115 research outputs found

    Kajian Perubahan Kualitas Air Sungai Donan Kabupaten Cilacap Tahun 1998 dan 2015

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    Sungai Donan terletak di Kabupaten Cilacap. Kualitas air Sungai Donan juga dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut dan penggunaan lahan di sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, antara lain mengkaji kualitas air Sungai Donan tahun 1998 dan 2015, variasi kualitas air berdasarkan periode pasang surut dan perbedaan kedalaman tahun 2015, serta mengkaji status mutu air Sungai Donan untuk kehidupan biota air laut. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air Sungai Donan tahun 1998 dan 2015 mengalami Perubahan. Parameter dengan kandungan lebih tinggi saat pasang (DO, fosfat, dan CO2) dan saat surut (suhu, DHL, salinitas, dan TDS). Parameter dengan kandungan lebih tinggi di permukaan air (suhu dan DO) dan di dasar air (DHL, salinitas, TDS, fosfat, dan CO2). Status mutu air Sungai Donan tahun 2015 masuk ke dalam kategori tercemar ringan hingga sedan

    Rekomendasi Pengadaan Obat dan Alat Kesehatan dengan Fuzzy Database (Studi Kasus: Instalasi Farmasi Klinik Utama Cideng Medical Center)

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    Kemudahan dalan melakukan pencarian terhadap persediaan obat dan alat kesehatan untuk pengadaan yang sesuai standar persyaratan mutu pada Instalasi Farmasi merupaka salah satu faktor kunci dalam menunjang pelayanan apa lagi dalam pencarian tersebut dapat direpresentasikan kedalam bahasa sehari-hari semisal: mahal, hampir habis, ataupun banyak oleh karena itu perlu adanya teknik informasi untuk mewujudkannya karena hingga saat ini belum ada suatu penerapan metode untuk permasalahn tersebut terutama di Instalasi Klinik Utama Cideng Medical Center. Metode Fuzzy Database yaitu, suatu sistem basis data yang menggunakan teori himpunan fuzzy ke dalam Databases untuk menghasilkan informasi, dengan demikian pencarian persediaan obat dan alat kesehatan di Database dapat direpresentasikan kedalam bahasa sehari-hari.Maka Fuzzy Database sangat sesuai untuk di terapkan dalam Database pencarian obat dan alkes sebagai rekomendasi pengadaan di Insatalasi Farmasi Klinik Utama Cideng Medical Center, karena pencarian obat dan alat kesehatan itu begitu kompleks, akan sangat mudah apabila bisa dikomunikasikan dalam keseharian kita

    Pengaruh Faktor Demografi dan Lingkungan Sosial terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dimediasi oleh Perilaku Membaca Atribut Label.

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    This study aims to determine the influence of demographic factors and social environment on purchasing decisions mediated by reading the label attribute behavior with a case study UHT milk of Ultrajaya brand products are located in the city of Denpasar. This study took the 100 respondents with purposive sampling as sampling. Collecting data in this study used a questionnaire with data analysis techniques using path analysis.The results showed that the demographic factors and the social environment can direct influence over the purchase decision, while demographic factors and the social environment is not entirely mediated influence on purchase decisions by reading the label attribute behavior. The test results showed that social environmental factors can be positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions mediated by behavioral attributes read the label

    Efektivitas Komik Saku Sebagai Media Pemilih Dan Pemilu Bagi Perempuan Marginal

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    Women’s participation in politics is very low particularly because of the situation in which women are marginalized both in terms of voters and candidates. In this sense, voter education based on gender perspective is one of the significance ways to increase women’s political awareness. Pocket comic is seen as a media that can be used to achieve such awareness. This study examines the effectiveness of comic as an aid used in voter education in order to increase political participation of women as evaluators. This study found that pocket comic could be well understood by married women who received information from the media. Those women had also been trained by the Government and the PKK in the elections training through which they were stimulated to have gender awareness and then internalize it in their life

    Khitin Cangkang Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus) Sebagai Bikoagulan Untuk Penyisihan Turbidity, TSS, BOD Dan COD Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Farmasi PT. Phapros Tbk, Semarang

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    Derived from crab shell waste 40-60% of the total weight of crabs and not have been exploited yet contain 20-30% chitin that can be biocoagulant. The purpose of this study to the effect of the addition of crab shell chitin biocoagulant and to know the dose and the optimal mixing speed quickly on the value of turbidity, TSS, BOD and COD effluent pharmaceutical PT. Phapros Tbk, Semarang and removal efficiency parameters. The independent variable in this study is small crab chitin biocoagulant dose and mixing speed quickly. The dose variation of 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.03%, 0.04% and 0.05% (v / v) while mixing fast speed variation is 100 rpm, 125 rpm and 150 rpm. By using Jar test to compare the preliminary results of the parameter variation biocoagulant dose and mixing speed quickly. In the Jar Test method, to vary the speed of rapid stirring for 1 minute, then continued 45 rpm for 20 minutes, and let stand for 15 minutes. Coagulant used is derived from chitin white colored gray with a degree of deacetylation of 81.2% which is then diluted with 85% phosphate acid.The results showed a decrease concentration in turbidity, TSS, BOD and COD is directly proportional to the dose biocoagulant additions were added and inversely proportional to the speed of mixing quickly used. Biocoagulant optimal dose was 0.05% and the optimum mixing speed of 100 rpm faster and produce the best turbidity removal efficiency is 97%, TSS 70%, BOD 32% and COD 31%. Therefore, biocoagulant crab chitin can be an alternative substitution for PAC Macroflog used in PT. Phapros Tbk, Semarang

    In Vitro Digestibility of Ration Containing Different Level of Palm Oil Frond Fermented with Phanerochaetae chrysosporium

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    Phanerochaete chrysosporium was widely used to delignify agricultural waste product and improve biodegradation of the substrate as animal feed.  The experiment was carried out to increase the use of palm oil fronds as a substitute material for napier grass through biodegradation process with P. chysosporium. A completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications was used. The treatments were ration containing 60% napier grass (R1), ration containing 40% napier grass and 20% fermented palm oil frond (R2), ration containing 20% napier grass and 40% fermented palm oil frond (R3), ration containing 60% fermented palm oil frond (R4). Fourty percent concentrate was included in all treatment rations. Parameters measured were in vitro digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, NDF, ADF, NH3, TVFA, and ruminal cellulolitic bacteria. Results showed that increasing level of fermented palm oil frond in the ration reduced (P<0.05) digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, NDF, ADF, N-NH3, TVFA concentration and number of ruminal cellulolytic bacteria. It is concluded that fermentation of palm oil frondwith P. chysosporium decrease lignin content by 47.79%, but increasing the fermented palm oil frond in the ration reduces nutrient digestibilities, N-NH3 and TVFA concentrations and rumen cellulolytic bacteria counts. Fermented palm oil frond up to 40% could be used as a substitute for forages in ruminant rations

    Pengaruh Pemupukan Organik Limbah Baglog Jamur Dan Pemupukan Takaran Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Pakchoy (Brassica Chinensis L.)

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    Pakchoy (Brassica sinensis L.) merupakan tanaman sayuran yang kualitasnya sangat ditentukan oleh tekstur yang renyah. Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan kualitas tersebut dapat ditempuh dengan penambahan bahan organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bahan organik berupa limbah baglog jamur dan pemberian takaran NPK serta interaksinya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman pakchoy. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai dengan bulan Juni 2014 di kebun percobaan Universitas Lampung. Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan Rancangan Teracak Sempurna (RTS) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah dosis limbah baglog jamur (P) dan faktor kedua adalah takaran NPK mutiara 16-16-16 (L). Pertama: p 0 = 0 kg m -2 , p 1 = 10 kg m -2 , dan kedua: l 0 = 0 g m -2 NPK, l 1 = 50 g m -2 NPK, l 2 = 100 g m -2 NPK, l 3 = 150 g m -2 NPK, l 4 = 200 g m -2 NPK. Setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang tiga kali dan setiap satuan percobaan terdiri dari 25 tanaman sehingga didapatkan 30 satuan percobaan dan total tanaman sebanyak 750 tanaman. Perlakuan yang menunjukkan pengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan pemisahan nilai tengah menggunakanuji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf α 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian bahan organik berupa limbah baglog jamur berpengaruh nyata terhadap variabel bobot kering tanaman. Pemberian pupuk takaran NPK juga berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua variabel pengamatan dan dosis terbaik terdapat pada 200 g m -2 , sedangkan interaksi antara dua perlakuan tersebut tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua variabel pengamatan

    Rumen Fermentation and Milk Quality of Dairy Cows Fed Complete Feed Silages

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the rumen fermentation and milk quality of Friesian Holstein (FH) cows given complete feed silages during lactation. Twelve FH cows in 5th mo lactation were offered four dietary treatments in a completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments were, control diet (NS) containing 50% concentrate, 45% elephant grass and 5% sun flower meal; grass complete feed silage (GS) containing 50% concentrate, 45% elephant grass and 5% sunflower meal; rice straw complete feed silage (RSS) containing 50% concentrate, 30% elephant grass, 15% rice straw and 5% sunflower and palm oil frond complete feed silage (PKS) containing 50% concentrate, 30% elephant grass, 15% palm oil frond, and 5% sunflower meal. Ensilage was done with addition of Lactobacillus plantarum 1A-2 and cellulase enzyme. Analysis of variance and Duncan test were applied to compare the different among the means of treatments. Complete feed silages had range of pH between 3.89-4.44, temperature of 28.0-29.67 oC and lactic acid bacteria of 0.54-1.50 x 108 cfu/g. Crude protein intake of  RSS was  the highest among treatments. Acetate concentration in rumen liquor was more than 70%. Milk yield and protein were not different among treatments. GS gave the highest milk fat (5.66%). The conclusion was that both complete feed silages, using rice straw or palm oil frond can be used as alternative rations for lactating dairy cows. Key words: complete feed, silage, Friesian Holstein, palm oil frond, rice stra

    Sputum eosinophils are elevated in CF patients with asthma

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    Methane Mitigation and Microbial Diversity of Silage Diets Containing Calliandra calothyrsus in a Rumen in Vitro Fermentation System

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of silage based diets on methane (CH4) mitigation and microbial diversity in a rumen in vitro fermentation. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. The dietary treatments consisted of varying levels of silage containing 50% Calliandra calothyrsus as follows K; 100% concentrate + pure tannic acid of 1 mg/mL, R1; 25% silage + 75% concentrate, R2; 50% silage + 50% concentrate, R3; 75% silage + 25% concentrate, and R4; 100% silage. The fermentation variables measured were total gas, CH4, in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), VFAs, pH, N-NH3, number of protozoa, and microbial diversity analysis. Increasing level of silages reduced total gas production, CH4 concentration, IVOMD, index of bacterial diversity, protozoal number, total methanogens and Methanobacteriales population. Diet with 25% to 50% silage decreased CH4 concentration, total gas production and IVOMD by 11.43%, 24.92%, and 18.73%, respectively. Ammonia N and VFAs (except butyrate and valerate) were significantly reduced (
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