concerns about perfectionism for gifted students: underachieving and emotional turmoil. Perfectionism tendencies make some gifted students vulnerable for underachievement because they do not submit work unless it is perfect. As a results, they may receive poor or failing marks. In term of emotional stress, perfectionism is seen to cause feelings of worthlessness and depression when gifted individual fail to live up to unrealistic expectations. Perfectionism. It is a word repeatedly, especially when working with gifted students. According to the National Association of Gifted Children, ~20% of gifted children suffer from perfectionism to the degree it causes problems. While striving to do our best is not bad, when it overtakes the why and enjoyment of activities, it can cause a problem

    Loneliness, Parent-Child Relationship and Gadget Addiction

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    Loneliness&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;sense&nbsp;of&nbsp;being&nbsp;unhappy&nbsp;and&nbsp;alone&nbsp;that&nbsp;frequently&nbsp;occurs&nbsp;in&nbsp;adolescents&nbsp;as&nbsp;a&nbsp;result&nbsp;of&nbsp;family circumstances&nbsp;or poor relationships between children and&nbsp;parents.&nbsp;Loneliness&nbsp;causes&nbsp;a teenager to seek an escape,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of&nbsp;which&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;smartphone.&nbsp;Adolescent&nbsp;gadget&nbsp;addiction&nbsp;is&nbsp;indicated&nbsp;by&nbsp;continuous&nbsp;use&nbsp;of&nbsp;gadgets to&nbsp;the&nbsp;point&nbsp;of&nbsp;interfering&nbsp;with&nbsp;daily&nbsp;activities&nbsp;and&nbsp;functions.&nbsp;The&nbsp;objective&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;study&nbsp;was&nbsp;to&nbsp;discover&nbsp;the role of loneliness in parent-child relationships and gadget addiction. The Parent Child Relationship Scale (PCRS), the UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3, and the SAS-SV (Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version)&nbsp;were&nbsp;used&nbsp;in&nbsp;this&nbsp;study.&nbsp;This&nbsp;study included&nbsp;135 adolescents&nbsp;(85&nbsp;female&nbsp;respondents&nbsp;and&nbsp;50&nbsp;male respondents)&nbsp;aged&nbsp;13-17 years&nbsp;who used&nbsp;gadgets&nbsp;for more than 11 hours per&nbsp;day or social media for more than 3 hours per day (excluding use for studying). The convenience sampling technique was used. The PROCESS mediation test of Andrew F. Hayes yielded results ((β = 0.466; 95% CI [0.0134, 0.0833]). According&nbsp;to&nbsp;the&nbsp;findings&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;study,&nbsp;loneliness&nbsp;contributed&nbsp;to&nbsp;poor&nbsp;parent-child&nbsp;relationships&nbsp;and&nbsp;gadget addiction in adolescents. Keywords:&nbsp;Gadget&nbsp;addiction;&nbsp;Loneliness;&nbsp;Parent-child&nbsp;relationship

    korespondensi Offering Neurofeedback as an Intervention for Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Indonesia: A Feasibility Study

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    percakapan reviewer dengan penulis (diwakili Agustina Sulastri
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